Prima | End of the Week Recap #15

A look back at everything covered on the site this week.

It’s Friday, we made it! It’s also time for our End of the Week recap. For those unfamiliar with our End of the Week recaps, they’re a compilation of links to everything covered on the site this week. The goal is to help you catch up on anything you might have missed whether it be news, previews, or guides for games you’re currently playing.

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We also include a Staff Chat section where we discuss our thoughts on the week’s hot topics, while giving you an opportunity to get to know us all a little bit better. This week, we’re taking a look at announcements including Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV not releasing in 2021, a possible Silent Hill tease, and more! 

Prima | End of the Week Recap #15

Much News

Very Features 

Wow Guides

Staff Chat



Were you excited about the Mass Effect Legendary Edition announcement?

I think so? I was certainly into Mass Effect in the moment, but I’m not sure what 2021 me will think about it. I’m sure I’ll give it a whirl.

What are your thoughts on the Akira Yamaoka interview, do you think we could be getting a Silent Hill announcement this summer?

I’ve been in camp “yeah this is probably happening” since those other rumors. As for when? Who knows, yo.

Adding to that, when do you think we’ll start seeing some big game reveals roll out? 

Probably still around the summertime, as usual. There’s probably stuff backed up that we would’ve seen last year, but I doubt that means it’ll all just drop randomly before then.

What’s one game you’re hoping to hear more about, or see a new trailer for? 

I want to know what’s up with that new Dragon Quest Monsters game in development. I know that team hit some kind of roadblock, but I hope it’s going better now!

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

I hate to say I haven’t read the site, but I haven’t read the site. Really busy on a big project! I did catch Jesse’s “Dragon Game” preview though, which I’m already down for after last week’s stream.

Are you playing any interesting games this weekend?

Yep, I’ve been playing Persona 5 Strikers, and you’ll all know what I think of it soon.

Watching anything (TV, movies, anime) that you’d recommend?

I’m gonna see if I can get my hands on that Monster Hunter movie.

Bonus question, what’s one video game character you can relate to, and why?

This is hard to answer! I like to relax and most videogame characters do exactly the opposite! Let’s go with Cool Spot. He’s cool.



Were you excited about the Mass Effect Legendary Edition announcement?

Yes! We knew it was coming but it’s still great to have a confirmed release date. Also, I bought the big dumb helmet.

What are your thoughts on the Akira Yamaoka interview, do you think we could be getting a Silent Hill announcement this summer?

I feel like it’s been rumored enough that it’s about time it shows up somewhere sooner or later.

Adding to that, when do you think we’ll start seeing some big game reveals roll out? 

Hopefully soon, I’m ready for some big video game announcements, but if things need to get delayed I understand. Hopefully, by March we have a clearer picture of stuff.

What’s one game you’re hoping to hear more about, or see a new trailer for? 

I’m really interested in Returnal and even with the delay, I feel pretty optimistic about that game.

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

Idk about my favorite but the article about Lil Yachty working on an action-heist movie using the Uno property sounds fake but is very real. 

Are you playing any interesting games this weekend?

Nothing too interesting, probably a lowkey weekend. Maybe some Control or something I’ve played already. 

Watching anything (TV, movies, anime) that you’d recommend?

I already watched WandaVision today so nothing on the horizon.

Bonus question, what’s one video game character you can relate to, and why?

Hmm, that’s a great question. Nothing immediately jumps to mind. Maybe my Demon’s Souls character because I’m constantly at odds with this wild reality we live in. 



Were you excited about the Mass Effect Legendary Edition announcement?

Absolutely, the trailer was fantastic and I’m looking forward to diving back into Mass Effect outside of just reading the books based off the games. Yes, there are Mass Effect books and they’re well worth checking out if you have the time. 

What are your thoughts on the Akira Yamaoka interview, do you think we could be getting a Silent Hill announcement this summer?

Given that the interview was quickly asked to be taken down, I actually do. Even if we just get a 30 second trailer with the name “Silent Hill” popping up at the end, that would be really exciting to see this summer. I hope it happens!

Adding to that, when do you think we’ll start seeing some big game reveals roll out? 

My prediction at the moment is April or May. I don’t anticipate hearing too much during February and March, although stranger things have happened. It’s like what the team has discussed previously about early 2021 being a little weird because of the lingering effects of the COVID pandemic. I think June and July is when the biggest trailers will start rolling out in preparation for what I imagine to be a very busy Fall 2021 release calendar.

What’s one game you’re hoping to hear more about, or see a new trailer for? 

Obviously I’m eagerly waiting for a concrete release date announcement for Horizon Forbidden West as a huge fan of Horizon Zero Dawn. And, as mentioned above, I’d love to see a Silent Hill announcement drop this summer. 

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

I loved Jesse’s preview for Century: Age of Ashes, the game sounds amazing and I’m really looking forward to playing it myself.

Are you playing any interesting games this weekend?

I might check out some of the games on Xbox Game Pass that are leaving the service soon. I also would love to spend more time with the Steam Game Festival demos, there are so many! 

Watching anything (TV, movies, anime) that you’d recommend?

Not really, but I’ve been back on a So Hyang marathon on YouTube where I watch her perform, and then I watch other people watch her perform, and we all wonder in unison how she sings so incredibly well. Truly one of the best vocalists out there right now, if not the best vocalist. I highly recommend checking out So Hyang’s performance of Arirang Alone if you haven’t already. 

Bonus question, what’s one video game character you can relate to, and why?

I feel like personality wise, I relate to Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, which is one of the many reasons why I love the game so much. It resonated with me on a deep level, and I can’t wait for Horizon Forbidden West.


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.