Demon’s Souls Received New Gameplay Footage Showing Off The Stonefang Tunnel & More

I died just watching this.

In the ramp-up to the release of the PlayStation 5, today, we were given another look at Bluepoint’s latest project Demon’s Souls. In this nearly six-minute gameplay demo, we see a whole lot of that game in action.

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Demon’s Souls has come quite a long way from it’’s days on the PlayStation 3. This remake looks stunning with 4K resolutions. 

Who knew gothic horror could look so beautiful? You can watch the gameplay footage down below.

The gameplay takes place in the Stonefang tunnels, which any fans of Demon’s Souls on PlayStation 3 will remember not so fondly. The giant spider and tunnel snakes are pretty brutal. It’s nice to see that Bluepoint isn’t pulling any punches when it comes to the game’s difficulty.

We also get a look at the Flamelurker boss fight, which is undoubtedly one of the more difficult battles in the game. The Flamelurker is a real son of a gun to fight, so I certainly don’t look forward to revisiting that fight. At least the visual will help make the fight a little more readable.

Here’s a description of the Flamelurker boss.

“Trapped deep inside the Stonefang Tunnel, the Flamelurker is a hulking one-eyed humanoid demon completely covered with fire with powerful claws capable of emitting energy shockwaves. It can also leap for a very long distances to hit its target with a double hand smash. It usually roars before it attacks and, when wounded, jumps back, leaving fiery footprints in front of him.”

Demon’s Souls releases alongside the PlayStation 5 on November 12. So be prepared to die a lot as you progress through this godforsaken hellscape.   

Are you ready to die a bunch in Demon’s Souls on PlayStation 5? Let us know on the official prima Twitter and Facebook pages. 


About the Author

Jesse Vitelli

Jesse loves most games, but he really loves games that he can play together with friends and family. This usually means late nights in Destiny 2 or FFXIV. You can also find him thinking about his ever-expanding backlog of games he won't play and being constantly dehydrated. Do not contact him.