New Behind the Scenes Video for The Medium Shows Off The OST’s Dual Partnership

A new video shows how Akira Yamaoka and Arkadiusz Reikowski have been working together on the soundtrack for the Medium.

The Medium from Polish developer Bloober Team not only allows you to seamlessly traverse between two in-game worlds, it also features a soundtrack collaboration between two talented composers. 

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New Behind the Scenes Video for The Medium Shows Off The OST’s Dual Partnership

Even without the COVID-19 pandemic, it would have been hard for Japanese composer Akira Yamaoka and Polish composer Arkadiusz Reikowski to come together in person to work on the soundtrack for The Medium. 

For those unfamiliar with each composer by name alone, you’ll likely know Akira Yamaoka from his work composing music for the Silent Hill series. Meanwhile, Arkadiusz Reikowski composed music for horror games like Kholat, Layers of Fear, and Blair Witch.

Each composer has their own unique style when it comes to creating music for horror games, and it’s exciting to know they’re working together on the soundtrack for The Medium.

It’s challenging for a single composer to work on a game’s soundtrack, let alone two composers separated by thousands of miles of distance. Fortunately, we live in a world where we can connect with anyone instantly through the power of the internet.

As discussed in a new “Behind The Scenes” video on Bloober Team’s YouTube channel, Akira and Arkadiusz collaborated with one another online using Skype and Zoom. 

Even though the two speak different languages in the video aptly titled “A Polish – Japanese Collaboration” they note that communication was smooth.

Each composer worked on a different aspect of the game with Arkadiusz composing music for the material world, and Akira composing music for the spirit world.

Even though there’s a distinction between the two there, they emphasize working closely together and developing a “shared language” for the soundtrack. The video then ends with the statement:

“I believe it’s something exceptional, rarely seen in game development: music made by two people but still so closely connected.” 

A second episode following the game’s soundtrack development is listed as “coming soon” with The Medium still slated for a Holiday 2020 release.

An exact release date has yet to be announced, though with only a few short months left before we enter 2021, we imagine it’ll either be in November around the launch of the Xbox Series X, or in early December. 

After checking it out the latest Behind The Scenes video, are you excited for The Medium? What do you think of the concept of two composers working together to create a single soundtrack for a game like The Medium?

Share your thoughts with us on our social media channels, and stay tuned for more coverage of The Medium in the near future! 

About the Author

Morgan Shaver

Morgan is a writer, metalhead, horror lover, and indie game enthusiast. When it comes to games, they love nothing more than to wax poetic about all the latest and greatest indies to anyone who'll listen. They're also a Tetris fanatic who's fiercely competitive in games like Tetris 99... and all games in general. But mostly Tetris. You can follow Morgan on Twitter @Author_MShaver