Prima Staff | End of the Week Recap #2

Helping you catch up on anything you might've missed this week, and sharing our thoughts on some of this week's spiciest news pieces.

We’re back, back again, Prima’s back… tell a friend? Ok, that was awkward. Anyway, it’s the End of the Week recap!

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If you missed last week’s recap, it’s basically an “in case you missed it” feature filled with some of the most interesting articles of the week. 

The recap also includes thoughts from Prima Staff on big events that took place during the week.

For example, we shared our thoughts on the pre-order situation for Series X | S and PS5, and Microsoft’s $7.5 billion Bethesda purchase. 

This week, a new fighter was added to Smash, Super Mario Bros. 35 was released, we got a Zombies reveal for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War… and more! 

Prima Staff  | End of the Week Recap #2 


Spooky Month

Games, Games, Games


Fun Features

Staff Chat




What do you think of the new fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

Jeez. I really don’t have a horse in the race here, but I think the Smash team’s sense of humor really shines through from what I’ve seen. Sandbox games aren’t my thing so I’ve never actually played Minecraft, but my kid is stoked so I think that part’s cool. 

Were there any other fighters you were hoping to see added?

I was thinking the other day it’d be cool to see an Echo Fighter for Ms. Pac-Man that incorporates her turbo boost gimmick somehow. I’d also love to see newer games get some roster real estate, like Astral Chain or Dragalia Lost. A new third party character from a developer or publisher that hasn’t showed up yet would also be exciting. Like, someone at Nintendo should get Tecmo Koei on the phone for, I dunno, Nobunyaga Oda or Atelier’s Ryza.

Have you been playing Super Mario Bros. 35, if so, what are your thoughts so far?

I have! I got a win too, but I feel like it was a bit too easy to “solve” the game. Matches go on longer than they probably should, and having all the levels as unlock rewards was probably a misstep. Those first few rounds were exhilarating though and I’d love to see it, you know, not get wiped from the Earth in a few months.

It’s October aka Spooky Month! What’s your favorite horror game(s) to play in October?

I don’t really get festive with games; I’ll just play horror games whenever because I’m jaded from everything I subjected myself to as a teenager. My backlog journey continues. 

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

From myself, I’ll point to my roguelike list because I had fun talking about weird games nobody else I know personally likes. From the crew, Morgan put a ton of effort into those console buyer’s guides, and it shows.

What are you playing this weekend?

Crash Bandicoot 4 will eat up most of it, but I usually find space for something on a handheld – I’m still in the middle of Octopath Traveler and Lunar, but I also got back into Assassin’s Creed: Origins last weekend. Maybe I’ll be able to knock that out on the side. 

What are you watching this weekend?

I might… read a book instead oh no!! 

Doing anything else interesting or exciting this weekend?

Well, my brand new 4K TV decided to stop working, so hopefully either it gets fixed or I know when it will get fixed. Streaming my Xbox to my phone is cool and all but I want that Crash Bandicoot Fur-K, baby. 




What do you think of the new fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

I feel like I should have a spicier take, but when it comes down to it, I’m actually pretty happy with Steve from Minecraft. Minecraft certainly deserves the spot. I always want a character that brings something new to the battle and it looks like Steve is going to do just that. 

Were there any other fighters you were hoping to see added?

Lucas and I were talking the other day about who we would like to see in Smash and honestly, I don’t really have a personal pick. There are so many characters that deserve a seat at the table that I can’t really be bummed by anyone they add. Of course, I’d love to see Dante get added, but I’m never upset when the spot goes to someone else.

Have you been playing Super Mario Bros. 35, if so, what are your thoughts so far?

I’ve played a few rounds, and I’m pretty terrible at it. I’m always swiftly reminded of how bad I am at 2d platformers, so a game where I’m doing that competitively really brings me down a peg.

It’s October aka Spooky Month! What’s your favorite horror game(s) to play in October?

I’m a big chicken when it comes to playing horror games alone. I’m going to try and rope my roommate into revisiting some of the older Resident Evil games though.

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

This is always a tough question, but I really enjoy Lucas’ 7 Games To Play If You Loved Hades piece because it will probably get me to finally play Breath of Fire 5.

What are you playing this weekend?

I’m going to check out that Crash Bandicoot game the internet has been talking about. I missed out as a kid on that franchise so it seems fitting to play Crash Bandicoot 4 in 2020.

What are you watching this weekend?

As always I’ll be catching up on Giantbomb content I missed and I’ll probably try to watch some scary movies now that October is in full force.

Doing anything else interesting or exciting this weekend?

Does ordering copious amounts of Thai food count?  




What do you think of the new fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

I think it’s a fair choice, Minecraft is incredibly popular. I didn’t expect it, but I think that because I wasn’t expecting it, I liked the reveal more. I hope it means we’ll see even more oddball additions to the roster in the future. 

Were there any other fighters you were hoping to see added?

I’m biased, but I’ll always vote for a playable Tetrimino in Smash. Or, at the very least, a Tetris stage. I’d also like to see Sora, Master Chief, and Cuphead. 

Have you been playing Super Mario Bros. 35, if so, what are your thoughts so far?

I haven’t played it yet. My son discovered the tutorial section and wanted me to teach him how to play Mario so I’ve been doing that. He’s getting he hang of it, I’m very proud. But yeah, I will check out the game this weekend for sure and see how far I get. 

It’s October aka Spooky Month! What’s your favorite horror game(s) to play in October?

Oh my god, yes. I love horror games and I love using October as an excuse to play through a ton back-to-back. I recently did a fresh playthrough of Man of Medan (still couldn’t save everyone, RIP Conrad). I’m really looking forward to Little Hope at the end of the month. I’m also replaying Resident Evil 7, and I’m looking forward to other horror games this month like Amnesia: Rebirth and Remothered: Broken Porcelain. 

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

I agree, the 7 Games to Play if You Loved Hades piece from Lucas was fantastic. I also really loved Jesse’s piece about returning to Farmville

What are you playing this weekend?

Resident Evil 7, Super Mario Bros. 35, and as always, Tetris 99.  

What are you watching this weekend?

Still working through Schitt’s Creek. I’ll probably rewatch a horror movie or two, not sure which ones yet though. Too many choices. 

Doing anything else interesting or exciting this weekend?

It’s like Pinky and the Brain, I’ll be doing the same thing I do every weekend, try to take over the world. Nothing, absolutely nothing.


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.