Star Wars: The Old Republic Best PvP Classes

What are your best choices for PVP in 2020?

BioWare’s Star Wars MMO The Old Republic is still trucking along, still getting updates, and still getting new content. And it even has a healthy PVP community that is always developing and pushing the metagame. After some recent updates towards the end of 2019, it seems like there are some clear winners right now in the SWTOR PVP arena.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Best PvP Classes

The Old Republic has a ton of content, and more classes than you’d generally expect to see in a MMO-style game. That said, they’re divided into the kinds of primary categories you’d expect to see. The top classes seem to be broken down by those categories, then again by alignment. So we’ll be looking at the community’s favorite Ranged DPS, Melee DPS, Tank, and Healer classes on both the Jedi and Sith sides.

Ranged DPS

  • Commando Gunnery (Jedi) – The people love the Assault Cannon, and the people love to give the Assault Cannon to the Commando Gunnery. Combining that with the Armor Piercing Cell ability and Blowback skill makes sure to maximize your damage.
  • Mercenary Arsenal (Sith) – The name of the game is burst damage here, as the Mercenary Arsel is a big fan of rockets. Give these jerks the High Velocity Gas Cylinder ability for a big boost to armor penetration, then use the Power Launcher skill for a damage bump across several tools at once.

Melee DPS

  • Scoundrel Scrapper (Jedi) – Effectively the game’s rogue, this Jedi class is all about the backstab-style damage. Scrappy is a skill that gives a boost to sneaky damage, and the Scatter Gun helps you with hit and run attacks.
  • Operative Concealment (Sith) – There’s a theme here, and that theme is sneaking. This Sith class also gets the brunt of its damage from avoiding detection and using Surgical Strikes to hit people in the back for extra damage.


  • Guardian Defense (Jedi) – Obviously this is a defensive class, but it’s primary function is buffing allies and debuffing opponents. Some of the key strategies revolve around knocking down enemy accuracy, while giving a boost to ally cooldown speeds. Decreasing damage is in there too, of course.
  • Juggernaut Immortal (Sith): This class just doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter what you throw at it, and it doesn’t care if there’s a healer on its own team or not. Whatever man, I’m immortal. Soresu form is a 60% armor boost ability, which sounds nasty enough. But paired with the aptly-named Invincible skill, and Immortal players just don’t need to give a damn.


  • Sage Seer (Jedi): This is pretty much a pure healing class. You can heal, you can heal an area of effect, you can boost your healing, the works. You’re just keeping everyone alive, which is great.
  • Sorcerer Corruption (Sith): This is the evil kind of healing. Basically that means you’re trickier about it. While the Sage Seer is just a big ol’ healing bomb of love and friendship, the Sorcerer Corruption does things like manipulate time and reality to break the rules. We’re talking modifying skill costs, cooldowns, and even casting times in addition to the healing.

These, at least at the time of this writing, seem to be the most popular classes being used in Star Wars: The Old Republic PVP games. Ranged DPS is all about the big guns, Melee DPS is dominated by rogue play, Tanks either rely on buffs or armor, and the healers… heal! It’s more complicated and nuanced than that of course, but the only way you’ll truly find a favorite is by digging into the metagame yourself.

Are you still playing Star Wars: The Old Republic in 2020? What do you think about the game’s more recent changes or additions? Are you throwing down in the PVP, or sticking to the story content? Let us know what’s good about SWTOR over on the Prima Games Facebook and Twitter channels!


About the Author

Lucas White

Lucas plays a lot of videogames. Sometimes he enjoys one. His favs include Dragon Quest, SaGa and Mystery Dungeon. You can find him on Twitter @HokutoNoLucas. Wanna send an email? Shoot it to [email protected].