Top 10 Best Skyrim Mods That Will Ensure a Laugh

If playing the original Skryim is starting to get old, you may want to out some of the funniest, yet best Skyrim mods that we could find.

Skyrim is undoubtedly one of the biggest gaming hits of the past decade, with players coming back to it over and over again. The game also has a very active modding community that is responsible for some great “enhancements” to the game. For this article in particular, we are going to take a look at some of the best Skyrim mods that will make you laugh. So buckle up and get ready to enjoy the ride.

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Best Skyrim Mods That Will Ensure a Laugh

The Game of Thrones Coffee Cup Mod

To kick off our list of the funniest, yet best Skyrim mods, we have the Game of Thrones coffee cup mod. If you’re a fan of the series, you’re likely familiar with the joke that the creator of this mod is getting at. If not, let me explain. In the fourth episode of the final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones, someone accidentally left a Starbucks coffee cup on set, which ended up making it into the episodes airing. Now with most shows, this wouldn’t be a problem, but since Game of Thrones is set long before the first Starbucks was built, there is a small problem here. 

In the Game of Thrones coffee cup mod, there are two cups that are out of place. One is in the Solitude Throne room. Can you find the other?

The Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage Mod

If you’re a fan of wrestling, you’ll likely be familiar with this next Skyrim mod. Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage is one of the most beloved wrestlers of all time and was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2015. If his name isn’t ringing a bell, you remember his main catchphrase, “Ohhhhh yeahhhhhh.” Here’s a video for those who don’t know:

In the Randy Savage mod, all of the dragons in the game will both look and sound like Macho Man Randy Savage. It’s uh, actually pretty fun and considered by many to be one of the best Skyrim mods of all time. 

The Poop Mod

We had to, okay? Don’t judge us until you try it. With the Poop mod, players will be able to, well, use poop for evil. In the mod, players will be able to harvest manure from different animals and use it to craft weapons, create recipes, and more. It truly is the circle of life. Unfortunately, we couldn’t grab a video of this one, but you can check it out via the link above.

The Thomas the Train Mod

This Skyrim mod might ruin your childhood, but it’s still pretty funny (and a little creepy). The Thomas the Train mod is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of Dragon’s flying around, players will be met with Thomas the Train, and a pretty creepy looking one at that. If you’re now scarred for life, it’s not my fault.

The Spider-Man Mod

Unfortunately, it seems that this mod is no longer available, and it’s a real shame because it is truly amazing. As the name implies, all of the spiders in the game have been turned into a demented form of Spider-Man. I really don’t want to say anything else about it, because I couldn’t possibly do it justice. Just watch the video above and thank me later. 

Zoidberg Mudcrab Mod

If you’re a Futurama fan, you’ve gotta download the Zoidberg Mudcrab mod. While the original one was taken down, a dedicated fan has done their best to recreate the mod to its former glory. Let’s be honest, the mudcrabs are annoying, but seeing them in the form of Zoidberg is far more pleasurable…sort of.  

The People into Cheese Mod

I honestly don’t even know what to say about the People into Cheese mod, but here we go. Essentially, you turn people into cheese. It’s a little more complicated than that, but basically you can unlock a special shout that you can use to temporarily turn your enemies into a cheese wheel. So uh, have fun?

The Shout Fart Mod

Okay okay, we’re probably getting out of control here, but the Shout Fart mod is definitely one of the most unique and funniest (depending on your sense of humor) mods out there. As the name implies, every time you bend over to shout, you’ll make a farting noise. I know it sounds dumb, but I also know that deep down you want to try it.

Super Skyrim Bros. Mod

You didn’t really think our list of the funniest, yet best Skyrim mods list would be complete without a Mario spoof, did you? In the Super Skyrim Bros. mod, players will have to race through the world of Skyrim to rescue Princess Toadstool from Bowser. The mod even features everyone’s favorite character from the Mario series, Waluigi!

The Sonic the Hedgehog Mod

Did you think we’d get away with mentioning Mario but not Sonic? Unfortunately, it looks like the Sonic the Hedgehog Skyrim mod is no longer available, but it will live on in our memories thanks to YouTube. It might be a good thing the mod no longer exists because as you can see in the video above, this is a super sketchy version of sonic.

This is going to wrap up our list of the funniest yet best Skyrim mods. We’ve got a lot of other great Skyrim content on our site, so be sure to check out some of the links below: 

What of the mods listed above is your favorite? Be sure to let us know on Twitter or Facebook!


About the Author

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith is a Guides Writer at Prima Games. Previously he has worked with IGN, GameSpot, and a handful of other great outlets. When Andrew isn't writing up game guides, you kind find him playing single-player, narrative-driven games. Wanna say hi? You can email Andrew at [email protected]