Fire Emblem: Three Houses Flowers Guide

Let our Fire Emblem Three Houses flowers guide tell you how to get these blooms and who to give them to.

We already know that giving gifts is a sure-fire way to improve your relationship with your students in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The game also gives you the option to purchase flowers for kids when their various birthdays come up on the in-game calendar, and if you really fancy yourself as someone with a green thumb, you can grow a veritable bouquet of floral delights in the Garreg Mach greenhouse. However, it’s probably not all that useful to have a whole bunch of flowers without knowing what to do with them. Let our Fire Emblem Three Houses Flowers guide tell you how to get your hands on them, and which blooms suit which budding young warriors. 

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Fire Emblem Three Houses Flowers Guide

Sure, you can buy students flowers on their birthday, but those blooms don’t mean a thing. For one, you can’t pick them out, and Fire Emblem generally just lets us assume that the student in question didn’t hate what you got them but didn’t love them either; you get a pretty standard relationship support bump, but that’s it. However, if you’re smart about handing over certain types of flowers as gifts to students, you could reap far greater support rank rewards. That’s because certain types of flowers hold a great amount of appeal to certain students. They’ll work as well as gifts in that regard, and if you need a primer on that, check out our guide on the various likes and dislikes of students to help you pick out the right thing.  

Essentially, the easiest way for you to acquire flowers in this game is to grow them. You can’t really just pick them up from foreign vendors, unfortunately; getting specialist blooms means that you have to put a shovel to the dirt and plant seeds for them. Planting seeds for flowers is easy — speak to the Greenhouse Keeper on the grounds and they will let you plant whatever your heart fancies. Each week, you can then return once and harvest the fruits of the Keeper’s labor.

Here’s a list of the different types of flowers that you can grow, and which NPCs appreciate them the most:

  • Violets — Ashe
  • Sunflowers — Alois, Petra, Shamir
  • Pitcher Plant — Bernadetta
  • Baby’s Breath — Cyril
  • Carnations — Edelgard
  • Forget-me-nots — Flayn, Ignatz
  • Lily — Lysithea
  • Roses — Lorenz
  • Lily of the Valley — Marianne
  • Lavender — Mercedes

Now that you’ve got our Fire Emblem Three Houses flowers guide to set you on the right path to botanical bliss, getting some sweet custom blooms to your favorite students should be a piece of cake. Wanting to make the most of the Garreg Mach grounds? Check out our guide to the second coolest extracurricular activity after gardening: fishing

About the Author

Ginny Woo

Ginny hails from just south of Mordor, and when she's not debating others about the One Ring then she's probably glued to an MMO or a JRPG. With Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny 2, and World of Warcraft on her plate, she's always got something to chat about and a sneaky guide up her sleeve. If writing's not on the cards, then she's probably drinking way too much coffee.