New Halo Infinite Story Trailer Shows Off Master Chief’s New Redesign

Plus, we got a release date and it's coming as a release title too.

Well, Microsoft is going to be incredibly hard to beat for the next couple of years thanks to their next generation of consoles being released with Halo Infinite. The trailer shows off a man stuck in the deep dark of space with only a hologram of his wife talking to his daughter to keep him company. As he tries to fix everything it is eventually revealed that he’s been trying to revive Master Chief, the one and only protagonist of the Halo Series. 

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The trailer shows him in a slightly new armour but with the same trademark badass nature that we’ve all come to know and love. It seems that there is yet another threat for the chief to take down and it ends with him walking into some blue light and with the voice of Cortana. Could the AI be making a return too?

There were rumours of Halo Infinite being a more multiplayer focussed game, but if this trailer is anything to go by then it looks to be more of the same classic Halo formula. That means an immersive story, incredible feeling weapons, and a slew of aliens to mow down. Of course, the multiplayer aspects could still involve something as outlandish as a battle royale mode, but we just don’t know yet. 

This is quite possibly the best possible release title for the next generation of the Microsoft consoles, and it will be out holiday 2020. That means we all have to get through this holiday season knowing full well that next year will be far better. 

If you want to stay up to date with everything going on at E3 then make sure to keep your eyes here, on Facebook, and on Twitter, where we will be sharing all of the news and our thoughts on it.  

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John Cooper