Jump Force Max Level Cap

What the max level cap is in Jump Force and how to reach it.

As you play through the campaign and complete missions in Jump Force, you’ll be able to level up each available fighter. If you’re fond of a particular fighter, you can focus on leveling them up by consistently adding them as the first fighter choice in your combat trio. 

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If you’re looking to level them up as high as possible, you’ll first want to know what the max level cap is in Jump Force. Right now the first max level cap is Level 20, while the second level cap is Level 40. There are many ways to earn the XP needed to reach Level 20. 

For example, completing Story Mode and running through Level Training missions. Once you reach Level 20, there’s a second level cap you can reach, though it requires a bit more work. To surpass the Level 20 cap, you’ll need to finish the third chapter in Story Mode. 

With the third chapter complete, you’ll unlock “Limit Breakers” missions that can be found in the Extra Missions tier. Trying your hand at Limit Breakers missions with the character you’ve level capped is a great way to push their level up even higher. 

Thanks to the inclusion of Limit Breakers, the second and “true” level cap in Jump Force is Level 40. Reaching Level 40 requires dedication and time, but is worthwhile as it’ll help you earn Support Skill Points and new abilities in Jump Force!

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Prima Games Staff

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