South Park: The Fractured But Whole Missions Guide

We go through the main and side missions in The Fractured But Whole.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole is littered with missions and scavenger hunts. As you play through the story you’ll go from one main mission to the next, but there are also side missions you can do anytime you aren’t actively engaged in completing a main mission. This article covers the main quests in The Fractured But Whole, as well as many of the side quests. If you don’t see the mission, quest or scavenger hunt you’re looking for, check back often as we will be updating this article frequently with new main and side missions.

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Main missions are first, with side missions following at the bottom. Main missions are in the order you play them in, while side missions are in alphabetical order. You will find the recommended Might Level in parenthesis after each mission title. You can also head over to our South Park: The Fractured But Whole game hub for a more in-depth breakdown of the collectible side missions.

Main Missions

Civil War (60)

  • Head back to the Coon Lair and speak with Cartman to select your second class.
  • Go to Main Street to engage the Freedom Pals.
  • Defeat the Freedom Pals, then head back to Coon Lair.
  • Speak with your friends in the Coon’s Lair to complete this mission and start the Heading Home mission.

Heading Home (0)

  • Go back to your house (two houses left of Cartman’s place).
  • Change out of your superhero costume.
  • Eat dinner at the table in the dining area.
  • Go upstairs to your room and sleep in your bed to complete this mission and move on to The Bowels of the Beast.

The Bowels of the Beast (60)

  • Change into your superhero costume.
  • Move to the basement door and use the Snap N Pop firecracker to knock down the key hanging near the doorway.
  • Collect the brass padlock key and head for the front door to unlock it.
  • Use the Snap N Pop firecracker to unlatch the lock in the middle and top of the door, then leave the house to unlock Captain Diabetes (Brutalist) as an ally.
  • Follow Captain Diabetes and engage in battle with Randy.
  • Defeat Randy then make your way to Kyle’s house and head inside.
  • Go upstairs and use a Snap N Pop firecracker to lower the ladder that leads to the attic.
  • Head into the attic and use another Snap N Pop firecracker to move the computer out of the way.
  • Pull the ladder over to the small opening near the table in the back, then climb onto the table and speak with Captain Diabetes to go out the window.
  • Follow the Captain to the Peppermint Hippo.
  • Speak to Captain Diabetes when you reach the Port-A-Potty and continue to follow him to the Peppermint Hippo.
  • Go inside through the main door, then move around to the right of the building and use a Snap N Pop firecracker on the umbrella sitting in the dumpster.
  • Speak with Captain Diabetes again, then use the knocked over pay phone to get in through the window.
  • Before you leave the bathroom, use a Snap N Pop on the condom hanging from the ceiling (near the urinal), open the yellow briefcase and smack the trash can on the far left.
  • Speak with three strippers and explore the back room and bar area if you’d like, then talk to Captain Diabetes again.
  • Head into the VIP room and complete the Lap Dance mini-game (similar to the toilet mini-game), then battle the two VIP Johns.
  • At this point you need a Gin and Tonic from the table on the far left or behind the bar, Rat Shit from the top shelf in the back room (use Snap N Pop and the ladder), and you need to light the stove in the break room with Snap N Pop, then use a fart to ignite the flames and collect the Boogers n’ Cum.
  • Use all of the items to craft a drink for the DJ, then give it to the DJ.
  • Head back stage and into the dressing room to do battle against the strippers. Keep moving to the right as quickly as possible to avoid death from booty.
  • Go outside and speak to Captain Diabetes after the sign falls on the manager.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to unlock the TimeFart Glitch, then head through the door to the right.
  • Head to the right and speak with Cartman at the table in the back to unlock him as an ally.
  • Go through the door in the middle of the restaurant to reach the kitchen.
  • Throw a Snap N Pop at the head chef to engage in battle with the kitchen crew.
  • Fart on Captain Diabetes’ face to unlock the Diabetic Rage ability and clear a path.
  • Loot the kitchen before you head through the doorway on the far left.
  • Move the cat container in the middle of the room to the right, then use the TimeFart Glitch to reverse time so you can move past the cat container and continue to the right.
  • Try to open the door, then engage in battle against Red Wine Drunk Randy.
  • Defeat Randy to complete the mission and begin the CLASSIfied mission.

CLASSified (110)

  • Head to Jimmy’s house and go inside.
  • Once Jimmy takes you upstairs, stand in the DNA Fibulator to collect the High Pain Threshold, Inhuman Accuracy and Mutant Strength DNA artifacts, as well as gain access to a new DNA Slot.
  • Leave Jimmy’s house to complete the mission and begin the Medicinal Fried Fiasco mission.

Medicinal Fried Fiasco (140)

  • Head to the alley just right of the Post Office on the middle road.
  • Defeat the Raisins Girls that attack.
  • Continue through the alley, then head left when you reach the mall to get to Medicinal Fried Chicken.
  • Collect the Cheesy Shrimparito Recipe out of the car trunk.
  • You need to craft the item, but before you can collect all of the ingredients you need the Buddy Power Fartkour, so head to Kyle’s house and win the fight there to unlock it.
  • Speak with Kyle’s cousin in the kitchen to deliver the kite.
  • To collect the ingredients you need to head to City Wok and buy the Super Spicy City Shrimp ($5.00) from the vendor, then pick up Skeeter’s Roof-Aged Cheese using Fartkour to reach the roof at Skeeter’s Wine Bar (two stores left of City Wok).
  • Craft the item in front of Medicinal Fried Chicken, then use your newly acquired TimeFart Pause to hit the lever and deactivate the lasers while time is stopped.
  • Go inside Medicinal Fried Chicken and speak to the clerk behind the counter.
  • Defeat Towelie then head back to Craig’s house to complete the mission.

Origins 3: The Visitor (235)

  • After completing The Talk 2: The Gendering side mission, Cartman will call you back to the Coon Lair.
  • The passcode has now changed to 1-3-6 (Get Scrambles Fast). Enter the code and head into the basement.
  • Sit down at the table to select your third class, choosing between Gageteer and Assassin.
  • Select your third class and go through your altered back story again to complete the mission.

Civil War 2: Playtime’s Over (235)

  • Head to the Playground near the right side of the middle road.
  • Speak with Cartman when you arrive at the Playground to initiate a battle against the Freedom Pals.
  • Defeat the Freedom Pals to obtain an Empathy Surge DNA strand and a Brainiac Costume Set. This also completes the mission and starts the Race Academy: First Class mission.

Race Academy: First Class (235)

  • Make your way back to Crunchy’s Micro Brew on the top road, between City Wok and Peppermint Hippo.
  • As soon as you walk in you’ll speak with PC Principle and select your race and ethnicity. You can change your skin color at this point if you so desire. Once you’ve selected these options the mission is complete.

We Need a Tool (235)

  • Leave Crunchy’s Micro Brew and Cartmoon will summon you to the Coon Lair.
  • Head back to Cartman’s basement and sit down to complete the mission.
  • At this point you can do whatever you like until you want to move on to the next main mission. When you’re ready, just go back to your house and change clothes or change clothes right after the Coon Lair meeting. This ends the mission and starts Under Covers.

Under Covers (235)

  • Head to your house if you’re not already there, and eat dinner at the table in the dining area just before the entrance to the kitchen.
  • After eating, head upstairs to your room and go to sleep in your bed and complete the mission. This automatically starts the Hundred Hands of Chaos mission.

The Hundred Hands of Chaos (235)

  • Change into your superhero costume and head downstairs.
  • There’s electrified water in front of the couch. Use the TimeFart Pause to freeze time so you can collect the Silver Padlock Key that’s sitting on the couch.
  • Move left to the basement door and hit the shelf above the lamp with a Snap N Pop firecracker. This knocks the Gold Padlock Key on the floor so you can pick it up.
  • Head into the kitchen to find your dad on the floor. Pick up the Copper Padlock Key right next to him then unlock the front door.
  • Once you’ve used all of the keys you just collected, hit the locks at the top and middle of the front door using your Snap N Pop firecrackers so you can open the door.
  • Follow Toolshed to the lava near Kenny’s house, then speak with him.
  • Sneak into the house and use a Snap N Pop on the neon sign to knock the Fuse of High Tolerance artifact to the ground.
  • Collect the artifact and continue to follow Toolshed.
  • Loot all the rooms in Kenny’s house to find a yaoi poster, Starchild Headband Recipe and Starchild Suit Recipe in the first room in the hallway, and a Mysterion Character Sheet in Kenny’s room on the right side of the hallway.
  • When you get to Kenny’s room, head into the closet. Inside you can use a Snap N Pop firecracker to hit the glowing crack in the upper left corner of the screen. This knocks a Cheesing Vial to the floor. You’ll need this to obtain the Cheesing Gerald summon if you haven’t done the For Nippopolis side mission yet.
  • Hit the bottom on the back side of Kenny’s closet and continue through the secret passage.
  • When you get into the backyard, move the propane grill and loot the bag behind it to get puzzle solving credit.
  • Move the propane grill to the stop sign near the green bike. Ignite the propane tank with a Snap N Pop firecracker, then use a fart to blow the tank. This creates a hole in the fence. Walk through the hole and to the left to find a bag containing a Scar Wound costume.
  • When you’re ready to leave the backyard, move to the far left and activate Toolshed’s ability to remove the lava LEGO blocks.
  • Move through the hole now that the lava has been cleared.
  • On the other side, go into the small opening where the flashlight is hanging and look to the right to find a hidden bag that contains some generic loot.
  • Head to the left and attack the bums to initiate a battle.
  • Defeat the bums to get the Sanity Siphon artifact and the Primal Aggression DNA strand.
  • Before you leave the area, loot the background and foreground and pick up all the change and the yaoi artwork on the orange tent.
  • When you’re ready to continue, head through the cardboard box to the far left and continue across the tracks and into the Freedom Pals base.
  • Keep following Toolshed until you’re inside U-Stor-It.
  • Head into the office and use a Snap N Pop firecracker to knock the yellow key off the rack.
  • Pick up the U-Stor-It Back Room Key off the floor and use it to open the door to the left to get into the back room.
  • Loot the safe to find the Champion Suit costume then go back out into the yard.
  • Loot the yard, then collect the glowing object toward the right side of the yard.
  • Go through the open storage bay door and then through the hole in the wall to follow Toolshed.
  • Continue to the right, looting as you go, then use the Buddy Power Diabetic Rage to move the hot water tank out of your way.
  • Move past the tank, then use TimeFart Glitch to reverse time and clear the way again.
  • Continue looting as you move to the far right, then pick up another glowing object.
  • Defeat the Chaos Minions.
  • Open the storage bay in the background and loot the bag inside to find a Cloth Strip Mask costume item.
  • Head through the storage bay to the far right and stand next to the laser. Use TimeFart Glitch to pause time, then quickly move to the far right and hit the lever to deactivate the laser.
  • Use the boxes in the background on the left like stairs to reach the container on top of the car. Inside you’ll find a Wasteland Suit and Wasteland Shades costume pieces.
  • Grab the TNT and move it over to the glowing crack on the far right wall. Use a Pop N Snap firecracker to ignite the TNT and blow a hole in the wall.
  • Use Buddy Power Fartkour to get through the next obstacle.
  • Move past the first ladder, then climb down the second ladder on the right.
  • Use a Snap N Pop firecracker to knock the ladder down further, then climb down to the ground.
  • Open the storage bay between the ladders and loot the crate to get an Abyssal Timepiece Recipe.
  • Climb back up the ladder and use a TimeFart Glitch to put the ladder back in the original position so you can climb all the way to the top.
  • Climb down the first ladder and loot the crate to get the Face Tendrils costume item.
  • With everything looted out of the storage bay, repeat the ladder puzzle to get back down to the ground, then head all the way to the right, punching and looting the boxes as you go.
  • Approach Craig to get a cutscene, then continue to the right and use a Snap N Pop firecracker when the Chaos Minion appears on the roof. If you check the vending machine you can pick up an Aural Disruptor artifact.
  • Keep moving to the right and wait for Cartman and Stan to drop another cardboard box. Move it to the right of the box mountain and use the boxes like stairs to climb up to the bag and collect a Maximum Revive Serum.
  • Now move the box into the convenient hole to the right so you can cross into storage bay and the area beyond.
  • It’s time to battle the Chaos Minions again, this time with General Disarray joining them. Focus most of your attacks on General Disarray. New minions will continue to appear until he goes down. Defeat him and the battle is over. You’re rewarded with a Diabolic Inscription artifact and The Ginger Sense DNA strand for your troubles.
  • At this point you’ve now unlocked the Buddy Power Sandblaster. Use your new Buddy Power to clear the lava and free Craig. You need to slowly move the analog sticks until you hit the right voltage.
  • Take a quick selfie with Stan, the head up the ladder to follow Kyle to the roof.
  • Use a Snap N Pop firecracker to hit the Chaos Minion on top of the tower, then use the Sandblaster Buddy Power to clear the lava. Use several more Snap N Pops to hit each of the cracks in the wood and create a makeshift ladder that you can use to scale to the top.
  • Loot the bag at the top, then use Fartkour.
  • Loot everything on both sides of the rooftop before you climb down the ladder on the left.
  • Use the Sandblaster to clear the lava on the ground and continue up and to the right.
  • Go inside the storage bay in the background and use a TimeFart Glitch to pause time and access the crate in the back to the bay. Inside you’ll find a Trinity of Reflection artifact.
  • Loot everything outside as you continue to make your way to the right. If you opt to engage the Chaos Minions here you’ll be able to get the bag on top of the truck and obtain an Infernal Glyphs Recipe (+44% knockback combo damage).
  • Keep moving to the right and loot the area before you open the next storage bay. When you’re ready, open the storage bay and fight the Meth Heads. Watch out because the barrels here explode in a cross shape (one square range). If you have Jimmy in your squad, you can use Blind Side on the enemy at the top of the screen and it will hit the nearby barrel causing a chain reaction that damages half the enemies.
  • Defeat the Meth Heals to get a Filter Mask costume item and another Cheesing Vial.
  • Head to the far right and wait for Call Girl to give speak to you, then use the panel next to the storage bay door. Enter the passcode 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7.
  • Move inside the storage bay and use the Buddy Power Sandblaster on the hole at the end of the large pipe near the entrance.
  • The Sandblaster knocks down the fireworks, which you can then ignite with the Snap N Pop firecracker to clear the turrets.
  • Defeat the remaining Chaos Minions to earn the Agonizer of Gaia artifact.
  • Loot the bag by the throne to the far right, then use the Sandblaster to clear the lava away from the ladder and follow Toolshed up to the roof.
  • Talk to Toolshed on the roof then prepare for a battle against Professor Chaos. He is immune to almost everything, but Shock works well on him so go into the fight with some healing and any Shock attacks you may have. Anything that has Cleanse is also good to have for this fight.
  • During phase one of the battle focus on Chaos wide body to hit him with everything while avoiding the delayed attacks.
  • During phase two, hit the medical minions first, then focus on Chaos.
  • For phase three, try to stay away from Chaos because he can attack multiple times in a row if he’s close enough.
  • Defeat Chaos to get Butters’ Garage Key, the Supreme Fist of Chaos artifact and the Chaos Suit costume.
  • Back at the Coon Lair, sit down at the table to complete the mission. This also starts The Chaos Gambit and The Invitation main missions, as well as the (You Can) Call on Me side mission.

The Invitation (400)

  • This mission begins shortly after completing The Hundred Hands of Chaos main mission.
  • Head to the Steed on the far east (right) side of town.
  • Hit the cracked sign so you can go upstairs.
  • Head up the stairs to engage in battle against the City Ninja Service. However, you can also opt to pay them $5,000 if you happen to have that kind of money.
  • When fighting the Ninja, focus on the leader first, then when the second wave of Ninja appear, focus on the off-white colored Ninja. They can summon more Ninja, which will make the battle drag out.
  • Defeat the Ninja to complete the mission and earn a Scroll of 1000 Winds artifact (Knockback Combo Damage +18%, Ultimate Recovery +6%) and The Vizier costume.
  • Don’t forget to head back upstairs after the fight and collect the Memberer in far right corner. Some Ninja will be there to ambush you, but you can stun them with a Snap N Pop or use a TimeFart Pause if you don’t want to fight them.

The Chaos Gambit (350)

  • This mission begins shortly after completing The Hundred Hands of Chaos main mission.
  • Go to the Coon Lair and sit down at the table.
  • Make your way over to Butters’ house and go inside.
  • Head upstairs and into the door on the far left.
  • Collect the blueprints (Flying Minion Recipe) on Butters’ desk, then pick up the superhero figurine on the floor to the far right side of the room. Move the blue and purple step ladder over to the green dresser and use it to reach the hamster (Minion Test Pilot) on top of the dresser. Finally, use a Snap N Pop firecracker to knock down the rocket ship hanging over the Panda Mania poster, then move the ladder to Butters’ bed and use it to reach the rocket ship (Minion Aero Foil) after it falls on the bed.
  • With all of the pieces gathered, craft the Flying Minion mission item, then speak with Butters.
  • Use a Snap N Pop to hit the electric box connected to the security system on the door, then use Inspection Mode to gain access to your newly acquired Buddy Power, Haywire.
  • Go downstairs and engage in battle with Butters’ dad.
  • This battle changes your character’s ultimate attack into a move that ungrounds your allies. Move around the battlefield to avoid the delayed grounding attacks and unground your party members. You have a limited number of turns to defeat Butters’ dad before he grounds everyone at once, so unground everyone and attack as often as possible. You can also save your TimeFart Glitch to avoid an grounding attack.
  • Head out of Butters’ house to unlock him as an ally, then make your way over to Token’s house on the top road. Before you go to Token’s, loot Butter’s garage if you haven’t already.
  • Go through the gate to Token’s front yard, then move into the house and use the Buddy Power Haywire to break the lock on the Freedom Pals base.
  • Move through the door and into the Freedom Pals base to complete the mission and start The Samaritan Agenda main mission and Therapy Wars side mission.

The Samaritan Agenda (400)

  • Head to the South Park Senior Center just left of Token’s house and speak with Tupperware and Wonder Tweek outside.
  • When you go inside, play the instrument assigned to you by following the on-screen prompts.
  • After the performance you must defeat the elderly and escape Shady Acres.
  • Focus more on moving to the far left than attacking the elderly. While you need to stay alive, the elderly will keep coming until your entire party is in the white squares near the exit, so that should be your focus.
  • Defeat the elderly to complete the mission, start the Origins 4: The Omega Prologue main mission, earn the Seal of Freedom artifact (72 Might, +4% Status Effect Damage, +8% Ultimate Recovery) and Elder Maw Recipe (artifact with 75 Might and +27% Bonus Ally Health).

Origins 4: The Omega Prologue (500)

  • Head back to the Coon Lair and sit down at the table.
  • Select your fourth class and go through the origin story again to earn The Coon Character Sheet.
  • When you’re ready to move on to the next mission, go home and change clothes (or change clothes when asked at the end of this mission).
  • Changing clothes and going home completes this mission and starts Nocturnal Submission.

Nocturnal Submission (500)

  • Go upstairs to your room and try to go to sleep in your bed.
  • Head downstairs and eat dinner at the dining table.
  • Now go back upstairs again and go to sleep in your bed.
  • Change clothes to complete the mission and start The Thin White Line.

The Thin White Line (500)

  • Leave the house and follow Mysterion to the Police Station.
  • Look into Myserion’s window, then head inside the Police Station.
  • Walk over to the cop in the middle of the room and start a fight.
  • Head into the door to the right of the Break Room door.
  • Make your way through the opening to the right and loot the right side of the room.
  • Use TimeFart Pause to stop the laser, then quickly head up the stairs and hit the switch to turn off the laser.
  • Punch the box of files at the top of the first flight of stairs, then open the vent behind it.
  • Loot the red toolbox to the right to find a Monk Dots costume, then climb to the top.
  • Throw a Snap N Pop firecracker at the glowing crack in the upper left corner of the screen, then use Buddy Power Haywire to disable the security system.
  • Go back into the vent and head back down the ladder, then go upstairs and through the door at the top.
  • Loot the next room to find a Tantalum Accelerator Recipe (artifact with 100 Might and +14% Critical Strike Damage) in the bag in the corner, then head through the door in the background.
  • Look in the interrogation room to the right and loot it to get some components.
  • Go back to the holding cell area and hit the button on the far left side to start a fight with the Crooked Cops.
  • Defeat the cops to obtain the Hyper Glass artifact (80 Might, +5% Status Effect Damage, +4% Ultimate Recovery), then loot the cop on the ground near the right side of the room to get the Holding Cells Access Card.
  • Hit the button on the left side of the room again, then head through the door on the left.
  • Enter the vent in the bottom right corner to reach the evidence room.
  • Loot the contains on the ground, then use the ladder to get to the contain on the shelf on the right side of the room to obtain a Song of the Drunk Knight artifact (80 Might, +26% Knockback Combo Damage, +8% Ultimate Recovery) and Defender Mask. Move the ladder to the left side of the room to get to the police bag which has some biohazard crafting materials.
  • Unlock the door to the right for access to the room later, then head back through the vent.
  • Go left of the Authorized Personnel sign and use TimeFart Pause when the cell door is open to sneak through and loot the police bag inside. The police bag contains an Infectious Encryptor artifact (80 Might, +10% Status Effect Damage, +26% Knockback Combo Damage).
  • Go back into the previous area and head through the door on the left marked as the exit.
  • Loot the locker near the door, then use TimeFart Pause to nullify the laser while you move the propane tank over to the glowing crack near the left side of the room.
  • Hit the propane tank with a Snap N Pop firecracker, then use a fart (Lil’ Toot) to blow it up and reveal a hole in the wall.
  • Before you solve the puzzle, head right to enter one of the drunk tank cells. Loot the red toolbox inside to find a Prison Tat costume item.
  • Go back into the crack and use a Buddy Power Fartkour on the slowly spinning fan to the left.
  • Move into the vent at the top, then use a Snap N Pop firecracker on the security box in the upper right corner. Follow that with a Buddy Power Haywire to disable the security system.
  • Fartkour back down, then head up the stairs, collecting the Annihilation Overthruster Recipe (artifact with Might 100 and +13% Health Recovery) in the red toolbox along the way.
  • Go through the door at the top, then use Buddy Power Sandblaster on the hose near the doorway. This moves the monitor so it’s positioned over the cop’s head.
  • Hit the monitor with a Snap N Pop firecracker to knock out the cop, loot the box to the right of the desk, then use Buddy Power Haywire to short out the security system on the door to the right.
  • Head through the door on the right to engage in a battle against Jared.
  • When fighting Jared you want attacks that are not limited to hitting in a straight line. Jared mostly uses delayed, straight line attacks, so if you are also limited to straight line attacks, you won’t be able to hit Jared without getting hit yourself. Jared is also immune to Chill, but you can cancel his turn with a TimeFart Glitch. When Jared’s aides show up, continue to focus primarily on Jared. While his aides can heal Jared, once he goes down the fight is over, no matter how many aides remain.
  • Defeat Jared to get the Tumbler of Erupting Youth artifact (100 Might, double healing item potency), then decide if you want to finish him off with a fart.
  • Loot the hidden bag directly behind Jimmy, then head over to the elevator on the far right and enter the code: 1477.
  • Go into the morgue and pull out the gurney in the hallway on the left side of the room.
  • Hanging from the gurney is the Forensics Room Key. Grab the key, then look inside the hallway on the left to find a hidden bag. Loot the rest of the room before you leave.
  • Head into the forensic room and wait for the talking to end, then loot the room and throw a Snap N Pop firecracker at the glowing cracker in the upper right corner.
  • Use the Buddy Power Haywire to unlock the door, then activate a TimeFart Pause and quickly open the glass door and grab the Forensics Cabinet Key on the floor near the dead body.
  • Unlock the glass cabinet in the back of the room, then open the cabinet door and use the Buddy Power Sandblaster on the hose within.
  • With the gas cleared, go into the room on the right and use Buddy Power Diabetic Rage near the green square on the floor.
  • Collect the Skeleton Key under the green hatch, then exit the room and open the gate on the far right side of the hallway to engage Shub-Niggurath in battle. A good party composition is The Coon, Mysterion and Fast Pass.
  • The battle against Shub-Niggurath is not about inflicting damage. You want to select party members who have good knockback attacks. The idea here is to get to the left side of the battle area, then push the enemies to the right side. Shub-Niggurath will alternate between 1-shot kill attacks and eating attacks (which also instantly kill). The eating attacks will lower Shub-Niggurath’s health, and that’s the only way to damage the boss and win the fight. However, Shub-Niggurath has to eat white characters (enemies or party members) in order to inflict damage to the boss. Focus on moving to the right, out of the delayed attack range of Shub-Niggurath, and knock the enemies into Shub-Niggurath’s attack range.
  • Defeat Shub-Niggurath to earn the Necronomicon artifact (90 Might, +10% Status Effect Damage, +2% Ultimate Recovery), Ungodly Strength DNA strand (Brawn +25%, Brains +25%, Spunk +25%) and Mummy Costume Set.
  • After taking down Shub-Niggurath you must face off against Coon and Friends.
  • The fight starts with everyone of the Coon and Friends being Charmed, meaning you only have your character, Call Girl and Captain Diabetes in your party. You can’t attack Timmy at first, but as you defeat each member of the Coon and Friends, they will stand back up (with one health) and join your party. Healing and Cleanse abilities are a huge benefit during this fight, as are any abilities that remove a turn (Chill) or inflict damage over time.
  • Once Timmy joins the fight, focus on taking him down to end the battle, complete the mission, and be rewarded with the Energizing Codex artifact (Might 100, +13% Health Recovery, +15% Bonus Ally Health) and Doctor Timothy Character Sheet.

Freedom Calling (700)

  • Shortly after completing The Thin White Line, you will get the call to head to the Freedom Pals HQ at Token’s house.
  • Go to Token’s house and down into the Freedom Pals HQ, then approach the Freedom Pals.
  • After the cutscene you will have access to all classes, meaning you can choose your combat abilities for any of the 10 classes in the game.
  • Choose your new loadout to complete the mission and start To Catch a Coon.

To Catch a Coon (700)

  • Head outside of Token’s place, then make your way (on foot) to Tweek Bros. Coffee, down the street to the right. Fast Travel is disabled so you’ll have to walk everywhere for the next couple riddles.
  • Go inside Tweek Bros. and speak with the man in the red shirt.
  • When you leave Tweek Bros. you will be ambushed by the leaders of the City Ninja, rednecks, Raisin girls and Crab People.
  • Defeat the enemies to get a Mitch Conner Hat for your troubles.
  • The first puzzle is, “A place where death comes in all shapes and sizes – go into this store to find what your prize is,” which is Jimbo’s Guns.
  • Head to Jimbo’s Guns to solve the riddle. Go inside and take a selfie with Daniel (the guy inside).
  • The next riddle is, “I am a place where seats hang from chains; part desert, part jungle, where happiness reigns,” which is the Playground.
  • Head to the basketball court portion of the Playground and talk to the woman wearing the teal blue shirt. Take a selfie with her then make your way to the Community Center.
  • Fast Travel is available again, so head to the school Fast Travel point to cut your transit time to the Community Center.
  • Approach the Freedom Pals to engage in battle against Mitch Conner.
  • Mitch can take two turns in a row, steal your turn and inflicts heavy damage with additional status effects coming at random. As long as you attack quickly and have some moderate healing available (with some items to bring people back from the dead if you’re worried), you shouldn’t have much issue here.
  • Defeat Mitch Conner to get the Heavy Hand of Deception artifact (95 Might, +18% Knockback Combo Damage, +6% Ultimate Recovery) and the Spire of Domination Recipe (80 Might artifact with +10% Status Effect Damage).
  • Head back to the Freedom Pals base at Token’s house.
  • After the cutscene, this mission is concluded as The Many Asses of Dr. Mephesto mission begins. This is also a good time to get selfies with everyone on the Freedom Pals if you haven’t already.

The Many Asses of Dr. Mephesto (700)

  • Head to Mephesto’s Genetics Lab in the upper left corner of the map.
  • When you reach the main gate wait for Morgan Freeman to appear and tell you about your new fart ability to instantly shift from day to night.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to shift to night, then head through the gate and up the path, collecting the loot on either side (blocked by snow that has to be punched).
  • When you get inside the lab, walk to the left and loot the container in the background near the last scientist wearing white.
  • Step into the tram and watch the cutscene until it’s time to fight the Many-Assed Cats.
  • This fight is fairly straight forward. More cats will spawn over time, but there is an end to the cats. Just avoid the tanks so you don’t take additional damage from being grossed out.
  • Defeat the Many-Assed Cats to earn the Claw Scars costume. You can also head back into the lab where the fight took place and loot the bag near the left side of the room to get a Maximum Antidote. There are also a couple tubes in the lower left corner that can be punched, as well as a red toolbox next to the tubes, and a yellow bag near the entrance, all with scrap items.
  • Approach the group, then head through the door on the far right.
  • In the next room look in the background, near the green slime, to find a bag that holds a Dazzling Dervish Recipe (100 Might artifact with +27% Bonus Ally Health).
  • Use the Buddy Power Sandblaster to clear the green slime, then use Buddy Power Haywire to disable part of the security system blocking the doorway. Once that’s done, use a TimeFart Pause to disable the lasers so you can pull the energy capsule out.
  • Buddy Power Diabetic rage will move the cylinder with the green base out of your way. Push the energy capsule to the right, then use TimeFart Glitch to reverse time.
  • With the cylinder standing up again, use it to climb up to the self so you can collect the Cheesing Vial from the bag, then hit the switch to lower the ladder to the left.
  • Loot the container on the far right side of the area, then move the energy capsule into position to the left of the door.
  • Head down the stairs and stop at the vending machine if you need supplies. Continue to the left and loot the bag just before you reach the emergency exit.
  • Go through the exit and use Buddy Power Sandblaster to remove the green slime in the foreground so you can loot the biohazard container.
  • Use Buddy Power Haywire on the security system above the door in the middle of the area.
  • If you don’t want to engage the 6th Graders, use TimeFart Pause a couple of times to hit the buttons in the back rooms to pull up boobs and distract them. If you engage and defeat the Mutated 6th Graders you’ll earn the SphincterPlex artifact (95 Might, +6% Status Effect Damage, +26% Knockback Combo Damage) and Gorilla Toughness DNA strand (Brawn +30%, Spunk -25%, Health +20%).
  • Head into the last room or the room on the right (both with buttons) and walk toward the middle room to reach the container behind the glass. Inside is a Plasma Analizer artifact (100 Might, +12% Critical Strike Damage, +9% Health Recovery).
  • When you’re ready, head through the door on the far left and take a selfie when prompted.
  • Loot the room, then head through the door on the left. Use Buddy Power Sandblaster to clear the green slime, then collect the Nucleus Suit and Nucleus Mask from the biohazard container.
  • Throw a  Snap N Pop firecracker at the glowing crack near the glass door, then use Buddy Power Haywire to drop the door to the floor. Now use Buddy Power Fartkour on the fan to cross the area.
  • Go down the ramp in the foreground, then loot the biohazard container and the container directly behind Kyle before using Fartkour again.
  • Use Buddy Power Diabetic Rage on the green hatch, then climb down the ladder. Walk across to the door on the right and engage the 6th Graders while avoiding the delayed attacks. Your reward is a Cloven Heirloom artifact (100 Might, missed Critical Strikes have a 50% chance of succeeding) and Raging Hormones DNA strand (+40% Spunk, -15% Health, 3 Move).
  • Loot the room, then head through the door on the right. Loot the next room before speaking with your dad.
  • Move into the glass chamber where you mom is waiting and speak with her, then open the cabinet in the background to find a Tactical Genius DNA strand (+50% Brains, -25% Health).
  • You have a choice between killing your mother or your father. The choice ends with the same result so pick either one and put their parts in the scanner in the back of the room.
  • Move into the tram, then you have the option to give the 6th grader up to five more butts at the cost of $0.25 per butt, then slap him for $0.25 a slap.
  • When you’re ready head through the door to the left and get ready to engage Mutant Alternate Human Kite.
  • Mutant Alternate Human Kite will move back and forth across the battle area in a straight line that’s several squares wide. Try to stay out of his path if you can, and have healing and reviving items and abilities ready because he inflicts a ton of damage with every hit. After the fight begins you will have to use your fart powers to change the time from day to night and vice versa. Every time this happens Mutant Alternate Human Kite is weakened and you should unleash as many attacks as possible until he recovers. It’s also important to note that Mutant Alternate Human Kite is immune to Chill, Shock, Charm, Confuse, Slow and Knockback.
  • Defeat Mutant Alternate Human Kite to complete the mission, start the Farts of Future Past mission and earn the Sentient Cyst artifact (100 Might, +15% Health Recovery, +6% Bonus Ally Health).

Farts of Future Past (780)

  • Head to City Hall and talk to the Freedom Pals.
  • Go to Freeman’s Tacos and approach Morgan Freeman. Select the vendor when you’re ready for the final battle, then leap through time.
  • Leave Freeman’s Tacos to engage in a battle against the Woodland Critters.
  • Santa Claus will come to help you, but it’s best to go into this battle with plenty of attacks that cause Chill, Confuse and Charm to make this considerably easier. Don’t line up in a vertical line to avoid taking hits to multiple party members at once, and have Santa lay down Gingerbread so the enemies focus on them instead of your party members.
  • Defeat the Woodland Critters to earn a Festive Verse artifact (100 Might, +18% Knockback Combo Damage, +6% Ultimate Recovery).
  • Head to Unplanned Parenthood and loot all the presents on your way. Make sure to grab the item at the alley left of D-Mobile to find an Egg of Everlasting Life Recipe (artifact with 80 Might, +8% Ultimate Recovery).
  • Go inside Unplanned Parenthood then leap through time again.
  • Follow yourself and move toward your friends to engage in battle against the King.
  • This is a multi-phase battle that starts with the King. You won’t have to last long here. Hit the King a few times and he’ll retreat, replaced by Warrior Clyde. Focus on Clyde instead of his minions. As soon as Clyde goes down that phase ends and Thief Craig enters the battle. Focus on Craig instead of his clones for the same reason. As soon as Craig goes down High Jew Elf Kyle enters the battle. Once again, focus on Kyle instead of his minions to move on to the final phase against the King.
  • In the last phase, do everything you can to stop the King from attacking, as his attacks inflict significant damage on multiple party members. In addition, if you take down the King, the fight is over. It doesn’t matter how many enemies are still alive. However, if you can’t reach the King, focus on healing your party or attacking Craig and Butters to avoid their shadow clones and shielding techniques respectively.
  • Defeat the King to finish the battle and earn the Elven Relic artifact (100 Might, +35% Knockback Combo Damage, +12% Ultimate Recovery).
  • Take a selfie with the bad guys, then head into your parents room, then leap through time again.
  • Follow Cartman to engage in battle against Mitch Conner… again.
  • During the battle Mitch Connor cheats multiple times. Just keep attacking Kyle and Cartman until Timmy calls for no cheating, then you can actually defeat them.
  • Scroll down to the selfie of Connor’s plans, then upload it to Call Girl to end the game!

Side Missions

A Perky Predicament (500)

  • Speak with Stan outside of Raisins.
  • Head inside Raisins to engage in combat with a number of Raisins girls.
  • For this fight it’s extremely useful to have a Cleanse ability like the Elementalist’s Hydro Helper technique, and ideally at least two different party members who can heal (or have items ready to do this). There are three phases to this fight, and at the start of each phase one of the Raisins girls will charm a member of your party. They will turn against you for several turns and even take damage from your attacks.
  • Defeat the Raisins girls to get the Raisins Outfit and Mosquito Character Sheet.

A Randy Mystery (0)

  • Speak with Randy outside of Stan’s house to begin this mission.
  • Complete this mission during the natural course of The Bowels of the Beast main mission.


Always Bet on Chaos (400)

  • Complete The Samaritan Agenda (400) main mission and very soon after this side mission will begin.
  • Go to the Bank of South Park and head inside.
  • You need to play the economic mini-game, which is basically just spinning the wheel and hoping you don’t land on bankruptcy. You can usually get away with at least two spins without a bankruptcy, but after that you probably want to use an ability that allows you to stop the wheel at any time (if you have one).
  • Complete the mini-game, then head outside to engage in battle with the rednecks. Professor Chaos can now summon a Chaos Minion during combat.
  • Defeat the rednecks to complete the mission and earn the Horns of the Deplorable artifact (72 Might, +7% Status Effect Damage, +32% Knockback Combo Damage), Oracle of the Deviant Recipe (artifact with 80 Might and +13% Health Recovery) and Professor Chaos Character Sheet.

For Nippopolis (0)

  • Head to the bottom right corner of the map, across the train tracks, to find Kenny’s House and what’s left of The Stag (Steed on the map).
  • Kenny’s dad is wandering around, but you’re interested in Kyle’s dad, who is perched on top of the closed Sodosopa store.
  • Before you head up to Mr. Broflovski, right in front of The Stag is a broken down car. Open the door to the car to find a Cheesing Vial. You may already have one from elsewhere in South Park, but this one is conveniently located close to Mr. Broflovski.
  • With the Cheesing Vial in your inventory, use the Buddy Power Fartkour that you obtained in the middle of the Medicinal Fried Fiasco mission, and fly up from the left side of The Stag to work your way over to Kyle’s dad.
  • Talk to Kyle’s dad to complete the mission and unlock the Cheesing Gerald: Warrior of Nippopolis summon. You can also get a selfie with Mr. Broflovski now.

Ghost Reconciler (140)

  • In-depth walkthrough of Ghost Reconciler!
  • To start the side mission, speak with Craig in front of Tweek Bros. Coffee (top road, far right side, north of the PlayGround).
  • Head inside the coffee shop and into the back room where you’ll find Tweek. To gain access to the employee only area, you may have to use the Fartkour Buddy Power in Bijou Theater to climb up the ladder inside and run across the roof to Tweek Bros. Coffee, then enter from there (depending on when you try to find Tweek).
  • Speak to Tweek, then head back outside to talk to Craig again.
  • Activate the Fast Travel point to the right of the coffee house, then use it to make your walk back to Craig’s a little shorter (Fast Travel to Tom’s Rhinoplasty and walk from there).
  • When you get to Craig’s place, head upstairs and into the middle door (on the back wall) to enter Craig’s room.
  • Look inside the Snacky Cakes box on the floor and Stripe will run to the vent on the right. Fart by the vent, then immediately use a TimeFart Pause so you can catch Stripe before he runs to the other vent by the bed. If you’re not fast enough, just repeat the process by the other vent until you catch Stripe.
  • Head back to Tweek Bros. Coffee and approach Craig, then head inside and speak with Tweek again.
  • Go back outside and speak with Craig once again, then head back into the employee room and talk to Tweek again.
  • Speak with Mr. Tweek behind the counter of the coffee shop to complete the mission and obtain the Electropunk costume set.

Microaggression Academy (160)

  • Enter Crunchy’s Micro Brew on the top road just behind the Police Station.
  • Complete PC Principle’s course on microagression to complete the mission (don’t worry, you can’t fail).

Operation: Blind Justice (200)

  • Wait one night cycle after completing Operation: Just Cause, then head back to the Police Station and speak with Sergeant Yates.
  • Head to the Kingpin’s House on the top road to the right of the Senior Center.
  • Go through the front gate and take out the security team waiting on the other side to get the Adrenal Overload DNA and Banner of Exile artifact.
  • Collect the loot on either side of the front yard, then open the garage partially to get the loot in the bag on the ground.
  • Head into the front door and use the phone to activate the hacking mini-game. Move the hacking device and the phone to the flashing yellow spots before time runs out. Do this three times to complete the mini-game.
  • Your destination is the left-most room on the second floor, but loot every other room, including the kitchen and backyard first.
  • When you enter the designated room you will engage in battle with the Kingpin (Token’s dad). Defeat him to get the Monocle costume item.
  • Your next stop is back at the Police Station, but before you go, head back into Token’s house and loot the room where you fought Token’s dad. You’ll find a yaoi poster there, as well as some smaller loot.
  • Head back to the Police Station and speak with Sergeant Yates to get the Shield of Shining Eagle artifact and complete the mission. You can also get a selfie with Sergeant Yates now.

Operation: Just Cause (20)

  • Head to the Police Station (middle road, far left side) and speak with Sergeant Yates.
  • Go to the blue house to the right of the basketball court on the middle road.
  • Head into the kitchen to engage the “drug dealer” in solo combat.
  • Defeat the drug dealer to complete the mission.

Peppermint Hippo Lost and Found (0)

  • To begin this mission, speak with Jimbo at Jimbo’s Guns on the top road to the far left.
  • Head to the Peppermint Hippo (several buildings to the right of Jimbo’s Guns) and look on the table to the left of the stage, right in front of the VIP area.
  • Pick up Jimbo’s wallet from the table, then head back to Jimbo’s Guns.
  • Speak with Jimbo to complete the mission and get the Ham Radio item that allows you to use the Ned and Jimbo summon attack. You can also take a selfie with Jimbo now.

Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Cats (0)

  • Once you have TimeFart Pause, go to Big Gay Al’s house on the middle road, to the right of The Playground.
  • Speak with Big Gay Al outside his house to begin this side mission.
  • You can find the cat locations and details on how to catch the cats in our in-depth guide on this mission.

Scavenger Hunt: The Headshot Job (0)

  • You can start this quest at the Police Station.
  • Our in-depth guide has all of the details on how to begin the quest and the location of all the headshot spots.

Scavenger Hunt: The Yaoi Project (0)

The Big Beatdown (400)

  • After completing the Vigilante Marketing side mission, Ms. Cartman will eventually call on you again.
  • Head back to Cartman’s house to battle against the Pimp and his Hoes. All you have to do during this battle is slap the two Hoes (your only attack) and they’ll become Charmed, taking down the Pimp for you.
  • Defeat the Pimp to earn a Goblet of Supreme Crunk (70 Might, +8% Status Effect Damage, +2% Ultimate Recovery) and the Pimp Strength DNA strand (+25% Brawn and Brains), then take selfies with both Hoes to complete the mission.

The Talk 2: The Gendering (160)

  • After you speak with Mr. Garrison once, he’ll call you in again to see him in his office. This time there will be electrified water and a sixth grader blocking your path. Use the TimeFart Pause ability you obatined during the Medicinal Fried Fiasco mission to pause time. While time is paused, run across the water and hit the power switch by Mr. Garrison’s door. You can also use a Snap N Pop firecracker to hit the light above the 6th grader to knock him out.
  • With all obstacles removed, head into Mr. Garrison’s office and speak with him to better define your gender and sexual orientation.
  • After you’re done speaking with Mr. Garrison, head outside to engage in battle against several rednecks. Defeat the rednecks to complete the mission and obtain the Judgmental Rush DNA strand.

Therapy Wars (400)

  • Complete The Chaos Gambit main mission and the Ghost Reconciler side mission to unlock Therapy Wars.
  • Head to South Park Elementary and make your way to the gym, all the way in the back of the school.
  • Defeat the Therapy Kids in combat to complete the mission and collect the Triumph of the Heart artifact, Super Craig Character Sheet and Wonder Tweek Character Sheet.

Touch the Sky (600)

  • After completing The Thin White Line main mission, leave your house and this mission will begin.
  • Make your way to Stark’s Pond on the far left side of the map. If you haven’t been already, you will need to use Buddy Power Diabetic Rage to move the objects with a green base out of your way so you can access the Stark’s Pond area.
  • Look for a man standing on the south side of Stark’s Pond. He’ll call out to you when you approach.
  • Speak with this man and you will end up playing a mini-game very similar to Flappy Bird. Press X (PS4) or A (Xbox) to move the unicorn up. The objective is to avoid the columns and eventually the fireballs. You can take three hits, but you don’t need to make it all the way to the end. If you get to the demon you’ve gone far enough.
  • Complete the mini-game and you can select your alignment and religion. Once you’ve done that you will have to face off against the rednecks again.
  • Defeat the rednecks to complete the mission, then head back to your Toy Box to find a Super Guppy Suit, Super Guppy Gloves, Super Guppy Cap and Super Guppy Goggle costume items.

Vigilante Marketing (0)

  • Speak with Cartman’s mom in the kitchen of Cartman’s house. She’ll give you her business cards to hand out.
  • Head to Skeeter’s Bar on the top road, all the way to the far left.
  • Talk to the three male patrons at the bar and you’ll hand them the business card. At this point you can also now get a selfie with Mr. Donovan (the guy wearing green by the bartender).
  • Go back to Cartman’s house and speak with his mom to complete the mission and receive Ms. Cartman’s Double Stuffed Brownies.

(You Can) Call on Me (350)

  • Complete The Hundred Hands of Chaos main mission to automatically begin this side mission.
  • Head to The Playground near the middle of the map and head into the bathroom that corresponds with your gender (don’t worry, Call Girl will call out if you go into the wrong one).
  • Go to D-Mobile on the middle street (between the Post Office and Tom’s Rhinoplasty) and speak with Call Girl right outside to start a battle with the Crab People.
  • This is a normal battle until the Crag King appears. When this happens focus all of your attention on the Crab King. The battle is over as soon as the king is defeated.
  • Defeat the Crab People inside D-Mobile to complete the mission and obtain a Subdermal Mutation DNA strand (Spunk and Health increase, Brains decrease) and the Call Girl Character Sheet. You can also loot the remains of the Crab People before you leave the store.

Don’t forget to check out our South Park: The Fractured But Whole game hub for more strategies and advice, including Yaoi artwork locations, security and passcodes, and more!

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.