For Honor – Peacekeeper Guide

We go in-depth with the Peacekeeper class in For Honor!

The Peacekeeper in For Honor is one of the most agile classes in the game and very difficult to pin down. However, on the negative side she suffers from short range on most of her attacks and her defense is a bit weaker if you don’t have good reaction time. This Peacekeeper guide covers her advanced strategies and tactics for players who already have a general grasp on the gameplay of For Honor. However, even if you’re new to the game, this Peacekeeper guide can give you a good overview of how the hero plays and tell you how to perform the elusive Peacekeeper Stab and Triple Stab that many players are having trouble with.

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Feel free to watch the video below if you’re not into reading, but keep in mind this article offers slightly more detail on Peacekeeper strategies. Watching the video and reading this Peacekeeper guide will teach you everything need to know to really start stomping the competition in For Honor.


While most classes in For Honor can block in any direction for an infinite time period by simply pressing the Right Analog Stick in that direction one time, this is not the case of the Peacekeeper. If you want to block an attack as the Peacekeeper you need to press the Right Analog Stick in the appropriate direction just before the attack connects. After a very short period of time she will stop blocking in that direction and you’ll have to tap the Right Analog Stick again to block with appropriate timing.

To help compensate for this minor setback, the Peacekeeper’s opponents can’t tell which direction she will attack from after a short time in any stance. When she returns to a neutral stance her attack position is no longer visible to the opponent. This means they won’t know which direction to block until the Peacekeeper actually starts her attack.


In an effort to make up for the Peacekeeper’s slight deficiency in blocking, she has the ability to deflect attacks. To do this simply dodge in the direction of the attack just before it’s about to make contact with the Peacekeeper. After a successful deflect the Peacekeeper can follow with a guaranteed Riposting Stab by pressing Light Attack, which also causes a bleeding effect. In many cases it’s better to deflect instead of blocking because of the guaranteed Riposting Stab.

Bleeding Effect

Many of the Peacekeeper’s attacks add a bleeding effect to the opponent. Whenever an opponent is bleeding they will lose health over a short period of time. If you look at the opponent’s health bar when bleeding is active, you will see the red portion which indicates the full damage of the bleed, with a flashing white line showing the slowly depleting health of your opponent. If you’ve drained your opponent’s life completely, move away and allow them to bleed out from a safe distance. This should be your go-to strategy unless you need to score an execution to prevent a revive.

Stab and Triple Stab

When you land a successful Guard Break with the Peacekeeper you have two options. You can go into a throw like most other heroes, or you can initiate a Stab. If you press Light Attack immediately following a successful Guard Break the Peacekeeper will perform a single stab. However, if you press Light Attack again as soon as the first stab connects you can perform a second stab. Pressing Light Attack once more when the second stab connects will cause a third stab to execute.

The timing on the Triple Stab can be a bit tricky at first. It’s important not to mash the Light Attack button or else you’ll only get a single stab in most cases. Time your additional Light Attack button presses with each stab so that you’re tapping Light Attack as the previous stab connects. With this timing you should be able to land all three stabs more often than not.

After landing the Triple Stab the Peacekeeper has the advantage. That means you can attack before your opponent can. This is a great opportunity to go for another Triple Stab, then once your opponent catches on to the fact that you’re going for back to back Guard Breaks, switch it up and go into a Light Attack or even into the Dashing Thrust.

Finally, the Triple Stab doesn’t always have to be three stabs. You can stop after the first or second stab and perform a normal throw. This is especially useful if you’re getting close to an environmental hazard but still won’t to inflict a decent amount of damage just in case you’re not close enough to fully capitalize on the environment.

Dashing Thrust

The Dashing Thrust is the Peacekeeper’s best attack from a distance (and sometimes even up close). It has deceptive range and you can add the bleeding effect to it by pressing Light Attack as soon as it connects. However, the big downfall of the Dashing Thrust is the fact that it’s very linear and easy to avoid with a simply sidestep.

Until your opponents start evading the Dashing Thrust you should use it to close the distance quickly. It always hits high so it won’t be long before your opponents start blocking it, but then you can move into the Peacekeeper’s normal Heavy Attack range and mix in Dagger Cancels and even Guard Breaks to keep your opponents on their toes.

If you can connect a Dashing Thrust into bleeding, Peacekeeper has advantage. Usually you can get a Guard Break before the opponent can react (which leads to the Triple Stab), but once the opponent catches on you can go into a Light Attack, another Dashing Thrust or a Sidestep Strike if you anticipate the opponent may try to attack.

Sidestep Strike

Peacekeeper’s Sidestep Strike is one of her most useful tools. You can sidestep almost any attack in the game with proper timing. In fact, unlike other games you can even sidestep into the attack and still evade more often than not. Depending on your timing, even if you don’t evade the attack you’re in a good position to deflect the attack and get guaranteed damage from the situation.

If the Sidestep Strike connects you can press Light Attack as it hits to add the bleeding effect. Once again, this leaves the Peacekeeper at advantage so you can follow with a Guard Break, Light Attack, or a variety of other offensive options.

Dagger Cancel

At close range the Peacekeeper can keep opponents guessing with the Dagger Cancel. This ability allows her to cancel any Heavy Attack into a quick Light Attack that causes bleeding. To perform the cancel simply press Light Attack right after starting your Heavy Attack. You have to be a little quick with your Light Attack to get the cancel, and it doesn’t have a ton of range, but it’s very difficult for most opponents to react and it’s a great way to finish off an opponent with low health.

Zone Attack Cancel

For most characters the Zone Attack is a great way to attack from all directions and clear out a group of enemies. It’s an uninterruptable attack that inflicts moderate damage, but also drains 50 percent of your stamina. For the Peacekeeper it’s a great tool because she can cancel the second spin of the double spin attack by pressing Circle (PS4) or B (Xbox One). This is a great way to get an opponent to block so you can go right into a Guard Break. Just watch your stamina as it will start to get low if you go too crazy after a Zone Attack.

Defending Against the Peacekeeper

Due to the Peacekeeper’s speed and agility, you can’t just run at the Peacekeeper or launch a flurry of attacks and expect good results. You need to take advantage of the Peacekeeper’s weaknesses if you want to win this matchup. Your best bet is to attack from maximum range because most characters have longer range than the Peacekeeper, making it difficult for the Peacekeeper to get in and attack.

Once you’re attacking from maximum range this will cause the Peacekeeper to want to use the Dashing Thrust to get in closer. You can block this high or simply dodge to either side. The Peacekeeper is wide open for a counter attack if you dodge the Dashing Thrust.

If you get stabbed it’s very important to back away or be ready to block or stop a follow-up Guard Break. There are many instances when the Peacekeeper has advantage, so if you attack recklessly you will just continue to take damage. You need to recognize when the Peacekeeper is at advantage and do your best to block or evade her attacks instead of trying to fight your way out.

Peacekeeper Moveset

Attack Notation Notes
Twisting Blades Light Attack > Light Attack > Heavy Attack Combo will not continue if any Light Attack is blocked.
Dervish Strikes Light Attack > Heavy Attack Combo will not continue if the Light Attack is blocked.
Sword Dance Heavy Attack > Heavy Attack  
Slipping Lunge L3 + Guard Break Must not be in Guard Mode (locked on).
Deep Gouge Heavy Attack > Light Attack Adds Bleeding Effect.
Dashing Thrust Forward + Dodge > Heavy Attack Add Bleeding Effect with Light Attack when Dashing Thrust hits.
Sidestep Strike Left or Right + Dodge > Heavy Attack Add Bleeding Effect with Light Attack when Sidestep Strike hits.
Stab Guard Break > Light Attack  
Triple Stab Guard Break > Light Attack > Light Attack > Light Attack Must press each Light Attack as the previous Stab connects. Adds Bleeding Effect. Can throw after first or second Stab.
Riposting Stab Deflect > Light Attack Adds Bleeding Effect.

Dont’ forget to check our our strategies for the Berserker, or for more general combat help, head over to our Combat Tips, or you can find other useful articles in our For Honor guide hub.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.