Dead Rising 4 – How to Level Up North Peak Emergency Shelter

Learn the easiest way to level up the North Peak Emergency Shelter to Level 5.

This article will show you how to level up the North Peak Emergency Shelter in Dead Rising 4. The North Peak Emergency Shelter is one of the most difficult shelters to level up, as the area is densely populated with zombies and bad guys, but very few survivors. If you want to unlock all the vendor wares, gaining access to the training manuals and Combo Weapons, you will need to take the time to level up the Emergency Shelter. Read on to learn the best way to level up the North Peak Emergency Shelter.

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How to Level Up North Peak Emergency Shelter

Much like how to level up Emergency Shelters in other areas, you will need to rescue survivors in North Peak in order to level up the North Peak Emergency Shelter. However, the problem is that the North Peak Emergency Shelter is the most difficult shelter to level up as the area doesn’t contain a lot of locations where survivors can spawn. The best idea is to wait until Case 5 of the main story is active before you begin looking for survivors. Any time prior to Case 5, and it will be far rarer for survivors to spawn.

Once you reach Case 5, return to North Peak and begin the search for survivors. The best route to get survivors to spawn is to start at the Emergency Shelter and drive a vehicle up the road to the west, as if heading back to West Ridge.

Follow the road up along the top of North Peak toward the North Peak Fire Hall and the Peaks Motel. On the corner between the Fire Hall and Ka-Pow! Tires is a spawn point for an Obscuris supply crate. A survivor has a high chance of spawning inside this supply crate. If the supply crate has spawned, you will be notified that an event is nearby. Go to the event and check whether it rewards a survivor. Don’t despair if a survivor isn’t the reward, clear out the event in order to collect a large amount of PP and rewards.

After clearing out this corner, head toward the Motel where a survivor will sometimes spawn on the balcony above the drive-through section of the motel. You will be notified that an event is nearby if a survivor has successfully spawned. Clear out the zombies to rescue this survivor and then drive back to the Emergency Shelter.

Once you return to the North Peak Emergency Shelter, you can either go inside to buy the new items if it has been levelled up or repeat the route again.

Sometimes you will not find any survivors during the loop.Simply repeat the route until survivors spawn, or visit another area to break up the monotony of driving in circles.

The Emergency Shelter in North Peak can be extremely time consuming to level up, as not a lot of survivors tend to spawn in the North Peak location. But if you take the time to reach Case 5 and then search for survivors, you will have a better chance of finding them. If you followed this guide, you should now know how to level up the North Peak Emergency Shelter quickly and easily.

You can find more tips and tricks in our Dead Rising 4 guide hub!

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.