Destiny: Rise of Iron – Hard as Iron, How to Complete Record Book Objectives

Find out how to complete the Hard as Iron objective in the Rise of Iron Record Book.

Destiny: Rise of Iron brings the motivation of the Sparrow Racing League and Moments of Triumph to the game with a new Record Book. In this book players can find various objectives that they can complete to unlock cool rewards like the Days of Iron armor set, special weapons, shaders, and emblems. In this article we’ll be covering how to complete a specific one of these objectives in the Record Book, the Hard as Iron objective.

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What is the Rise of Iron Record Book

Before we can dive into the how, let’s dive into the what. The Rise of Iron Record Book is an account-wide book that contains various quests and objectives that players can complete in order to unlock unique rewards. The most notable of these rewards is the Days of Iron armor set, which features Iron Lord styled armor with unique Ornament options that make the armor appear to be on fire. It’s one of the best looking sets of armor in the game, and completing objectives in the Record Book will allow you to open it. WE won’t be covering all the objectives in this article, though. Instead, we’re going to simply walk you through how to obtain the Hard as Iron objective in the quickest possible fashion.

How to Complete the Hard as Iron Objective in the Record Book

This particular objective is not hard to complete on its own, however, due to high Light Level requirements, players may struggle to finish it if they do it the most basic way. This objective in the Rise of Iron Record Book tasks players with completing 10 Rise of Iron missions on hard. The first way you can complete this is to make your way through the campaign again, and beat all the missions multiple times. This can be accomplished over time, by completing Daily Heroic missions, or just trying to find all the Dormant SIVA Clusters in the expansion. But, if you want to get this objective out of the way quickly, there is another way.

During the Rise of Iron campaign, Tyra Karn will task Guardians with traveling to Mars, where they must infiltrate a base and gather information about the SIVA technology. This mission, called Download Complete, is a fairly fast paced mission, and it features a lot of areas that Guardians can simply run through. This makes it ideal for completing quickly, and since you can complete any mission on Hard to account for progress on this objective, it is the perfect way to clear this thing out in a jiffy. Simply find yourself a Fireteam, or run it on your own, and make your way through the mission. It’s a bit repetitive, but it will only take you a few minutes to complete the mission each time, allowing you to knock this objective out the way within an hour or two depending on your speed.

If you follow the steps we’ve outlined above, you can complete the Hard as Iron objective in the Rise of Iron Record Book, and bring yourself one step closer to unlock every piece of the Days of Iron armor. You can always do this the old fashioned way, if you aren’t in a hurry, and just wait to complete Hard missions when they hit as the Daily Heroic. Destiny: Rise of Iron is now available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms, exclusively, so be sure to pick it up and find out what the Devil Splicers are up to today.

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