Inside Game Walkthrough – The Subway

Make your way through the subway and down to the submarine so you can explore the depths below.

Once you’ve attached yourself to the fixture, use the humanoid above to grab the cart and move it to the right. Drop down on top of the box on the adjacent rooftop and move to the other box on the right (the red one). Move it until the red box over the switch in the ground to the far right, then head back to the previous box and use it to jump back up to the fixture.

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Control the humanoid again and move the cart past the next platform. Don’t disconnect just yet! There’s another light fixture hanging on the upper level by the humanoid. Move the cart over to this fixture and have the humanoid jump on the cart to reach the fixture. This causes a second humanoid to come out of the nearby box.

Have the second humanoid move the cart back over to the platform you just passed and make it jump on top of the cart so it can reach the hanging platform above. When it stands on the switch in the middle of the platform the door to the right opens. You need to keep this humanoid on the switch or else the door will close. This is why it’s important you’re hovering over the platform.

Drop down onto the platform and the first humanoid will disconnect from the fixture. Now you can jump back up to the fixture to connect to the first humanoid again. With the door raised move the humanoid back to the cart and continue into the next room. There’s a large door in the floor below. Stop the cart so that you’re hanging above the far left side of the doorway in the floor.

Use the humanoid to access the lever on the platform to the right. The trick here is that the door only remains open as long as the lever is actively being pulled. Open the door as wide as it will go, then as soon as you let go of the lever, disconnect from the fixture to drop down through the opening.

When you reach the water below, swim to the far left and dive down to find a wooden platform buried near the bottom. Grab the red handle on the right side of the platform to pull it out of the ground. Once it floats back up to the surface, drag it to the far right and use it to reach the floor above.

Climb up the far right wall and through the grate at the top, then drop down into the next room. Press the button in the center of the room to open the door to the right, then continue on your way. Your objective in the next room is to reach the doorway on the elevated platform to the right. However, you can’t make the jump as the room is right now.

Press the button the center of the room to raise the water level. Once the water is to the top, dive down and press the button again to lower the water level, then quickly swim to the right to reach the elevated platform before the water gets too low.

Continue through the next doorway and jump to the elevated area on the right. Pull down the large vertical suitcase leaning up against the wall and drag it all the way back to the previous room where you just manipulated the water levels. Drop down and press the button one more time to raise the water level. Now you can use the suitcase to reach the chain hanging down on the right side of the room.

Climb up to the top of the chain and head to the right. Move to the edge of the rooftop on the right, but do not slide down yet. To the right is a large spotlight shining down from above. If you step into the spotlight you will be caught. Wait for the spotlight to move right, then slide down and stand in the shadow of the pipe hanging above.

You’ll need to move a bit to keep yourself in the shadow as the light moves above. Once the light passes to the left, grab the wheel to the right and turn it to lower the cage ahead. You may need to let go and move back into the shadow if you can’t lower the cage fast enough. Don’t worry, the cage doesn’t automatically go back up so you can take your time moving back and forth from the shadow to the wheel until the cage is low enough for you to jump over to it.

Run through the cage and wait for the spotlight in the adjacent area to move right before you jump across again. There are two spotlights here that hover over a red panel in the floor. Time your movements to hide in the shadows as you move toward the red panel. Lift the panel and drop down to the room below.

Head to the right and jump down to the beam sticking out to the right, then drop down to the floor below. Jump over to the chain hanging to the left and climb down to the basement area below. Continue to the right, past the dogs in the background, then drop down to the water below.

Swim across to the far side and a dog will run over. Jump back into the water and swim to the left as the dog jumps in and chases you. Wait until the dog gets close, then dive down and swim under the dog to get back to the right side. Quickly climb out of the water and run to the right. Slide down the edge of the building and run toward the fence ahead.

At this point there are three dogs chasing you. You need to climb over the fence, drop down on the far side and run to the right to remove three boards from the opening ahead. You won’t have time to remove all three before the dogs circle around to the other side of the fence. As soon as you see the dogs round the corner, run back to the fence and jump over to the left side. Wait there for the dogs to run around and get close to you again, then climb back over the fence and continue to remove the boards that block your path. Repeat this process until you can move through the doorway while the dogs are on the left side of the fence.

In the next room run to the far right and climb down the ladder at the end. Continue to the right and drop down to the next area below, then wait as a submarine pulls up to the far right and a man climbs up the ladder to meet his friend. Once both men are inside the room, run past and climb down the ladder to reach the sub. This leads to the Depths area of the game.

Continue on to the Depths or head back to our Inside walkthrough and guide!

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.