Inside Game Walkthrough – The Factory

Operate heavy machinery as you navigate wooden platforms and ladders!

When you reach the end of the path, push the cart toward the wall to the right to lower a chain in the middle of the area. Climb up the chain and swing over to the right when you reach the second floor. Open the window to the far side and climb out.

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Head to the ladder on the far side and climb up but stop as soon as you reach the level above (do not climb all the way to the top yet). Jump off and run under the hanging pile of wood beams. Push the beams to the right as far as you can, then access the lever to the left and raise the pile of wood as high as it will go.

Hop back on the ladder and climb to the top, then jump to the wooden platform to the left. Now you can jump over to the hanging wooden beams and then jump again to the ledge on the far left. Your next objective is to push the safe off the edge of the wooden beam to the left. However, you can’t be standing on the wooden beam when the safe falls. Push the safe until it’s about to fall, then quickly move back to the right to avoid falling with the safe.

Go back down to the bottom floor and head to the left to find a hole where the safe fell through. Drop down into the hole and grab the grate to the left. Pull right to remove the grate, then head through the small hole to the left and over to the secret orb.

Pull the peg out of the object then move to the far right and pull the lever to raise the gate in the background. Jump on the ledge to the far right and use it to reach the hanging light. You can once again control a few humanoids in the background. Press right or left until both humanoids are visible and to the right of the gate you just raised. Now drop out of the light fixture and pull the lever again to close the gate. Get into the fixture again and you can now move the two humanoids onto the two switches on the ground. The easiest way to do this is to have both humanoids start on either side of the room (one near the wall and the other near the gate), then walk toward each other until they’re both standing on the switches.

Once they’re both on the switches the door to the right will open. Head through the door and across the train tracks, then up the ladder to the far right. Keep moving to the right and slide down the edge of the rooftop before jumping across to the far wall. Instead of climbing up the pipe, slide down to the bottom, but don’t fall off.

When you reach the bottom of the pipe, jump to the left to reach a hard to see ladder. Climb down the ladder to find another secret orb at the bottom. Pull out the rod, then climb back up to the top of the ladder and jump across to the pipe.

Climb up to the adjacent rooftop, then climb over the fence and jump to the next roof. When you fall down, jump over to the right and continue across to the next floor. At the end, climb down the pipe on the wall to the ground level. Ignore the humanoids in the background and move to the wooden beams blocking the door to the right. Grab the beams and pull them off three times to clear enough room for you to squeeze through.

Slide down to the lower level and grab the ladder in the middle of the room. Pull the ladder to the right to shift it to the ledge above, then climb up. Note the lever to the right just before you reach the open room. Don’t pull it yet, but make note of the location.

Run all the way to the right and raise the gate at the end. This leads to the lift, which is not operable until you pull the lever you just passed. However, as soon as you pull the lever, the security drones activate. If you step into the light from the two drones, you will be caught. You need to wait for the lights to move away, then run over to the closest pillar and hide there until the light passes, then repeat this process for the second pillar. After the second pillar you can run into the lift where the lights don’t reach.

Press the button to raise the lift then head to the right when you reach the top. As you move to the right the floor gives way and you drop down to the room below. Do not move! You’ve now taken the place of a humanoid, but the drone above is weary of you. When the line of humanoids move you need to move with them, and when the line stops moving you need to stop as well. While there’s a small window for error here when you start and stop, if you move out of sync the drone will nab you.

When you reach the first yellow rectangle drawn on the ground in the next room you need to jump in sync with the others. While you’re inside the second yellow rectangle you need to turn and face the other direction in sync with the others. In the final portion of this little test, there are some people in the background with a dog. Unfortunately, you can’t fool the dog.

As soon as the dog starts barking, make a run to the right and jump off the ledge at the last moment to crash through the window ahead. The right side of this room is elevated and you need to jump up to it around the midpoint of the room. Wait at the midpoint where you need to jump, as the dog will come in chasing after you. Once the dog starts running down the ramp in the background, climb up and quickly run to the right. Jump over to the light fixture to enter the Subway area.

Continue on to the Subway or head back to our Inside walkthrough and guide!

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.