Inside Game Walkthrough – The Forest

Avoid cars and humans as you make your way through the opening area of the game.

When the game begins run straight ahead, over the fallen tree and through the gate until you reach the truck. Wait for the truck to leave, then move forward until you can drop down near the large pod on the ground. There are two men to the right of the pod and they’ll investigate when they hear you drop down. Use the pod as cover and wait until the two men move off to the left before you continue.

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Just ahead there’s a broken refrigerator. Grab the refrigerator and push it to the right to knock it down, then grab it again and push it along the ground until it’s flush with the cliff side to the right. Now you can use the fallen refrigerator as a stepping stone to reach the top of the cliff to the right.

Cross the next road and continue to the right until you drop down the next cliff. At the bottom there’s a box near the cliff edge. Move the box to the right and drop it down into the next area. Push it to the far right and use it to reach the ledge above.

The next area to the right there are two men in the background with flashlights. There’s a pattern to the flashlights in which it will shine right toward you twice in rapid succession before moving off to the right for a short time. As soon as you see the second flash from the light pointing toward you, make a run to the right. You won’t have enough time to beat out the flashlight and you will be spotted, but with proper timing that’s okay.

Once you’re spotted a dog will begin to chase after you. Quickly swim to the right as the dog chases you. When you reach the adjacent shore, jump to the vines hanging on the cliff edge to the right. You can make this jump before the dog reaches you.

Climb to the top of the cliff and continue to the right as the car approaches from the left (in the background). You need to keep moving until you reach the next cliff edge, then quickly drop down and move to the left to take cover behind the rocks that make up the cliff. This is the only way to avoid the lights from the car. Once the car passes continue on your way.

Just ahead the car is parked with the lights facing your direction. Your only option here is to be seen. Once you pass in front of the vehicle lights a man begins to chase after you. Keep running and watch the ground for a small fallen log just before the small pool of water. If you trip on the log you will be caught.

Jump over the log and continue running until you see a broken down RV with another fully functional car in the background. The other man is still chasing you so you don’t have long, but wait behind the RV until the other car passes before you continue running. You’ll need to jump over two more fallen logs so pay close attention to the ground ahead.

As you near the end of the path several dogs begin to close in. There’s a tall cliff here that you must jump off of in order to avoid the dogs. You drop into the lake below and swim left until you reach the cliff edge. Dive down and swim through the narrow tunnel to the left.

When you reach the far side, climb up the cliff to the left and grab the pillar at the top. Rock the pillar left and right until it falls to the right, creating a bridge that allows you to access the first secret orb. Run across the bridge and pull the rod out of the orb, then head back to the lake.

Continue swimming to the right. You need to come up for air or else you’ll drown. There’s another car in the background ahead and as you pass the car you’ll need to be underwater. Stop just before you reach the car and come up for air, then dive underwater as you pass by the car and come up for air once you’re clear. Keep moving as you cross the street and head into the corn field. You are now entering the Farm area.

Continue on to the Farm or head back to our Inside walkthrough and guide!

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.