Battleborn Multiplayer Tips

Here's how to win at Incursion, Capture, and Meltdown in Battleborn.

We offered several different guides for Battleborn over the past few weeks, and now it’s time to jump into multiplayer! Battleborn offers three different modes to choose from in its multiplayer: Incursion, Capture, and Meltdown. Below you’ll find tips on how to get the most out of each mode, and increase your odds of victory!

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Incursion in Battleborn

In this mode you’re required to destroy two large sentries located within the enemy team’s base, while at the same time keeping your own sentries safe. The more damage the sentries take the more energy they lose, which decreases the team’s score in the process. Whoever destroys the opposing sentries first or has the highest score at the end of the 30-minute time limit wins the match.

Attempting a straightforward assault on the sentries is a suicide mission. This is due to their strong defenses, including a large shield, several canons, and an array of supply stations set up by enemy players. In addition, sentries are able to fire a devastating energy beam able to fry you almost instantly. 

Having minions in Battleborn is extremely helpful, as they can chip away at a sentry while you battle enemy players, in addition to protecting your own sentries. Your best bet is the MX Elite Bot, which can be costly (around 600 shards), however it is the most powerful option available. Keep in mind you can only summon one MX Elite bot at a time.

When it comes to defending your own sentries, deal with minions and buildables first, as they will pose the biggest threat (especially the MX Elite Bots). From there, make sure you have plenty of defenses set up, and keep in constant contact with your team to ensure you have someone working on the opposing sentries. It helps to have a cooperative team, rather than scattering and leaving the bots and turrets to defend your sentries.

Don’t forget to activate Outcast Thralls located in random locations around the base. They will attack enemies that get within range, and are able to deal out major damage to enemy sentries. This is why it is a good idea to keep your Outcast Thralls activated at all times.

Capture in Battleborn

This is a routine capture-the-flag mode, where teams of five compete for three different control points on a map. If you’re familiar with first-person shooters, this mode will be the most familiar out of Battleborn’s three multiplayer modes.

In Capture you will attempt to gain control of Energy Collectors, wait about seven seconds to capture a point, and then hold it against the opposing team. Enemies that enter your point will contest it, and if they eliminate all of your team members, will begin capturing it. Try to have a few soldiers on hand that can keep control of the point. Melee characters are good for this type of combat, while a gunner like Oscar Mike or Montana can help deal with threats from a safe distance.

Activate turrets whenever possible in Battleborn, and if you’re trying to take over a point where the enemy team has activated their turrets, eliminate these first. Turrets do continuous damage to foes if they remain activated, but by taking them out you can focus solely on the enemy team as they try to take back the control point. Additionally if you have a control point and have activated your turrets, keep them activated as often as possible. Doing so will make holding the control point easier.

If you see Valersi enemies pop up, take them out as quickly as you can. They’re neutral, therefore both teams can go after them. The first team to kill them gains access to a Helix upgrade token which will increase your performance exponentially over the course of a match. The more of these tokens you have, the more upgrades you will be able to unlock.

Meltdown in Battleborn

Lastly, the Meltdown mode requires your team to guide minions to grinders on the opposing player’s team. By grinding into their base, you’ll earn appeasement points, and if you earn around 500 or have the most at the end of a round, you win the game.

There are different types of minions, including ones that are automatically chosen that work towards their objective point, as well as medium-sized ones capable of providing more appeasement points. MX Elite Bots are also available in this mode, and are highly recommended due to the fact that they can mine you the most points.

Guiding the minions to grinders in Battleborn is vital for point gathering, but be sure to have accelerators set up across the map. These will help you protect the minions along the way. Also, have a long-distance shooter on your team, as the minions usually work along a narrow pathway where enemies can take shots at them from the other side.

Make sure you protect the minions as they work their way toward the grinders. If they get destroyed you have the potential to lose points, so it’s extremely vital they stay in one piece while they advance. The same rule applies when you’re defending. Set up turrets and other defenses accordingly. These will chip away at enemy minions while you’re taking out opposing players.

Remember to destroy the enemy’s defenses, as they will hurt your minions and your overall chances of winning. You may take some damage in the process, but you can always heal with the assistance of a fellow support-based player, or health pick-ups on the map. Keep those minions safe, and a Meltdown victory is as good as yours! 

Become a better Battleborn player with the five best characters in Battleborn and the best upgrades in Battleborn.


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.