Uncharted 4 – Prologue

Make sure to avoid the mines found in the prologue portion of Uncharted 4.

This article covers how to complete the Prologue section in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. As the game begins you are immediately thrown into the action, taking control of Nathan Drake as he’s commandeered a boat and is being chased by some hostiles.

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It’s important to pay attention to the on-screen directions informing you of when to accelerate with R2. When you do this, use the Left Analog Stick to maneuver the boat toward the island you can see ahead. With the controls down pat, ram the smaller boats when they close in so you don’t have to worry about them as you head toward the island.

When a larger boat appears, don’t worry about ramming into it. Instead, you need to listen to what Sam has to say and don’t let the larger boat get in front of you. If this happens you’ll have to worry about avoiding the mines that it leaves behind. Above all else you need to avoid hitting the mines at all costs.

Once Nathan gets thrown into the water, hit X to get back up to the surface for air. After you make it to the surface, press Circle to five back down as you avoid the incoming ship. Head back up to the surface again, and this time you should swim over to Sam and climb back into the boat. Now it’s time to test out your abilities with a firearm.

If you’ve played any kind of shooting game before, you know it’s best to aim for the head. Take down the enemies in this short fire fight, then continue to move toward the island once Sam gets the engine going again. At this point you need to avoid the rocks in the water, which can be difficult to see if you’re not paying close attention. You also need to ram the smaller boats when they get close to your ship.

Make it to the island for a short cut scene that completes the chapter. At this point you can continue on to The Lure of Adventure, or head back to our Uncharted 4 walkthrough and guide!

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.