The Division Tech Mission: Subway Morgue

With the Medical and Security wings unlocked and available to you, it's time to unlock the Tech wing!

This article covers the Subway Morgue mission of the Tech wing in The Division. If you’re going through the story missions based on the recommended level (which you should be), you should already have the Medical and Security wings unlocked in your base of operations. This missions allows you to unlock the third and final wing that gives you access to Tech skills, talents and perks.

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  • Gain entry to the Subway Morgue site.
  • Activate the power relay.
  • Eliminate the Cleaners.
  • Find the Cleaner foreman.
  • Access the crane controls.

Head down the stairs to engage the hostile force below. Move around to the right side of the area as you clear the enemies and move further into the location. When you move down into the lower area, there’s a fenced in section that requires a lock pick. If you have one you can open the fence and gain access to the loot inside.

Continue down the stopped escalator to engage several more enemies down below. Once you’ve cleared this group of enemies you can access the restock crate to the far left as you continue to follow the waypoint marker down the wide stairs. Clear out the next group of enemies, then proceed through the tunnel and down into the area below.

At this point your task is to activate the power relay, then reach the relay substation. As you continue to move through the area you’ll pass by the dead bodies just before you hit the next batch of Cleaner enemies. There aren’t many enemies here, but they will throw grenades if you let them.

Once that batch of Cleaners is down, you need to activate the second power relay. From here you need to head to the secondary substation, but there are several shielded enemies along the way. Watch your back as they will try to circle around to flank you. Use the Pulse skill to make sure you know where the enemies are attacking from.

When you reach the substation, pick up the parts on the ground, then place the components in the substation to reconnect the circuit breaker. Of course this causes two waves of Cleaners to attack from the far side. They will rush you, so take them down quickly and watch both sides of the room.

With the Cleaners down, head to the primary substation. As soon as you leave the room where the secondary substation was located, you’ll find a restock crate in the hallway. Restock your ammo then head into the next room to find several more Cleaners in the area below.

Once the first wave is down, follow the markers down the stairs, around the corner, and up the small flight of stairs, but do not move out into the open. More Cleaners attack at this point and your best vantage point is the high ground you just came from. You can certainly fight at your present location, but you’ll have better odds of survival if you high tail it back up the stairs.

Finish off this group of Cleaners then move toward the components you need to fix the power relay. Before you pick them up, take out the Cleaners ahead. If you don’t do this first they will attack as you’re carrying the components. Once the first batch of Cleaners are down, you can move the components toward the objective, but more Cleaners will appear, causing you to put down the components so you can fight properly.

Reconnect the relay, then restock at the crate in the corner and head to the control room. Move to the lower area and wait for Rhodes to do his thing. Of course, more Cleaners attack in waves. Head up the stairs so you can take the high ground. The Cleaners will come from both sides, so use Pulse so you don’t get surprised at all.

In the final wave of Cleaners you’ll face off against a larger named enemy with an overshield. Take down any other enemies in the area before you engage him. He doesn’t have a gun, but his flamethrower has longer reach than most other flamethrowers you’ve encountered up to this point. Stay away and shoot him from a distance to remain safe. If you can hit the gas canister on his back it will inflict significant damage, but he’ll still be able to attack with his flamethrower.

Once all of the enemies are down head over to the elevator, then head back to the base of operations to speak with Paul Rhodes in the Tech wing (up the stairs). This activates the Tech wing and completes the mission. Access the nearby laptop and build the Control Room to get the Tech wing going.

From here you can continue on to the Medical Mission: Hudson Refugee Camp, or head back to our Division walkthrough and guide hub for more tips, tricks and advice!

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.