Assassin’s Creed Syndicate London Stories – Charles Darwin Memories

Charles Darwin is the target of a Templar propaganda plot. Get to the bottom of it.

Once you complete Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Sequence 3: Somewhere That’s Green, you gain access to multiple London Stories memories. One of these involves Charles Darwin, with memories accessed by going to the “D” icon on your map.

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The Berlin Specimen

  • Suggested Level: 5 

Your first task is to locate Dr. Schwartz. His location is somewhere around the first waypoint marked on your map. Head up to the rooftop of the station and use the skylight entry point, then activate Eagle Vision to pinpoint the exact location of Dr. Schwartz near the northwest side of the building. 

You’re going to need to kidnap the doctor, which means clearing a path to the exit. The optional challenge requirement is to go undetected throughout this portion of the memory. If you attack any of the guards in the area, make sure all of your attacks are stealth assassinations so you’re not spotted. 

Clear a path around the southwest exit, then watch Schwartz until he moves close to the exit. Drop down behind him and initiate the kidnapping, then escort him down the stairs and out of the station. At this point there should only be one guard nearby. Walk slowly past the guard to reduce your detection radius and you should have no trouble getting through this area.

Once the doctor has been delivered, head to the next waypoint and chase after the imposter of Dr. Schwartz. Hop in the closest carriage and chase him down, with a goal of killing him by your preferred methods. Loot the body of the imposter to obtain the fossil, then speak with Darwin at the next waypoint to complete the memory. 

An Abominable Mystery

  • Suggested Level: 5 

You are tasked with examining some plants in the area. Head to the first waypoint and look west to see multiple clouds. Move toward each cloud and examine the plants nearby using Eagle Vision to spot them. When you reach the third cloud, ready your gun and shoot the enemy inside the cloud to complete the first optional objective.

Examine the flower inside the cloud, then head south to find another colorful cloud at the next waypoint. Along the way you’ll come across an enemy driving a flower cart. Hop in a carriage and chase the enemy’s flower cart to the south. Shoot the driver, then hijack the carriage and head back to speak with Darwin again. 

Head to the next waypoint to get rid of the carriage. When more enemies attack, don’t simply ram them like you normally would. Instead, move left and right to ensure they can’t pass your carriage, and therefore remain inside the toxic cloud. This allows you to complete the second optional objective for the memory. If they happen to pass, take them out with a gunshot or similar tactic. 

When you reach the waypoint, place the carriage near the crates of dynamite. Ignite the dynamite and move away to a safe distance. Once the carriage is destroyed the memory is complete. 


  • Suggested Level: 5

Head to the first waypoint, which is a nearby street vendor. Unfortunately as you approach the vendor, his paper is stolen. Chase after the thief as he runs quite a distance and finally stops near the train tracks. You now have seven seconds to tackle him off the tracks before the oncoming train adds a bit of red to the paper. This completes the memory. 

Cruel Caricature

  • Suggested Level: 6 

Your primary objective during this memory is to find and remove four posters. There’s one right next to Darwin when you first begin the memory. You’ll run into several guards as you make your way from one poster to the next, so recruit some Rooks along the way if you’re concerned with fighting.

Head to the next waypoint and activate Eagle Vision to spot the poster on the first floor of the market. Use an Air Assassination to take down the first enemy close to the poster, then handle the rest accordingly and remove the poster from the wall. 

The next waypoint is a decent distance away, so grab a carriage as you make your way across town. Grapple to the rooftop to engage the sniper, then take out the other enemies down below and remove the next poster. Hop into another carriage as you proceed to the next waypoint. 

The poster here is on the side of a bus carriage. You need to get on top of the bus and hijack it so you can stop the carriage and then remove the poster from the side. With all of the posters taken care of, you need to determine who distributed them. 

Make your way to the next waypoint, then chase the gentleman attempting to run away. Tackle him to the ground, then head to the sewer entrance and follow the pathway until you reach the first set of enemies. Take them down with a Double Assassination, then move into the area ahead. 

Climb up onto the pipes above and Air Assassinate the enemies here, but do not interact with the crates of dynamite. The optional challenge here is to sabotage all of the printers at once, which will require the use of the dynamite crates. Spread the crates evenly between the printers and the poster on the easel. You can either ignite the middle crate, then grapple to the ceiling, or grapple up to the top and shoot the dynamite. Either way, once the targets are destroyed, leave the sewers via the northern path to complete the memory. 

A Struggle for Existence

  • Suggested Level: 6 

Start off this memory by following Florence Nightingale, then head to the graveyard while avoiding the policemen surrounding it. The optional challenge for this portion of the memory is to kidnap the target policeman without being detected. 

Wait near the southwest corner of the graveyard and activate Eagle Vision to locate your target. When he turns his back, drop down into the graveyard and hide behind one of the graves until he moves back toward your location. Once he passes you, move in behind to kidnap him.

Follow the graveyard path to the northwest corner of the area. There are several policemen here that can be difficult to avoid. Walk between the gravestones and the half wall to avoid the first set of guards. When you see two guards walking, move behind the two stone columns nearby until they pass by, then move back onto the path and leave through the northern exit. Head back to Nightingale to deliver the goods.

Threaten the police officer by pointing a gun or knife at him, then knock him out, get in the carriage and head to the next waypoint. Activate Eagle Vision to find Darwin’s location on the second floor. Head up to the open window on the second floor and take down the guards on your way to Darwin’s location. 

You now have to defend Darwin and Nightingale from the invading guards. Pick up Darwin and carry him downstairs, then set him down and finish off the guard at the door and the others that come in to battle. When the enemies are cleared, pick up Darwin and place him in the carriage outside to complete the memory.

Beat more London Stories with Prima’s free Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Walkthrough.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.