Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Sequence 8: The Joys of Freedom – Kidnap Chester Swinbourne, Kill Maxwell Roth

Score all the bonus rewards by kidnapping your targets without killing anyone!

The search for Crawford Starrick and the Piece of Eden in Sequence 8 of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate continues on its ever-curving path, but Jacob is still surprised when his actions attract the attention of London’s biggest criminal mastermind, Maxwell Roth. During this sequence, players will kidnap Hattie Cadwallader and Chester Swinbourne, rescue the children and finish things off by taking down Roth.

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Strange Bedfellows

Head to the northeast side to find the back entrance to the building. Speak with the doorman, then walk down the stairs, past the creepy tree prop and speak with Roth. After a brief conversation, drive Roth’s carriage to the next waypoint.

Get out of the carriage and follow Roth to the train tracks above. Your next task is to locate and destroy five explosives. To get the bonus reward you need to use the moving train. However, you only need to stay on the train until you locate the explosives. To do this, hop on the locomotive as it passes, then activate Eagle Vision as you pull into the station ahead. As soon as you spot the explosives you’ll complete the optional objective and you can get off the train.

The station is littered with enemies, and you need to destroy all of the dynamite by igniting it if wish to complete the second optional objective. Duck behind the locomotive to avoid detection from most of the enemies on the north side.

There are five packs of dynamite scattered throughout the two large rooms, with one of the five located upstairs in the northwest corner. It’s not overly difficult to assassinate the guards in your path as you head to each of the dynamite packs (marked on your mini-map in red). You can also get their attention and take them on at once if you’re confident in your fighting ability. Hallucinogenic darts come in handy to minimize the chance of you taking damage, and smoke bombs work well if you need to make a quick escape. Grapple up to the rafters if you need some breathing room.

Your next task is to find and kidnap a driver. Activate Eagle Vision and look on the north side of the western room. This is easiest to do from the second floor where one of the dynamite packs was located. Before you kidnap the driver, clear the northeast corner near the locomotive so you don’t have to worry about getting interrupted by the guards. Once you found the driver, drop down and kidnap him, then escort him to the locomotive (the next waypoint) to complete the memory.

Triple Theft

Get into Roth’s carriage and drive to the National Gallery, the next waypoint. Head north down the alleyway and speak with the girl standing in front of the gate. Continue through the gate, but watch the policeman on the far side of the yard. When he turns his back, move up behind him and knock him out, then speak with the boy by the next gate.

North of the boy, you’ll find stairs leading down on the right. However, there are several policemen in the area, and if you wish to obtain the optional bonuses you can’t kill anyone. To avoid the police, grapple up to the rooftop and activate Eagle Vision to spot your target to the north, then drop down near the stairs and wait here for the guard who patrols the courtyard to walk past. When he does, move behind him and knock him out.

With the guards above ground cleared away, head down the stairs and into the lower level. You need to go down the hallway to the east, but there’s a guard in the hallway, two more in the next hallway to the left that patrol a fair distance and then two more in the adjacent hallway. If you’re trying to score the bonus rewards you can’t kill any of the guards, but you can knock them out. Wait until only one guard is in the first hallway and take him down via non-lethal means.

Hide in the alcove where you can see your kidnap target (don’t worry, she won’t see you) and wait for the first patrolling guard to pass into view. Activate your Eagle Vision so you know where the other guards are, and as soon as he moves back out of sight, move in behind and knock him out. Quickly move the body back to the alcove where you were hiding and wait for the second patrolling guard to move into view.

Once again, as soon as the guard turns, quickly move in behind him and proceed to knock him out. This only leaves the two guards in the adjacent hallway, but you don’t need to worry about them, as it’s fairly easy to avoid these guys on the way out.

With all of the necessary guards knocked out, move toward the room where your target is located. Wait until she moves to the west side of the room, then access the item box in the northwest corner (assuming you have the necessary lockpicking skills) and kidnap Hattie. It’s very important you do not let Hattie spot you before you can execute the kidnapping, or else it will count as her escaping and you won’t earn any bonus rewards.

Head back the way you came, keeping a close eye on the two guards you did not knock out. Once you’re back in the alley where you first spoke to the little girl, head toward the next waypoint on your map. Going this way is a little less direct, but it’s much easier than going through all of the police offices via the more direct route.

Place Hattie in the carriage at the waypoint and drive to Saint James Park. When you get to the destination, get out of the carriage and kidnap your next target, Benjamin Raffles. Grapple up to the rooftop of the building to the east and activate Eagle Vision to discover the location of Raffles’ guards.

As you can see, there are quite a few guards surrounding the park and Raffles. If you’re not interested in the bonus rewards, you can simply kill all the guards, then kidnap Raffles. However, if you are looking to score the bonuses, you need to loop around to the south side of the park. This requires you to use the rooftops to avoid detection from the guards, then drop down to the street near the south side of the park and watch for the patrolling carriage. When the coast is clear, enter the park from the south side.

Hide in the hay stacks around the park and wait for Raffles to move away from the gazebo in the middle of the park. Once he’s clear of the gazebo, move into the crowd around it so you blend in. Wait for him to return to the gazebo, then kidnap him as soon as he turns around to walk away again. Keep a close eye on the patrolling guard to the east of the gazebo. He faces the gazebo at one point during his patrol, and you cannot nab Raffles if this guard faces the gazebo, so you’ll have to wait for the next loop. Remember, if he spots you at all, it will count as him escaping from you and you won’t get the bonus rewards.

Now that you have Raffles in-hand, you need to plan your escape route. With carriages patrolling the streets surrounding the park, you need to have good timing. Avoid the red circles that surround the carriages to ensure you’re not detected. Leave the park via the western exit as soon as one of the carriages passes. Quickly move south until you reach the next street, then head right (west) and take a wide circle around to the next waypoint where your carriage awaits.

Head to Scotland Yard, but do not take the route laid out for you. This route has you going south toward the park and right into the arms of your enemies. Instead head north, then circle around to your destination. When you arrive, exit the carriage again as you need to kidnap one more person, Chester Swinbourne.

Grapple up to the rooftop of the building to the north, then use the rooftops to reach your target. When you reach the building where your target resides, move around to the north side of the building to find a window open. This entry point just happens to be right next to the target!

Enter the window, then wait for the Swinbourne to turn his back and then pull off the kidnapping. Usually you want to clear an exit path before you kidnap a target. However, this is Scotland Yard and there are guards everywhere. Luckily, if you walk slowly and have a bit of patience, you can get down to the bottom floor without getting too close to any policemen.

Do not go out the main door because there’s a guard standing right in front of it. Instead, circle around to the right to the second door, then go right again (watching the patrols of the policemen) until you get back to the main street. Circle around the block to get back to the carriage, then drive to the delivery point. It will take a bit of patience, but this is the best way to do it if you want the bonus rewards. If you’re not interested in the rewards, just kill everyone and take a more direct route. When you reach the final waypoint, the memory is complete.

Fun and Games

Driver over to Starrick’s workshop, then follow Roth up the ladder to the roof. You are tasked with rigging the area with dynamite in four separate places. If you wish to obtain the optional bonus, you can’t kill anyone during the process.

This one is a little tricky if you’re shooting for the bonus rewards. Obviously you can just kill everyone and not worry about a thing, but when you can’t kill anyone it’s far more troublesome.  There are three locations with two crates of dynamite in each. Do not go for the crates near the northeast gate. Focus on the other two locations since they’re easier to access.

First you need to clear the three snipers on the rooftops of the buildings. There are two snipers in the main search area and a third on the building southeast of the search area. Once all three are knocked out (not killed), take out the guard patrolling the street on the southeast side, and the other guard patrolling the street on the west side. There’s another guard that patrols the northeast street, but you don’t need to worry about him.

These are the guards that will generally spot you as you go for the dynamite. With them out of the way you can easily move around the rooftops and take out the handful of guards located within eyesight of the dynamite crates. Don’t worry about the guard at the northeastern gate because he won’t see you going for the dynamite in the east corner. You also don’t need to worry about the guard who patrols near the gate because you can easily avoid him. All of the other guards that look like they can see you can be knocked out without fear of other guards being alerted.

When you pick up a crate, a new marker appears indicating where it needs to be placed. For the most part the placement is near the original location of the crates, so you won’t have to go far. If necessary, you can put the crate down, avoid or knock out a guard, then pick it back up again.

Once you place all four crates, grapple back over to Roth and speak to him. Unfortunately you have to head back into the restricted area to rescue the children now. Head through the window on the northeast side, then open the door on the southwest side to free the children who are conscious. There are three children you need to carry out to the street. Pick up the first one and run to the street to drop him off. If you get interrupted by a thug, put the child down at the designated street location, then fight the enemy. You have three minutes to clear all of the children out, but if you can do it in two you’ll earn the bonus rewards. Once all of the children are out, the memory is complete.

Final Act

You are now tasked with assassinating Maxwell Roth. Your secondary options include a stealth opportunity from the usher (green emblem), assistance from the waitress (blue emblem) and a unique kill opportunity from the machinist (purple emblem).

The usher allows for easy entry into the theatre and can be found just outside the west entrance to the theatre. To use her, you need to take out the two guards in the park west of the theatre, then loot a mask off one of them. With the mask in-hand you can follow the usher into the theatre.

Head up stairs and take down the two guards in the first room. Move into the theatre and grapple up to the balcony to reach the vantage point. Stand on the railing to identify your targets. if you speak to the waitress on the second floor, you will poison her drinks and she’ll deliver them to the enemies you need to kill on that floor.

At this point you only need to kill the remaining masked targets, then if you have the Lockpicking II skill you can unlock the door and free the machinist. He’ll lower the rafters, allow you to grapple up to the rafters above the stage and cut the rope to easily kill Roth. If you don’t have Lockpicking II, then you’ll have to kill Roth the old fashioned way.

Once Roth has been killed, you need to leave the theatre. If you can escape within 90 seconds you’ll score the bonus rewards. To do so, head toward the main exit, but grapple up to the second floor and jump over the balcony to reach the exit. If you attempt to go the normal route your path will be blocked by rubble from the fire. Escape the theatre and the sequence is complete.

Now go to Sequence 9: Shall We Dance? Then head to the Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Walkthrough and Guide. For interactive maps, check out the Official eGuide. Finally, the Collector’s Edition Guide includes the exclusive Angel Knuckles in-game item.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.