Get Ready to Win in the New Madden NFL 16 Draft Champions Mode

Prepare for the new Draft Champions mode in Madden NFL 16 with expert strategy from ZFarls.

In one week, players will be loading up Madden NFL 16 for a new season of football. Draft Champions mode is brand new this year, and the official Madden NFL 16 game guide has the strategies you need to win in Draft Champions mode from the very beginning. Take a look inside the guide with this preview of our Draft Champions mode coverage:

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Madden NFL 16 Draft Champions strategy preview 1

Madden NFL 16 Draft Champions preview 2 

Not only do we have all the strategy you need for Draft Champions mode, we are once again breaking down our favorite plays to help you win more games! Since we’re seven days away from the release of Madden NFL 16, check out our #7 favorite play this year:

Gun Ace Twins Offset—PA Verts Shot

The protection on this play is perfect for players looking to go downfield, and the crossing route is excellent for medium-range passers.

Next week, we’ll be sharing even more of our favorite plays, plus lots more coverage of Madden NFL 16!

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.