Assassin’s Creed Unity Shows Beauty and Brutality in Co-Op Gameplay Trailer

Team up with three friends to face evil head on in Assassin's Creed Unity.

Very few franchises can cause the hype train to speed out of control. Grand Theft Auto V and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare stand out as two examples, but it’s safe to say that Assassin’s Creed Unity isn’t that far behind.

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Today, Ubisoft released a gorgeous co-op gameplay trailer showing off some of the beautiful brutality that players can expect to experience on November 14 when the game releases. While there wasn’t much to bite into when it comes to new details, the video does serve as a reminder of just how good the franchise is, and that we’re all less than two months out from playing it.

Have a look at the co-op gameplay trailer down below, then leave us a comment. Will you be grabbing Assassin’s Creed Unity when it comes out?

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