San Diego Comic-Con Day 1 Recap

Laser tag, Skylanders and more highlighted the first day of the event.

San Diego Comic-Con officially kicked off yesterday, with thousands of fans hitting the show floor, panels and surrounding game lounges to take part in all of the action. Of course, we were there, not only giving away cool stuff at the official Prima Games booth (1514, by the way – stop by!), but also checking out all the best events!

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First up was the Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes game room, which is located at 343 Fourth Avenue. Here, players could check out all the playsets for the upcoming title, including the newly announced Guardians of the Galaxy set, featuring Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon and other stars from the upcoming film. This was a terrific set, and we’ll post impressions from it very soon. Be sure to stop by today or tomorrow from 5 to 10 PM and check it out for yourself.

Next up? The Assassin’s Creed experience. Here, you’re able to recreate the actions of the assassins in the forthcoming game, which puts them smack dab into the midst of the French Revolution. Although you won’t have to worry about losing your head via guillotine, you will have to endure a tough course, along with a fun little “Leap of Faith” activity, where attendees drop 25 feet into an awaiting air mattress. Of course, it’s optional, so you could always just go, pre-order the game and net yourself a cool t-shirt. (Don’t forget to say hi to Stone!)

2K Games and Nerdist also hosted their own special event, located at the top of the nearby Petco Park. Here, the team featured a great game of laser tag, which coincides with the release of this year’s Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. It’s a lot of fun, using conventional weapons that actually tell you how many frags you get (and, of course, how many times you get killed). In addition, there’s also a stage featuring Nerdist talent (including Jessica Chobot), as well as a fun little spot where you can load up on candy. It’s free to attend, and open today and tomorrow, so be sure to drop by.

Up next was the World of Capcom panel. Here, a number of talent from the company took part to talk about upcoming projects, including Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Ace Attorney Trilogy and Ultra Street Fighter IV. Sadly, this year didn’t feature any sort of surprising announcement, like last year’s Strider. Still, it was fun and informative, and the Capcom fans came out in droves.

Wrapping up the work day was the Skylanders panel, featuring a number of talent from the game and hosted by GameTrailers’ Geoff Keighley. The team talked about the creation of the game and revealed some behind-the-scenes artwork for it, and Richard Horvitz joined in the fun to provide the voice of Kaos to the fans. There was also a costume contest, where attendees were able to compete for cash and prizes, and players of all ages took part. The event concluded with free limited edition comic books for all those who came.

Following that, it was time for parties. Microsoft hosted a special Xbox VIP lounge, where Aisha Tyler hosted a special episode of Girl On Guy, and attendees were able to check out some of the better Xbox games on the horizon, including Evolve, Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2. There was also a Halo photo op, along with a special Dragon Age: Inquisition throne, for those daring to sit upon its perch. The Lounge is open all weekend over at the Manchester Hyatt, located on the second floor in the Seaport Ballroom. All SDCC attendees are encouraged to stop by.

Finally, Nintendo also hosted its own gaming lounge, featuring a number of upcoming releases for Wii U and 3DS. This room was definitely jumping, featuring such games as Super Smash Bros., Bayonetta 2, Just Dance 2015 and a number of others. Those who drop by can also check out the new Amiibo figures, as well as other releases, like the awesome Hyrule Warriors. That game is definitely shaping up, and we’ll have impressions soon. If you’re in town, feel free to drop by the Marriott Marquis & Marina. It’s free to all people, not just attendees.

Oh, and one last friendly reminder. If you’re in the SDCC area and hitting the show floor, be sure to check out our booth at 1514. We’re giving away all sorts of cool stuff throughout the day, and you can pre-order some of the better premium guides we’re preparing as well. Plus, Fernando should be available for noogies. (OK, don’t noogie him, but do say hello. Then decide if you want to noogie him.)

We’ll see you tomorrow for the day 2 recap!

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.