EA Sports UFC – How to do the Ronda Rousey Armbar

Use Rousey's famous Judo throws to setup her trademark armbar.

The first time we played as Ronda Rousey in EA Sports UFC, we fully expected to get into the mount position to lock in the armbar. We were pleasantly surprised, however, to discover that Rousey can apply this submission from a variety of different positions. While we’re sure we missed a few of them, we did our best to stay true to Ronda’s Judo background, taking the fight to the ground by way of the clinch.

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If you’re looking to pull off the Rousey armbar in EA Sports UFC, our video today will show you a variety of different positions you can use, as well as two types of armbars. Of course, as we find more of them, we’ll be sure to update you with additional articles and videos.

Be sure bookmark Prima Games, checking back often for more strategy and news involving Ms. Rousey, as well as EA Sports UFC in general.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.