Watch Dogs Walkthrough: Act 1 Open Your World – Meet Badboy17, Find ctOS Offices

How to hack the laptop to give Clara access and escape the plaza.

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Mission: Open Your World 

Objective: Meet with Badboy17.

Objective: Reach the ctOS Executive Offices.

Objective: Enter through the underground loading zone. 

Head down the stairs to the next waypoint to trigger another cut-scene. Continue to the next waypoint where you’ll need to enter the building through the loading zone. There’s one guard outside that needs to be taken care of first. Move as close to the red zone (on your mini-map) as possible, then trigger the car alarm on the van just ahead. When the guard moves to inspect the fan and turns his back to you, move in and use a takedown. 

Take cover behind the van parked just inside the loading zone. When it’s clear, move to the left side of the van and remain in a cover position. Close the loading zone door to attract the guard on the right side of the van. As soon as he moves past the van, use a takedown on him. 

With two guards down, target the car just ahead and to the right. Activate the car alarm to attract the third guard in the immediate area. Use the protector as well if he isn’t taking the bait. When the guard sees the fallen bodies of the other guards, he’ll come closer to investigate. As soon as he’s within takedown range, take him down.

Now that the guards in the immediate area are down, hack the camera just ahead to the right. Look all the way to the right to see one more guard marked with a hackable explosive. Don’t hack the explosives just yet, but make note of the guard’s location. Hack into the camera on the wall to the left of the guard (not the camera in the small area where the guard is at), then look right to see another camera on the far right wall. Hack into that camera, then look to the left to find the hacking spot that unlocks the door. 

With the door unlocked, make your way to the left of the van and find cover around the left corner and behind the second van. Now access the camera on the wall that you used to see the guard with the explosives. Hack the explosives to take care of the guard. The sound of the explosives attracts the remaining three guards. As soon as they’re clear of the area between you and the objective door, run (not walk) up to and through the door to the objective waypoint. 

Objective: Locate a guard with the access code. 

Hack the camera straight ahead (just beyond the soda machine), then move it left and zoom in on the guard at the very end. He walks around, so you may have to wait until he’s clearly visible. This is the guard you need to hack to obtain the access code. If need be, switch to the camera in this same direction you’re looking to get a better angle (if the guard is not directly visible from the previous camera). 

Objective: Hack the access point to breach the unsecured laptop.

Once you have the access code, hack the first camera again. There are two explosive plates on the floor, as well as a guard you can hack to explode. Wait until the guard is near the closest explosive plate (this is his normal patrol pattern, so you shouldn’t have to wait long), then blow him up. When a second guard comes to investigate, use the explosive plate to get rid of him. 

At this point, take cover behind the soda machine and wait for the next guard to get close enough to perform a takedown. With three guards down, hack into the soda machine to get the fourth guard’s attention, then take him down as well. 

With all of that done, there’s only one guard left on the bottom floor and two more patrolling the top floor. The one on the bottom floor is all the way at the end of the room by the stairs. You need to go upstairs, which means you need to take down that guard while still avoiding the watchful eyes of the guards above. 

Circle around the outer edge of the room until you’re near the corner where the stairs are located. Be mindful of the guards above as you progress. Once you’re close, access the camera on the wall and distract the guard near the stairs, then take him down while he’s distracted. 

Head up the stairs and wait for the guard at the end to go inside the room (your final destination). Once he’s clear, sneak around to the guard on the far side and take him down. With only one remaining, sneak up behind him and perform a takedown, then head into the room and hack your target. 

You now need to play the hacking mini-game again. Turn the point on the left twice, then turn the point on the far right twice. Follow this by unlocking the middle point, then turning it three times (so you need to press it four times total), then turn the left point one more time and the right point one more time. Unlock the point at the very top, then move on to the second hotspot. 

At the second hotspot, turn the left point twice, then turn the point just above it one time, then the point to the right should be turned three times, then turn the final point to the right one time. Click on the final point to complete the hack. 

Objective: Hack the laptop to upload a virus and give Clara access.

Objective: Escape the plaza.

Objective: Escape the Police scan undetected. 

You now have control of a camera. Dead ahead is a laptop that needs to be hacked. At this point you need to escape the building as quickly as possible. Now, you can stealthily move around the upper floor, avoiding all of the police, or you can just run (not walk) out of the room, then down the hall to the right and through the door. While you’ll take some gunfire, you can make it to the door before you die. Once you’re outside, get into a car and escape the police to complete the mission. 

Hack Chicago with Prima’s free Watch Dogs walkthrough.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.