Titanfall: Patch Summary from Strongside

Pro-gamer Strongside gives you his take on the latest Titanfall patch.

As you may know, Respawn Entertainment launched a patch update for Titanfall with many updates, bug fixes, and (my favorite) Private Matches (Beta). Private Matches is something the e-sports community has been patiently waiting for since the game released. I fired up my Xbox One when I heard the news and put a solid lobby of gamers together and had so much fun gaming against high level players for hours. A Private Match system is a great step toward competitive gameplay and allows players to get into a competitive environment with the players of their choice. Another great feature about the Private Matches is that it allows you to become even more familiar with a map without an enemy trying to kill you constantly. You can look for new wall runs, wall jumps, flag routes, hiding spots, etc. However, to do this, you must have at least two players in a Private Match to start the game.

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Also, enabling gamers to play Private Matches allows teams to take Titanfall to an even higher competitive level. Teams will be able to work on strategies for specific maps and game-modes. If the team is struggling on a certain map the team can load up a private match just for themselves and work with each other on what they think they can do better (holding a certain position, better flag routes, etc).

To all the Highly Competitive Players:

With this Private Match announcement keep a look out for tournaments because I’m sure we will be seeing a few online tournaments for Titanfall in the near future.

A few other updates are Game Balance changes involving a handful Titan weapons, the Burn Card “Amped Kraber” and the Challenge “Gooser”.

The 40mm Cannon default magazine size has be dropped down to 12 rounds because due to how overly-dominant this weapon was with 20 rounds per magazine. Also, if you have equipped Extended Magazine on the 40mm Cannon, it now has 16 rounds (rather than the previous 25 rounds). Before these changes, the 40mm Cannon was unbelievably powerful against Titans and Pilots, but even with these adjustments, this weapon still proves extremely deadly on the battlefield and is still one of my favorites.

The Burn Card “Amped Kraber” is known to be quite hard for hitting enemy Pilots. So, Respawn has juiced up its damage against Titans from 100 to 800. Now you can deal damage to enemy Titans from quite a distance when you find yourself not able to kill any Pilots. This Burn Card is fun to use on a big map when playing Last Titan Standing to aid your Titans from a distance when your Titan has been killed in battle.

A party color update had been added to Titanfall as well. This change makes players that are in your party appear green instead of blue on your mini-map (both Pilot and Titans). The players in your party will also have their gamer tags in-game changed to green instead of blue. I really like this feature because it helps you locate your teammates much quicker and make moves as a team without hesitation.

Lastly, there are changes to one of the toughest Challenges in Titanfall, The Gooser. Originally this challenge had you kill 50 (yes I said 50!) ejecting Pilots in mid-air. Now, that number is reduced to 5 kills. Although Respawn did announce that if you had completed the original challenge and killed 50 Pilots, you will be recognized in a future game update. Not too shabby!

In this day and age of competitive games, it is crucial to implement e-sport friendly features to keep the game alive and relevant. With this patch you can see that the Respawn team is still working hard to satisfy the consumers/players. Respawn also announced that they have many more patches to come. I’m really looking forward to the Last Game Summary Scoreboard. I can’t wait to see what many additions Respawn has in store for us!

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