The Elder Scrolls Online – Where to Find the Skyshards: Part 3

The third part of our Skyshards journey covers all of the shards you can obtain between levels 15 and 30, roughly speaking.

As you begin to level up, the Skyshards become easier to locate. This batch of Skyshards will become available to you between levels 15 and 30 based on average skill progression and grouping. Some of the shards are in more dangerous locations than others, so it’s always good to travel in groups to many of the shards, especially the ones located in dungeons.

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Clue: Granted Safe Haven by the Mages
Location: Go to Grahtwood, then head southeast toward the Mages Guild house. A Skyshard is located just east of the house, near a few wooden barrels.

Clue: The Shrine of the South Leads North
Location: Go to the Southpoint Wayshrine, then head north to find a Skyshard near a few boulders on the side of the road.

Clue: Cooling Off on the Way to the Tower
Location: Go to the Grey Mire Wayshrine, then head northeast to find a Skyshard near a pond.

Clue: Where the Road to the Root is an Isle
Location: Go to Elden Root, then head southeast to find a Skyshard on a small island.

Clue: Atop Falls that Feed the Temple
Location: Go to the Elden Root Temple Wayshrine, then head west. Go north at the crossroads, then east as you continue up the hill to find a SKyshard near the top of a waterfall.

Clue: Spotted from a Treehouse Vantage
Location: Go to the Elden Root, then head north until you reach a treehouse. Head up the stairs to find a Skyshard.

Clue: A Doorway to Trolls Near Redfur
Location: Go to the Redfur Trading Post, then head sound to find a Skyshard on a wooden platform near the iron mines.

Clue: Among Ancient Words in the Stones
Location: Go to the Falinesti Winter Wayshrine, then head west and swim out to the small island to find a Skyshard.

Clue: Above a Seasonal Site of Return
Location: Go to the Elden Root, then head southwest to find a Skyshard by a group of rocks and trees near the NPC camp.

Clue: Where Covenant Forces Pour Forth
Location: Go to the Ne Salas public dungeon to find a Skyshard in the last room.

Clue: A Scrabbling, a Skittering, a Scurrying
Location: Go to the Scuttle Pit public dungeon to find a Skyshard on the main path between two caves.

Clue: Six-Legged Thunder Invades
Location: Go to the Burroot Kwama Mine public dungeon to find a Skyshard in one of the large open rooms.

Clue: Not Yet Dead on the Vine
Location: Go to the Vinedeath Cave public dungeon to find a Skyshard in the large open room to the southeast.

Clue: Stolen Starlight in Wormy Depths
Location: Go to the Wormroot Depths public dungeon to find a Skyshard up the first stairwell.

Clue: Mined by the Bandit of Mobar
Location: Go to the Mobar Mine Public Dungeon to find a Skyshard in the last room.

Clue: Crocs Claimed a Meal in the Sunder
Location: Go to the Root Sunder Ruins public dungeon to find a Skyshard in a room to the southwest. This is the same room where you accept the quest, “If the Dead Could Talk”.



Clue: On Koeglin’s Crown
Location: Go to Glenumbra, then enter Stormhaven to find a clearly visible Skyshard.

Clue: Atop the Stairs of Newgate
Location: Go to the Stormhaven, then head northwest to find a Skyshard just outside the gate to Rivenspire.

Clue: Beside the Henge of Nightmare Crag
Location: Go to the top of the Nightmare Crag, then head south to find a Skyshard.

Clue: The Foot of Wind Keep’s falls
Location: Go to Aphren’s Hold to find a series of waterfalls. A Skyshard is located near the waterfalls.

Clue: Before a Breach in Aphren’s Wall
Location: Go to the Aphren’s Hold ruins to find a Skyshard next to a waterfall.

Clue: Atop the Soulless Tower
Location: Go to the Soulshriven Tower to find a Skyshard at the top.

Clue: In the Monster’s Pantry
Location: Go to the Scrag’s Larder to find a Skyshard  next to the Cousin Scrag group boss.

Clue: Where the Giants’ Tears fall
Location: Go to the Weeping Giants, then head north and climb up the stairs near the waterfall to find a Skyshard at the top.

Clue: Camped in the Sight of the Eastern Gate
Location: Head toward the group boss Zymel Kruz, which is located on the eastern side of the map jyst north of the bridge that leads into Bangkorai. Along the way there’s a Skyshard up the stairs near a few tents.

Clue: Delve Deep with the Bear’s Claw
Location: Go to the Bearclaw Mine solo dungeon to find a Skyshard in the room with the dungeon boss.

Clue: Locked Behind Farangel’s Iron Bars
Location: Go to the Farangel’s Delve public dungeon to find a Skyshard near the center  of the dungeon behind a set of iron bars.

Clue: Mine your Manners Outside Steelheart
Location: Go to the Koeglin Mine solo dungeon to find a Skyshard just before you reach the final boss.

Clue: Explore the Ruins North of Wind’s Keep
Location: Go to the Norvulk Ruins solo dungeon to find a Skyshard in the first open room.

Clue: Comb the Abbey’s Catacombs
Location: Go to the Pariah Catacombs solo dungeon to find a Skyshard at the end of the dungeon.

Clue: West of Firebrand, Deep Beneath the Tower
Location: Go to the Portdun Watch solo dungeon to find a Skyshard in the room with the dungeon boss.

Clue: Explore the Ruins of Broken Marrow
Location: Go to the Bonesnap Ruins public dungeon to find a Skyshard on the west side of the dungeon, surrounded by a large group of enemies.



Clue: Free from Quarantine
Location: Go to the Quarantine Serk Wayshrine, then follow the right wall to find a Skyshard.

Clue: A Hlaalu Victory in Narsis
Location: Go to the large Hlaalu Kinhouse to find the Skyshard on the north side of the building.

Clue: A River View on Muth Gnarr’s Outskirts
Location: Go to the Muth Gnarr Wayshrine, then head southeast until you reach the Andaren House at the top of a hill. A Skyshard is located behind the building, next to a tree.

Clue: A Twin falls in Mournhold
Location: Go to the Mournhold Wayshrine, then head to Merchants’ Square. Just before you reach the bridge, head to the right toward the waterfalls. A Skyshard is located at the bottom of a waterfall.

Clue: Near the Remnants of the House Caravan
Location: Go to the Mzithumz Wayshrine, then head east along the path to reach a building carved into the cliffside. A Skyshard is located to the right of the entrance near the shattered blocks.

Clue: Follow the River that Snakes South to its Source
Location: Go to the Coiled Path Landing, then head south and follow the river until you reach a patch of land where a Skyshard is clearly visible.

Clue: Search near the Cavern with Three Eyes
Location: Go to the Silent Mire Wayshrine, then head west until you reach the crossroads. Continue to the south to reach the Darkshade Caverns dungeon. A Skyshard is located at the end of the dungeon.

Clue: The right Tower is Tal’Deic’s Left
Location: Go to the Tal’Deic Grounds Wayshrine, then head west until you reach a pair of towers. A Skyshard is found next to the tower on the left.

Clue: Where Ships Dock and Mushrooms Mire
Location: Go to the Tal’Deic Grounds Wayshrine, then head west to find a large mushroom at the top of a hill. A Skyshard is located just below the mushroom.

Clue: Where the Dead Walk, No Memories Linger
Location: Go to the Forgotten Crypts public dungeon to find a Skyshard dead ahead from the entrance.

Clue: Lend me Your Ear
Location: Go to the Knife Ear solo dungeon to find a Skyshard near the exit.

Clue: Where a Lady Seeks Kwama before the Storm
Location: Go to the Lady Llarel’s Shelter public dungeon to find a Skyshard in the second cave gallery next to the tree roots.

Clue: Asleep in the Depths
Location: Go to the Lower Bthanual public dungeon to find a Skyshard in the last room.

Clue: Mine your Step Where the Water Drops in
Location: Go to the Triple Circle Mine solo dungeon to find a Skyshard in the room of wooden platforms on the north side of the dungeon.

Clue: Go from Crags to Riches
Location: Go to the Taleon’s Crag public dungeon to find a Skyshard at the bottom of the waterfall in the second large cave gallery.

Clue: Where Corpses till a Garden of Sands
Location: Go to the Corpses Garden public dungeon to find a Skyshard on top of a platform in a room to the south.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.