inFAMOUS: Second Son Walkthrough – Good Karma – Beat Every Chapter, Unlock Delsin’s Powers

How to defeat every boss, improve your karma and make Seattle your playground in Sony's PS4 adventure.

The third installment of the franchise, inFAMOUS: Second Son, takes the series in a whole new direction from its predecessors. Delsin Rowe, a small time vandal, replaces Cole MacGrath in the role of the main protagonist. Forced to defend his people from the Department of Unified Protection, headed by the evil Augustine, Delsin and his brother Reggie set out for Seattle.

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inFAMOUS: Second Son contains many missions. Some of them are short and filled with cut scenes, while others include problem solving and boss battles. No matter where you’re stuck, our walkthrough is here to help you keep the story moving forward.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 1 – Delsin Rowe

This mission serves as the game’s prologue, introducing you to Delsin Rowe and many of the simple play mechanics you’ll use going forward. Our walkthrough will show you how to complete the graffiti art and navigate across the beach to the Longhouse.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 2 – The Visitors

Delsin will absorb the ability to use Smoke Dash from an escaping Conduit. Our guide will show you how to infiltrate the Salmon Bay Cannery, save Betty as well as defeat Hank. Finally, players will meet Augustine, where they will choose either the path to Good Karma or Evil Karma. Players choosing Good Karma will unlock the Sacrifice trophy, while those who choose Evil Karma will earn the Ruthless trophy.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 3 – Aftermath

The third chapter of the game serves as a launching pad for the game’s story. Players won’t make choices related to their Karma and cannot earn trophies through the mission’s completion. Its many cut scenes lay the groundwork for what’s to come.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 4 – Parting of the Ways

The game’s fourth mission sees the action pick up quite a bit. Players will be introduced to Blast Shards, something they must collect to upgrade Delsin’s powers. Throughout the mission, the Smoke Shot and Cinder Blast abilities will be unlocked. Our guide will show you how to collect all Blast Shards, defeat the looters in the tunnel and rescue Reggie from the bridge. 

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 5 – Welcome to Seattle

This mission introduces players to the D.U.P. controlled streets of Seattle. The main objective is to take out the Mobile Command Center before defeating the big D.U.P. agent. Our guide will show you how to do both, as well as collect all the Blast Shards in the area. Players looking to continue along the Good Karma path will want to heal civilians and subdue enemies.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 6 – Catching Smoke

The sixth mission in the game is all about expanding Delsin’s powers. Our guide will show players how to find all three Core Relays, absorb the Sulfur Bomb, Cinder Missile and Comet Drop. As they travel the city, moving from objective to objective, players will partake in some of the side activities, such as destroying Tracker Drones.

inFAMOUS: Second Son Complete – How to Beat Mission 7 – The Gauntlet

It’s time to take the fight to Augustine and her gang of D.U.P. agents. Our walkthrough will show players how to scale the Seattle Space Needle, take out all of the enemies and destroy the Comms Center. This mission will introduce players who chose the Good Karma path to the Orbital Drop, earned by subduing enemies and healing civilians.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 8 – Chasing the Light

This mission is a mix of combat against the D.U.P. and figuring out who is behind the recent killings in Seattle. Our walkthrough will give you tips to defeating Delsin’s adversaries, as well as the location of all the photos required to complete the mission. This is the first time players will encounter Neon, a power that was shown in early trailers of the game.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 9 – Go Fetch

While the first part of this mission is a simple chase scene aimed at teaching players how to move using the Neon power, the second part is the first real boss battle. Our walkthrough will help you through one of the simple yet tricky parts of the mission, hiding by Olaf’s neon sign. The second part of the mission is the boss fight against Fetch. Learn how to avoid her attacks, drain the neon signs and defeat her. When the battle ends, players will have to choose between Good Karma and Evil Karma.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 10 – Light it Up

Similar to the Catching Smoke mission earlier in the game, this one is designed to expand Delsin’s new Neon power. Our walkthrough will show you how to travel around the city, destroy all four Core Relays and absorb the Stasis Bubble, Phosphor Beam and Radiant Sweep. Complete the mission by delivering a thunderous Radiant Sweep to the attacking D.U.P. forces.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 11 – Trash the Stash

Mission 11 sees players team up with Fetch, the neon-wielding sniper they battled against in Go Fetch. There are plenty of easy bad guys to defeat, meaning players should focus on subduing as many adversaries as possible. Our guide will show you how to find the three houseboats with drug stashes and give you tips to improving your Good Karma play through.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 11 – Fight Intolerants – Evil Karma

This is the alternate choice to Trash the Stash, which we covered in our Good Karma play through. Those who wish to make life easier on themselves will go for as many civilian kills as possible, building up to an Orbital Drop or Radiant Sweep to quickly dispatch large groups of enemies. If you’re having trouble with the tunnel, check out some of our helpful tips to get you through.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 12 – The Test

This mission is dominated by the first real boss fight of the game. Augustine challenges Delsin to defeat an enemy known as the “Enormous D.U.P. Agent.” Our guide will show you how to take out the auto turrets, subdue the guards and provide you with easy-to-follow instructions to win your first real boss fight.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 13 – The Fan

Despite a lack of bosses in this mission, expect quite a lot of fighting. Our guide will explain how to destroy the support beams and stay alive on the bridge. Later, we’ll give you tips to take out three very tough D.U.P. agents. Players should spend some Blast Shards on upgrading their Neon powers to get Laser Focus, a big advantage in this and upcoming missions.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 14 – Reggie Takes Flight

This is a fairly straightforward mission after the intensity of some of the previous ones. Players start off searching for Conduit suspects in the porta-pottys around the Lateran District before fighting a hoard of angels. Our walkthrough shows you how to easily defeat the angels and save Reggie.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 15 – Heaven’s Hellfire

The first really tough boss fight of the game takes place in this mission. This one can be a lot of trouble if you don’t know exactly how to defeat He Who Dwells. Our guide will show you an easy way to avoid the damage from this demonic angel, while delivering precise shots of your own to quickly bring the battle to an end.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 16 – Zero to Hero

Just like Catching Smoke and Light it Up, this mission is designed to help players absorb and become familiar with their new Video powers. Our guide will show you how to use Invisible, Bloodthirsty Blades, Video Torrent and Hellfire Swarm. Learn to fight side-by-side with the angels to defeat the D.U.P. agents sent by Augustine.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 17 – Flight of Angels

Although this mission starts and ends with a bang, it’s all about precision for the most part. Players will start by assaulting a construction site full of the Akuran gang, who intend to sell suspected Conduits to the D.U.P. During the bulk of the mission, we’ll guide you through destroying the anchors on all five of the shipping containers and fending off the D.U.P. until Eugene arrives.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 17 – Hunting the Hunters – Evil Karma

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 18 – The Return

This mission sees the return of Hank, the Conduit who is responsible for Delsin originally absorbing the Smoke power. Our guide will show you the exact locations of all the photographs you need, as well as how to keep up with Hank as he tries to escape across the rooftops. Before beginning this mission, it is beneficial to load up on the Video power.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 19 – Quid Pro Quo – First Augustine Boss Battle

Get ready for a tough boss battle against Augustine, but only after fighting your way through hoards of D.U.P. with Hank and Reggie. When the battle finally begins, we will show you step-by-step how to take Augustine down. Players will want to consider using Blast Shards to upgrade both their Smoke and Video powers before this mission begins. Both are essential.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 20 – Smoke and Mirrors

Starting as soon as the previous mission ends, this one has a much slower pace compared to the intense battle with Augustine. Fight your way through several tough waves of D.U.P. agents before confronting Hank at the docks. Finally, choose whether to proceed with Good Karma or Evil Karma before kicking off the game’s final mission.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 21 – Expose Augustine – Final Boss

Action packed from start to finish, the final mission in inFAMOUS: Second Son will have you using all of your tricks and calling in a few favors. Begin by fighting through the D.U.P. and ascending the tower to kick off the final Augustine boss battle. If you’re having trouble, our guide will give you specific details on how to survive every part of the fight. We’ll help you defeat Augustine to complete the game.

inFAMOUS: Second Son – How to Beat Mission 21 – Kill Augustine – Final Boss – Evil Karma

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