Call of Duty: Ghosts- Blitz Tips

Offensive and defensive strategies for this objective based game.

There’s no denying that Call of Duty: Ghosts has a game mode for just about everyone. Today, we’re going to turn our focus to Blitz, an objective based game that has eSports written all over it. 

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Blitz features up to 12 players and is broken into two five-minute halves. Each team is tasked with scoring points by entering the opposing team’s zone. When one team reaches eight points or the time limit expires, the first half is over. A winner can be determined one of two ways: either the first team to reach 16 points, or the team with the most points at the end of the game.

Whether you like offense or defense, our video today will help you to master this game mode. For more information on Call of Duty: Ghosts, check out our Top 5 perks.

What is your favorite game mode in Ghosts? Let us know in the comments. 

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.