Battlefield 4 Conquest Large Map Tips – Zavod 311

How to PTFO and pressure the opposition.

Battlefield 4 is a game with a lot of moving parts. At times, it can be quite overwhelming if you aren’t a seasoned veteran. Trying to figure out what weapon is the most accurate, or what shoulder fired rocket does the most damage could be a full-time job… trust us.

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Conquest Large – available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One – is the bread and butter of Battlefield. Because of this, we’re going to bring you a series of videos to help you develop some solid strategies for all of your favorite maps. Today, we begin with Zavod 311. Of course, if you are playing on the PS3 or Xbox 360, the Conquest Large game mode is not available to you. Don’t let that stop you from checking out our video, since the concept of our strategy still applies to plain old Conquest. 

What is your favorite map strategy for Zavod 311? Let us know in the comments below. Prima’s official Battlefield 4 eGuide is available now.

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Prima Games Staff

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