All Monsters in Content Warning

Each video is a new scare

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Your dream of being a Spookytuber comes true with Content Warning, doing the most unimaginable, unsafe stunts just to get some online clout. And that includes meeting tons of creepy monsters from time to time. Here are all the monsters you can encounter in Content Warning.

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All Monsters in Content Warning, Listed

There are currently 19 different monsters you can meet in Content Warning while making your videos. You and your friends need to find a way to mess with them without risking your limbs in the process, and that’s where chaos starts. Just like in Lethal Company, they all can present a huge threat to you, but you can’t get those sweet views without a bit of tomfoolery.

Some creatures act as “traps” and won’t necessarily follow you around, prompting you to solve a small puzzle instead. None of the monsters have official names just yet, so they’re all named after their appearances. We’re including some appearance details just to be sure too, as well as some ways to help you escape them and survive another day.

Monster NameDescriptionSurviving Tips
Bunny RockTiny bunny-shaped rocks that send you to the ceiling once you touch them.Avoid touching them or you’ll lose your footing pretty quickly. They can be hard to spot sometimes, so keep your lights up and make a detour whenever you have a chance to touch them.
Bomb ThrowerA small worm-like creature with claws and no legs. It throws bombs at the players before exploding itself.Bait the bombs into a safe area before you start running away from it. It takes a while before exploding.
Giant BeastA screaming giant monster with sharp teeth ready to bite you down.Don’t get spotted by it or it’ll start chasing you down. It is quite fast, so be very careful when trying to deal with it.
Captcha JailA cage-like monster that traps a player inside. Other players need to free them by solving a captcha puzzle in time.Solve the captcha carefully within 15 seconds. Failing three times will kill the trapped player.
Jumpy CreeperA shadowy creature that often jumps around and may kill a player on touch.Use your flashlight on it as soon as you spot it to make it go away, and be careful not to get too near.
Eye MonsterA giant eye monster that gets enraged when you point your flashlight at it, chasing players to smash them to death.Turn off your flashlight as soon as you notice it coming, then use the scenario to avoid it as fast as you can.
Knife GhostA monster in a ghost costume that rushes to stab you.Dodge its first charge and get away from it. It can either give up or try again, so be careful.
Giant EarHas an ear for a head and chases players at the slightest sound they hear. Be as quiet as possible and avoid sprinting after you see it.
Machine GunAn animal-like walking machine gun with a laser sight in front of it.Hide from its laser to avoid getting gunned down. It is also aggressive at first sight, so take cover as soon as possible.
Mixer HandA walking hand holding a mixer as its headIt can’t see, so lure it to hit the walls or any other obstacles to make your escape.
SlimeA walking ball filled with holes that can suck the player in with its wind currents.Just avoid it and don’t be caught, which isn’t hard as they’re not as fast by themselves. They might be accompanied by other monsters, though.
SpiderAn enormous spider that chases down its victims with high speed. Can also shoot web at its targets.Be smart with your escape routes and do anything you can to avoid the web.
StarfishA Starfish-shaped monster hanging on the walls waiting for a victim to jump into and suffocate to death.Throw an item on it to make it lose its balance.
Small FrogA biped frog-like creature that’s mostly harmless.Doesn’t seem to be aggressive, so just ignore it.
Tentacle BallA walking ball filled with holes that tries to drag you with either wind currents or its tentacles.Use the walls and objects as protection and avoid getting near it when running.
LarvaUse the walls and objects as protection and avoid getting near them when running.Scary but mostly harmless as it’s incredibly slow. You can outrun it, but don’t get thrown by it or you’ll be in trouble.
ZombieA literal zombie that walks in your direction while making strange sounds. Quite slow, but can appear in groups.It’s easy to outrun it, but be careful with other possible threats. Just don’t let it catch you or you’re done. They can also come in groups, so be careful.

There may still be even more creatures to find, and there are probably many alternative ways to survive these creepy encounters, so make sure to keep recording all of them as often as you can to find out how to deal with those terrifying creatures in the least lethal way possible. You might even get some fame for doing so!

About the Author

Patrick Souza

Patrick has been working for Prima since 2022 and joined as a Staff Writer in 2023. He's been interested in gaming journalism since college, and that was the path he took once he had his degree in hands. Diligently ignores his ever-growing backlog to keep raiding in Final Fantasy XIV, exploring in Genshin Impact or replaying some of his favorite RPGs from time to time. Loves tackling hard challenges in games, but his cats are still the hardest bosses he could ask for.