How to Get a Heartshot in Nightingale

Ready, aim, fire!

Nightingale Portal
Image via Inflexion Games

While most of the quests early on in Nightingale are simple, others can require some precision, finesse, and thinking. Here’s how to get a Heartshot in Nightingale.

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How to Hit a Heartshot on Enemies in Nightingale

The ease of scoring heartshots on enemies in Nightingale will depend heavily on who you’re up against. If it’s Bound enemies, then it should be fairly simple. Hit them in the upper chest and it should count as a heartshot. However, if you plan to do so with wildlife, you’ll need to hit the animal more precisely. While reports have varied a bit, the most successful place to hit a wild animal like a deer is just above the upper left leg, between the leg and the stomach. This is where the heart is on an animal, and if you can be precise enough, that should do it for you.

It’s best that you try to do this without the animal alerted to your presence, so the best way to go about lining up this shot is to give the animal a wide berth but position yourself on its left side. From there, account for any falloff of your ranged weapon and take the shot before it moves. With any luck, there might be another wild animal near it that you can score a second shot on.

What Weapon Should You Use to Complete This Quest?

When you get this quest, there’s a good chance you’ll have the Simple Slingshot. However, this shouldn’t be the weapon you use to complete the quest. Instead, you should ignore the quest and progress until you acquire a gun. Once you do, making precision shots like a heartshot will be much easier. That’s not to say doing it with the Slingshot is impossible, but it’s much harder.

If you need help with other aspects of the game, check out our guide on how to repair structures in Nightingale.

About the Author

Shawn Robinson

Shawn is a freelance gaming journalist who's been with Prima Games for a year and a half, writing mainly about FPS games and RPGs. He even brings several years of experience at other sites like The Nerd Stash to the table. While he doesn't bring a fancy degree to the table, he brings immense attention to detail with his guides, reviews, and news, leveraging his decade and a half of gaming knowledge. If he isn't writing about games, he's likely getting zero kills in his favorite FPS or yelling at the game when it was 100% his fault that he died.