How to Find All Seventh Infantry Units in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7) – Locations Guide

Forward march.

Screenshot of Cloud in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Screenshot by Prima Games

When a towering blonde woman tells you to excel, then by Jenova you better excel. Here’s how to find all 7th Infantry Units in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7).

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How to Find All 10 7th Infantry Units in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7)

After convincing the Commander of your gun-flipping prowess, you’re assigned a simple task. You must lead the elite Seventh Infantry Units in a parade performance that will make her proud. But we have more than just the commander’s approval on the line here. If we perform well enough during the parade, we’ll earn the President’s Commendation and an encounter with President Rufus.

Technically, we only need to find five of the Seven Infantry Units. But for the sake of having as many options as possible for our parade performance, we’ll be getting all 10. Doing so will also net us an achievement. Here’s the quick run down of each of the 7th Infantry’s location, with a more thorough dive below.

  • On Main Street, on the right sidewalk.
  • On Main Street, beside the railing overlooking the ocean.
  • In the Barrack’s Assembly Room.
  • In the Barrack’s Briefing Room.
  • In the Larboard Garrison Storeroom.
  • In Le Sourire.
  • In floor 3F of the Shopping Center.
  • In Cecilia’s of Junon.
  • In the lower floor of The Full Arsenal.
  • In The Glabrescent bar.

How to Find the Main Street Seventh Infantry Units – Exact Location

There are two units on the main street. One is on the far left of the street, near the railing, and the other is near the far right. We’ll be getting the far right one first. Once you spawn into Main Street, go right until you hit the sidewalk. Once you do, follow it down Main Street until you find three soldiers. Two soldiers will be taking pictures with a cutout of President Rufus. Speak to them. If you take a good photo of them, which happens when the reticle in the center is green, you’ll get a President Rufus cutout as a reward.

For our next unit, you’ll want to cross the street and head towards the ocean. You’ll find cement stairs that will lead you to a railing that overlooks the sea. Follow the railing down the street until you encounter the next Seventh Infantry Unit halfway down the path. Speak to them, and they’ll join the formation.

How to Find the Barracks Seventh Infantry Units – Exact Location

There are actually two units we’ll need to retrieve from the Barracks. To find the Barracks, enter the building that’s just north of the rest stop on the main street. Once inside, you’ll need to head up two flights of stairs to the middle level of the Barracks. This will put you in the Assembly Room. Here, you’ll find the first unit against the far wall speaking to a reporter.

When you’ve spoken to them, head up to the next and top floor, and you’ll find yourself in the Briefing Room. There is another unit on the far side of the room. Speak to them to add them to your team. But be sure to grab the chest in the room’s corner near the President Rufus’ cutouts, too. Doing so will get you a Celeris, which will hasten whoever uses it.

How to Find the Larboard Garrison Seventh Infantry Units – Exact Location

Now that we have the Barracks units, we’ll need to grab the Larboard Garrison units. To get to this Laboard Garrison, you’ll need to leave the Barracks and go right to access the side street. Once you do, immediately turn left and enter the building.

This will put you in the Larboard Reception. Now, just go downstairs and find the Larboard unit sitting at a table. Speak to them, and they’ll join the rest. But before you leave the room, be sure to grab the chest in this basement for 1,500 gil.

How to Find the Le Sourire Seventh Infantry Unit – Exact Location

After leaving the Larboard Garrison, head across the road to find a set of stairs.

Follow the stairs up, and you’ll find yourself at the ritzy Le Sourire. Inside, the unit will be chatting. Speak to them, and they’ll join the rest of the team.

How to Find the Shopping Center Seventh Infantry Units – Exact Location

Descend the stairs that took you to Le Sourire and stay on the side street. Go down the side street until you see Red surrounded by kids. Red is standing in front of a Folios shop.

Enter the shop and go upstairs. The stairs are to the right of the shop’s entrance.  

Once you’re upstairs, you’ll immediately see a duo from the Seventh Infantry looking at a display. Speak to them to add them to your crew. Four more to go!

How to Find the Items Materia Seventh Infantry Units – Exact Locations

Now that we have the Shopping Center Seventh Infantry Units, step outside and go into the next shop down. The sign will say “Items Materia”, but the shop is actually called Cecilia’s of Junon. And our wayward troops are scattered around the store.

To find the individual you can speak with, go to the right of the shop’s entrance and look for the soldiers in front of the rocks. Speak to them, and they’ll join you.

How to Find The Full Arsenal Seventh Infantry Units – Exact Location

Next on our list is The Full Arsenal. Step out of the Materia shop and turn right. The next shop will be The Full Arsenal, and it’s here that our next unit is goofing off. You’ll see quite a few of the Seventh Infantry on this floor, but to find the one soldier you can speak to, you’ll need to go downstairs.

He and his buddy are talking over miniatures. Speak to him, and he’ll join the rest. Leaving only one more unit to find. And it’s the best one yet.

How to Find The Glabrescent Seventh Infantry Unit – Exact Location

This is easily the best part of this quest. To find the last unit, you must go back upstairs to The Full Arsenal lobby and exit. Head across the street, and you’ll find you’re standing in front of a bar called The Glabrescent. You’ll get a small cutscene and see a familiar face.

Head downstairs, and you’ll find that the last soldiers in the Seventh Unit are down there, drinking and singing with our favorite bald Turk, Rude. Fortunately, Cloud is able to bail out before things get tense.

Finding all 10 units will net you the The Seventh Infantry achievement and you can report to the Commander at the end of the main street.

About the Author

Daphne Fama

A Staff Writer at Prima Games since 2022, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount playing games of all stripes but has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s an author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a debut novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but found she preferred fiction to contracts and forms