The 7 Best Starter Pals to Catch Early in Palworld

Get your journey started with these Pals.

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Pals play a big role in your survival journey from the beginning. They’re a major part of the game, as they help you build your base and fight other Pals. In this guide, we will go through the best Pals you should catch as soon as you start Palworld.

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The Best Pals to Catch When You Start Palworld

The early stages of the game will have you come across a wide variety of Pals in the starting area. It can be hard to choose which Pals are worth keeping in your Party, and which are destined for the Palbox. Here are the seven best Pals you should catch and use at the start of your Palworld journey.


Cattiva is a cat-like Pal that is very useful when it comes to Mining, Gathering, and Transporting work. You will come across them at the start of the game, along with Lambball and Chikipi. All three Pals are essential to have on your team as you begin to build and improve your Base. However, Cattiva easily outshines the other two.

Cattiva’s Partner Assist Skill increases the player’s carrying capacity, allowing you to carry more items than your current carrying capacity. When deployed on the base, Cattiva will help you gather resources and transport them directly to the base’s storage facilities. Cattiva are very hard workers and decent fighters who can easily fend off any intruder that tries to raid your base.


If you’re reading this guide, you are most likely still in the early stages of the game and looking for methods to level up quickly. A good early game method is to catch as many Pals as you can, as catching ten provides you with an XP bonus the first time. And for that, you will need to craft Pal Spheres.

Once you hit Level 5 and have built a Ranch, having multiple Vixies at the base will get you Pal Spheres without you needing to do anything. Vixies will dig up Pal Spheres from the ground when assigned to a Ranch because of their Dig Here! Partner Skill, that will save you time that is better spent on other things.


One of the more uncommon Pals to come across in Palworld is Daedream, who is also one of the best starting Pals you can get for combat. With its Passive Skill, it will float beside you when in the team, and for every attack you perform, it will shoot magic bullets at the enemy. It is a perfect Pal if you prefer ranged combat, as its Dark Element type can get all the low-level Pals eliminated with one attack. To unlock this, you will first need to catch a Daedream, and then craft a Daedream’s Necklace.


Now that you have built your base and have Pals working on it, you will need to provide them with food to help them keep them in top working condition. For that, you will need to build a Berry Plantation and have Pengullet look over it. It will water the berries to make them grow quicker, meaning that there will be a constant supply of food without you having to do anything. Pengullets also keep cooked food cool for it to last long while placed in a Coolbox.

Along with the above abilities, Pengullet’s Partner Skill allows you to equip a Rocket Launcher that uses Pengullet as the ammo. When shot at the enemy, Pengullet deals major damage but also explodes on contact. To unlock this, you will first need to catch a Pengullet and then craft a Pengullet’s Rocket Launcher.


If you come across Dinossom, which is a very rare Pal to find in the early stages of the game, make sure you do everything in your power to capture it. It is the best combat Pal you can get your hands on if you are lucky enough to survive its wrath.

Dinossom is a Dragon and Grass Element type that has extremely powerful attacks. You can take on low-level bosses in the early stages of the game if you have Dinossom on your team. Make sure you don’t make it mad by stepping on its tail.


Tanzee is another Pal that you will come across early in the game. It is similar to Cattiva as it is also incredibly useful when it comes to maintaining your base. Tanzee excels in Planting, Handiwork, Gathering, Lumbering, and Transporting work.

On top of that, Tanzee’s Partner Skill allows it to take out an assault rifle and shoot it at enemies. Guns are really useful in combat and that is a benefit that Tanzee offers to the players. To unlock this, you will need to first catch a Tanzee and then craft a Tanzee’s Assault Rifle.


Eikthyrdeer is a deer-like creature that you will find near the second Fast Travel point from the starting point. They are commonly found in forests during the day. Getting one for your base will remove the need for chopping down trees to collect wood. Eikthyrdeer will do that job for you.

On top of that, if you catch Eikthyrdeer and craft an Eikthydeer Saddle you will get the ability to mount Eikthyrdeer.

These are the best seven early Pals that you should have in your party. The benefits of each Pal will help you get a running start on your journey. For that, you will need to craft Pal Spheres and have a weapon on you to damage the Pals and capture them. You can also get lucky and get one of these Pals by hatching an egg.

About the Author

Umair Niazi

Umair is a Contributing Writer at Prima Games, who has been in the industry for 3+ years. His immense love for games fueled his interest in game development, which he is currently studying. When he's not working or studying, you will find him sweating in a Counter-Strike lobby or trying to defeat Isshin Ashina in Sekiro. Curse you old man!!!