Lethal Company Enemy Tier List – Most Dangerous Entities Listed

Check out who you should (or shouldn't) engage in a fight.

Forest Giant Lethal Company
Screenshot by Prima Games

Many enemies lurk on the Moons you are visiting in Lethal Company, and when you are new to the game, everything seems to be scary. In this enemy tier list, I’ll show you who you should run away from, who you should fight, and who are your friends.

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Best and Worst Entities to Encounter in Lethal Company – Tier List

S Tier – Run. Run and never look back

  • Forest Giant
  • Earth Leviathan

Forest Giant is unbeatable and is very fast, and this is why it gets the top spot. Most of the time, it’s hard to break the line of sight on time once it spots you.

Earth Leviathan is difficult to predict and outrun, especially if your response to its audible attack foreshadowing is late by just half a second.

A Tier – Can be dealt with… Somehow.

  • Ghost Girl
  • Nutcracker
  • Eyeless Dogs

Ghost Girl can be played against by never looking at her and going back to the ship, thus forcing you to take on the Ship Duty role.

Nutcracker can be killed with smart movement and a couple of whacks with the good ol’ shovel if the environment allows you to kite it.

Eyeless Dogs can ruin your run if they get agitated too much, so it’s best if they never hear anything.

B Tier – Possible to survive against.

  • Jester
  • Coil-Head
  • Bracken

Jester is the in-facility DJ. You have plenty of time to get out and have it reset itself.

Coil-Head is beatable on its own, especially if you have someone to guide you, but if it comes with Bracken in the package, then it’s probably game over.

Bracken is a ticking time bomb. Surely, you can glance at him to make him go away and then look over your shoulder for the remainder of the run, but at some point, it will just start haunting everyone. Get a shotgun from a Nutcracker and just kill the damn thing on sight.

C Tier – You can become highly trained against these.

  • Masked
  • Snare Flea
  • Thumper
  • Bees
  • Bunker Spiders

All of these are easy to outmaneuver, especially in large, open rooms. The circle loop is too strong!

D Tier – Joke-tier enemies you can easily play against

  • Turrets
  • Landmines
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Hygrodere
  • Babboon Hawk

With enough foresight, you can handle all of these without much stress.

F Tier – Can’t kill you even if they try

  • Lizards
  • Locusts
  • Birds

Just do not look at the lizard. Do not feed the lizard. Do not pet the lizard. Do not inhale the lizard’s “smoke.” Praise the RNG for assigning you the lizard.

Did you know that a single person made Lethal Company? Check out who is Zeekerss, creator of Lethal Company, and many more cool horror games.

About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.