The Four Most Important Red Bricks in LEGO City Undercover

We tell you the most important red bricks and how to find them!

There are hundreds of collectibles spread across LEGO City. Finding them all can be a daunting task, but you can make it easier on yourself by finding and activating red bricks. Red bricks give you powers, like becoming invincible or being able to use nitrous in every vehicle. Once you find a red brick, you need to spend studs at the police station to purchase it.

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While there are dozens of red bricks, there are four you should collect as soon as you finish Story Mode. These invaluable powers will make collecting items in LEGO City much, much easier.

Super Color Gun

There are a lot of city challenges that require you to paint objects different colors. This requires you to hunt for a color swapper around the city. With this handy red brick, you never need to use a color swapper again! Shoot any silver object that requires painting and the super color gun will automatically spit out the correctly colored paint. This brick is hidden behind a wall on top of the Toy Store in Uptown.

Unlimited Dynamite

Almost every section of LEGO City has a silver Rex Fury that needs to be blown up with dynamite. Using this red brick, you don’t have to get dynamite from a dispenser. Instead, it will always be on hand for your Miner. This is found in Special Assignment 3: “Miner Altercation” by chicken-gliding across the gap at the final platform in the level.

Super Fast Travel

To get around LEGO City you need to either drive/fly to places or visit a train station in each area. Unless, of course, you nab this red brick. Use the GamePad to select an area of the city and you can fast travel there without having to visit a train station. At the LEGO City Airport, there are some small hangars to the south. One has a door with an orange handle that only Rex Fury can rip open. The red brick is inside.

Stud Multiplier

There are several stud multiplier red bricks in LEGO City that will increase your stud collecting anywhere from x2 to x10!  Each of the stud multiplier red bricks can be found in Story Mode and not in the main city. The Studs x10 red brick is found in Special Assignment 15: “Fly Me To the Moon”. You’ll have to rip apart a crate with an orange handle using Rex Fury and then shoot the switch that’s revealed.

It should be noted that while you might want to eagerly explore the city early on, it’s best to beat the Story Mode first. Many of the most important red bricks can’t be collected until you’ve unlocked all of the different disguise classes and earned Rex Fury. Once the Story Mode is complete, gathering these four red bricks should be your top priority.

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Prima Games Staff

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