Skylanders Franchises Clears $500 Million In United States Alone

And a huge new Activision franchise continues to show its legs.

Activision is all about getting the most out of its franchises, as you can see from its multi-million selling Call of Duty games.  But now it’s looking like Skylanders could very well be the next big cash cow for the company.

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Activision has reported that the franchise has already sold $500 million worth of games and figures in the United States alone, a staggering amount for a franchise only in its second year.  $195 million comes from the recently released Skylanders Giants in itself, with numbers continuously growing with more game sales in the months ahead.

“Just a year ago, the concept of bringing toys to life in a virtual world was an untested play pattern that Activision and Toys For Bob believed in. Now the category has been established in the market and embraced by parents and kids everywhere,” said John Coyne, Vice President of Consumer Marketing, Activision Publishing. “We’re humbled by the continued support and acclaim from parents, kids and critics alike, but more importantly, it’s gratifying to see kids excited about the adventures that await them both in the digital and physical worlds.”

Congrats to Activision and Toys For Bob on their success!  Bring on Skylanders 3.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.