Amazon Offers Nintendo Land Code to Premium Pack Purchasers

Some people didn't receive the pack-in game so ALL are getting the code.

Some number of Wii U Premium Packs from Amazon shipped without a copy of Nintendo Land. Amazon has apologized for the supplier error and is issuing a download code to the effected users for the game in question.

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“It’s been brought to our attention that a small number of orders for this item may have been delivered without the advertised game, Nintendo Land, due to supplier error,” Amazon said in an email to its customers. “In the event that your order was one of the small number missing the game, please use the following code and instructions below, to download the game.”

These codes have been sent to every Amazon purchaser of the Wii U Premium Pack, regardless of whether or not the game was misplaced in their bundle. According to early sales charts, Nintendo Land is the most popular title on the Wii U.

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Prima Games Staff

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