Rumor: Cable Providers Working On Video Game Streaming Services

Move over, OnLive, we could be seeing cable's first foray back into gaming since The Sega Channel.

With online game streaming on the rise, it appears that a few cable companies may be dabbling in the services.

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A report from indicates that companies such as Verizon, Comcast and Time Warner Cable are starting to look into the market of video game streaming and could have services up and running as soon as early 2013. None of the companies would confirm this rumor, but we wouldn’t be surprised if they introduced it.


“Trials of cloud-gaming services are likely to start later this year so carriers can test and tweak the technology before wider deployments that may begin as early as 2013, said the people, who asked not to be named because the discussions are private,” stated Bloomberg’s article.


Again, without confirmation from the companies, we’re not sure what kind of set-up they have in mind. But it sounds pretty cool, provided that their services don’t drop off like the Internet occasionally does. Hey, we need to work here…


Bloomberg link:


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.