Is Valve Working On Hardware?

A recent job posting points to the possibility of a new big player vying for space in your living room.

Valve Software, one of the most respected developers out there, has been denying off and on that they’ve been working on some new hardware, but some recent hires have indicated that they may very well be up to something.

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A job listing over at the company’s official website indicates that they’re looking for an industrial designer, but read the description for yourself: “We’re frustrated by the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space though, so we’re jumping in,” it reads. “Even basic input, the keyboard and mouse, haven’t really changed in any meaningful way over the years. There’s a real void in the marketplace, and opportunities to create compelling user experiences are being overlooked.”

Granted, this could also be circling around software development, but we’re interested to see if a “game box” of sorts materializes from this.  We’ll keep you informed on any developments.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.