Fae Farm: How to Complete all Fishing Job Quests

Everyone's favorite pastime.

Fae Farm Fishing
Screenshot by Prima Games

Fishing is an integral part of everyday life in Fae Farm! Fishing allows you to collect a wide variety of fish which you can give to other players for their big upcoming fish dinner or to cook yourself to make numerous dishes that can help you on your farming adventure. Focusing on Fishing Job Quests will allow you to see everything farming has to offer, and so here is how to complete every Fishing Job Quest in Fae Farm.

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All Fishing Job Quests in Fae Farm

Job Quests are a great way to demonstrate your expertise in a specific skill. Completing every quest and then the final achievement to unlock the outfit proves you are a mighty fine angler. On top of this, you will need a range of fish to use for certain recipes and to give to fellow townsfolk who planned a big fish dinner without obtaining the main ingredient. Lucky that they have you.

Where to Start Fishing Job Quests

You may think you should visit Eddy the Fisherman at Stay-a-While Bay to begin the quests. It is a little confusing, but you have to seek out Nessa. You can often find her on the Beach, but if she is not there, she will fish on one of the piers at the Docks.

You can utilize two ways to get to Nessa quickly, depending on which location Nessa is in.

  1. From the Homestead, use the pedestal to teleport to Saltwater Mines. Drop straight off the southern cliff onto the beach, and then run left until you find Nessa in front of the building on the beach.
  2. From the Homestead, use the pedestal to teleport to West Town. Run south down the stairs until you are at the Docks. From there, there are five piers in which you can search to find Nessa fishing. In my experience, she usually starts from the left to right.

Don’t forget to utilize the map to see which area Nessa is currently located in. If you select her, an arrow will appear and show you which direction she is in. A handy way to find her at the Docks.

Where to find Deep-Sea Fish and Seafood Creatures

If you have never swam too far out or read the fish descriptions in the Almanac, you may have spent a significant portion of the game not knowing that there are two more fishing areas, which both boast unique fish. Below, you will find directions to both locations.

Seafood Creatures

To access the fishing area for seafood creatures, you must have completed the Scorched Caverns and received the Bash ability. Once this has been done, visit the beach area near Eddy the Fisherman. From here, swim south until you hit the island. Climb it via the righthand side, and then fish off the pier.

Deep-Sea Fish

To access the fishing area for deep-sea fish, first make your way to the Saltwater Mines. Once you are at the entrance, swim south until you find an island. Climb up the southeast side and then run over to the island’s western side to fish up deep-sea fish. Alternatively, jumping off the broken bridge near the Saltwater Mines will bring you to the island if you time the double jump correctly.

All Fishing Job Quests and Rewards Listed

Below is a list of every Fishing Job, a guide on completing it, and the rewards for doing so.

Job QuestGuideReward
Fishing 1
Catch some fish in the river and ponds.
You will need to catch 2 freshwater fish to complete this Job Quest. You can find these fish in any river and pond in the Lowlands.Iced Tea x1
Fishing 2
Catch fish from the sea.
You will need to catch 2 saltwater fish to complete this Job Quest. You can find these fish at the beach.Fish and Mushroom Soup x1
Fishing 3
Rainbow trout and sardines are hard to find!
You will need to catch 1 rare fish to complete this Job Quest. Rare fish are distinguished from regular fish by the white starry glow around them. Rainbow trout is a rare spawn in the river, and sardine is found at the beach.Small Zoom Potion x1
Fishing 4
The mystic pools of the Fae Realm are homes to all-new fish.
You will need to catch 2 Fae Realm fish to complete this Job Quest. You will need to have at least started Chapter 4 to have access to this location.Lucky Potion x1
Fishing 5
Loach Smelt Smallmouth Bass.. but didn’t say anything.
You will need to catch 1 rare fish from the Fae Realm to complete this Job Quest. Rare fish are distinguished from regular fish by the white starry glow around them. Small Warmth Potion x1
Fishing 6
Freezing water makes a cozy home for these high-altitude fish.
You will need to catch 2 mountain fish from the Mountain area to complete this Job Quest. On top of this, Mountain fish require you to purchase the Advanced Rod from Eddy the Fisherman before attempting to capture them.
You will enter this location when you hit Chapter 7 of the main story.
Medium Warmth Potion x1
Fishing 7
Asp, pickerel, and black bass don’t show themselves often.
You will need to catch 1 rare mountain fish from the Mountain area to complete this Job Quest. Rare fish are distinguished from regular fish by the white starry glow around them.Fish Curry x1
Fishing 8
You can’t reach these ocean fish from the shore.
You must catch 2 deep-sea fish to complete this Job Request. It is not required, but upgrading your fishing rod once again will make these deep-sea fish easier to capture.
You can find these fish on a small island south of the Saltwater Mines.
Seashore Stew x1
Fishing 9
Halibut, yellowfin, and sea bass are harder to catch.
You must catch 1 rare deep-sea fish to complete this Job Request. Rare fish are distinguished from regular fish by the white starry glow around them.Seafood Spaghetti x1
Fishing 10
Eels, squid, and puffers lurk in the same waters as the deep-sea fish.
You will need to catch 2 seafood creatures to complete this Job Request. You can find these fish after completing the Scorched Caverns. The island is located south of Eddy the Fisherman.Deep Ocean Wallpaper Recipe x1
Fishing 11
The eel, the spotted puffer, and the great Humboldt Squid will test your skills.
You must catch 1 rare seafood creature to complete this Job Request. Rare fish are distinguished from regular fish by the white starry glow around them.Mariner Hat x1

Unlocking the Fishing Job Quest Outfit

When you have finished all of the above Job Quests, you will be able to tab over to the achievements section and see that there is an achievement to complete to earn the Mariner Outfit.

To complete this achievement and unlock the outfit, you must have caught one of every fish in Fae Farm. By now, you should be close to this! If not, check your Almanac to see what you are missing! After collecting them all, return to the above menu and redeem the quest to unlock the outfit.

Now, you have caught every fish in the game, and it’s time to move on to the next thing. If you’re going to work on the Mining Job Quests, make sure you know which gems are in Saltwater MinesFloating Ruins, and Scorched Caverns!

About the Author

Priscilla Wells

Priscilla is both the weekend editor and a freelance writer at Prima Games. She began working at Prima Games in early 2023. Prior to this, she spent nine years writing for both her own personal gaming blog, and other related websites. Priscilla has grown up playing video games, and most often plays her PS5 and Nintendo Switch consoles. You can find her playing Final Fantasy XIV, RuneScape, Pokemon GO, or lost in the latest RPG to release. She is an Australian living in the United States with her American husband, three children, and her Basset Hound. Before moving to the United States, Priscilla obtained a Bachelors of Secondary Education majoring in English and Japanese Language. This allowed her to teach English and Japanese in a high school setting. You can follow her on Twitter/X at @Cilllah