Lies of P: Best Stats to Level Up – Explained

I'll never get over the idea of leveling up Pinocchio.

Lies of P Respec Featured

Lies of P brings the world of Pinocchio to life in a variety of new ways, and all of them are completely unexpected. Jumping into this world will provide you with plenty of opportunities to see your favorite characters in a whole new light, but none of them are more extreme than the titular character himself. Roaming through these desolate streets with a blade is terrifying, but knowing exactly what you need to do to take down the foes you encounter is a necessary evil. However, if you’re not leveled up for the job, you may find this game to be more difficult than it needs to be, so let’s find out where you should be dumping your Ergo in Lies of P.

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Which Stats Are Most Important In Lies Of P?

Lies of P Paths Selection
Screenshot by Prima Games

The first important choice you must make is choosing the Path you wish to follow. Depending on your playstyle, you’ll find that your choice of Path can impact your overall playthrough. With an option for balance, and option for speed, and an option for strength, this will be the first stepping stone on your new adventure.

After you have selected the path that you would like to go down, the next option is figuring out which skills are the best to start leveling up right away. As we mentioned in our how to level up in Lies of P guide, there are a few stats that stand out above the rest.

While it is very much dependent on the build that you’re aiming for, our choices for the top three stats to level up quickly are as follows:

  • Vigor
  • Capacity
  • Motivity (Heavy Weapons) or Technique (Light Weapons)

Vigor is your general life essence, and you’ll find yourself falling into the hands of these dastardly puppets if you’re not keeping yourself healthy. Increasing your overall health is rather important for many reasons, and is easily the most important to level up first. Capacity, on the other hand, will allow you to carry more weapons and items without becoming over-encumbered, so you can always stay light on your feet. Finally, Motivity or Technique will allow you to attack faster and hit harder, depending on the type of weapon that you’re bringing along for the ride.

If you’ve found yourself struggling throughout this adventure, make sure you know how to respec so you can ensure that you’ve got the perfect build going on at all times. As you make your way through these dark and disgusting streets, make sure that you’re keeping your eyes peeled on our Lies of P section below to get your hands on countless guides and tips to make your journey all the more exciting.

About the Author

Shaun Cichacki

As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.