Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Use the Iron Flask (BG3)

That's a spicy bottle

Photo of Iron Flask in Baldur's Gate 3

The Iron Flask is a powerful item that can be acquired in Baldur’s Gate 3, though powerful does not always mean friendly. This magical artifact can be located during Act 1, but it poses an important question, should you even open it?

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How to Find the Iron Flask in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Strongbox that holds the Iron Flask is part of an early game quest called Missing Shipment. You can pick up the pursuit in several ways, but to progress to the next step, you must head to the cave at (X:33 and Y:603). Be aware that many Gnolls are attempting to assault two traders in the cave and will need to be dealt with.

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  • Photo of Iron Flask in BG3

Once the area is clear, speak with the traders, and you can talk your way into delivering the Strongbox. Be aware that opening the Strongbox is a one-way street, and if you attempt to provide it to Zarys after picking the lock, the entire group will turn hostile. However, you can only get the Iron Flask by picking the box open, so make sure you’re happy with your choice.


Using the Iron Flask will unleash the Spectator. It’s a powerful enemy that could potentially kill your entire party! Make sure you’re prepared if you choose to use it.

How to Use the Iron Flask in BG3

The Iron Flask can be opened anytime by interacting with it in your inventory. Double-click the Iron Flask and choose the dialogue option to remove the stopper. This will summon a Spectator, a magic-wielding weaker version of the famed Beholder.

Photo of character in Baldur's Gate 3
Screenshot by Prima Games

This monster is a powerful foe who will quickly take down a low-level party. However, it provides a hefty amount of xp, so taking it down could give you an early-game boost if you can overcome the challenge.

Another option is to summon the Spectator in the middle of a difficult battle. It will attack and be attacked by everything in sight, so if you can keep your party out of the main combat, much of the work can be done for you, leading to a (hopefully) easier fight.

Using the Iron Flask While in Stealth

A tricky, but effective option will require some stealth. If you can stealth into a group of enemies and unleash the flask, the Spectator will start some chaos, attacking everything around it. This’ll give you a chance to sneak by potential enemies in your way, or have those enemies weakened for you to take out later on.

Giving the Iron Flask to Zarys

You can also just give the chest back to Zarys, which will complete the quest and give you gold and experience. Another option is giving it to the same wizard who hired the Zhentarim in the first place. Make sure that the chest hasn’t been opened at all.

Photo of Spectator in Baldur's Gate 3
Screenshot by Prima Games

Giving the Iron Flask to Gale

Finally, you could feed the Iron Flask to Gale, as the Flask itself counts as a magical artifact. Of course, if you don’t want to deal with the flask at all, you can simply avoid it entirely and go on to beat the game. Be warned though that it will be on one of the Zhents later on in Act 3 during the sewer battle for the Guild Hall. Kill that Zhent quickly and they won’t have a chance to use it.

Now you know what to do with the Iron Flask, why not find out how to break Sturdy Walls and get into even more places you shouldn’t be?

About the Author

Jack Grimshaw