All Chapters in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life Listed

Enjoy the seasons of life.

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life Child

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life truly is a unique experience, unlike other games in the same genre. Instead of the game lasting a few years during early adulthood, the game takes you through all of life’s seasons, from beginning to end. As you progress through the story, you may wonder how many chapters are in the game. Here is a list of all chapters in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

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Every Chapter in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

It’s almost bittersweet watching yourself go from a farmer who is new to town to life’s natural conclusion. As someone who has children of their own, it makes me feel so many emotions. Naturally, the below information includes spoilers. Please only read if you do not mind significant story elements to be spoiled for you.

Screenshot by Prima Games
Chapter NumberChapter NameRequirementsImportant Aspects
OneBeginnings• Must marry at the end of the year.• You move to Forgotten Valley, meet everyone and take over the farm.
• You have a single-room house.
Your farm has two fields, you have a cow, dog, and Takakura will gift you a horse.
TwoBranchingN/A• Your house is upgraded. Now it has a separate kitchen in the back, as well as a bathroom and toilet.
• You can start creating hybrid crops.
• You can buy a goat from Van.
• Nina passes away, and you can no longer gift items to Gary.
• Garrett, San, and Kate move to Forgotten Valley.
• The Dig Site is expanded, and you can find another Forgotten Valley artifact.
ThreeBlessingsN/A• The Dig Site is expanded, and you can find another Forgotten Valley artifact.
• Your child has grown.
• Hugh is now a teenager
• Your house is expanded further with your child having their own room.
• Gary can be gifted items again.
FourBloomingN/A• Everyone has aged.
• Your child is a teenager.
• Hugh and Kate have grown up.
• The Dig Site is expanded, and you can find another Forgotten Valley artifact.
FiveTraversalN/A• The Dig Site is expanded, and you can find another Forgotten Valley artifact.
• Your child has grown up.
SixTwilightN/A• Your child is an adult and has decided on their career path.
• Everyone in Forgotten Valley is elderly.
• The Dig Site is expanded, and you can find another Forgotten Valley artifact.
• You pass away.
SevenBeyondRequires loading up a save file after the ending.• Adults are back to the ages that they were in Chapter Two.
• Your child, Kate, and Hugh will continue to be adults.
• This chapter will never end, and so you can continue to play whilst Forgotten Valley never ages.

Related: All Outfits in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life Listed

The ending of the game is incredibly bittersweet. Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life is a unique entry in the series due to how it captures every moment of your life. The highs and lows. The start and the end. Everything from your child’s birth to what they become to be as an adult. It is truly a wonderful experience.

About the Author

Priscilla Wells

Priscilla is both the weekend editor and a freelance writer at Prima Games. She began working at Prima Games in early 2023. Prior to this, she spent nine years writing for both her own personal gaming blog, and other related websites. Priscilla has grown up playing video games, and most often plays her PS5 and Nintendo Switch consoles. You can find her playing Final Fantasy XIV, RuneScape, Pokemon GO, or lost in the latest RPG to release. She is an Australian living in the United States with her American husband, three children, and her Basset Hound. Before moving to the United States, Priscilla obtained a Bachelors of Secondary Education majoring in English and Japanese Language. This allowed her to teach English and Japanese in a high school setting. You can follow her on Twitter/X at @Cilllah