Current Phase of the Moon Emoji: The Password Game Guide

First math class, now science

Current Phase of the Moon Emoji Password Game Guide

We’ll come right out and say it: this one confused us like you wouldn’t believe when we first started playing The Password Game. After struggling for hours to figure out the fifth rule and flying through the rest, we encountered this one and had to sit there for a few minutes to figure out what we were reading. After some time, we did figure it out, and we’re happy to share the details with you all. If you want to learn more, continue reading to figure out how to include the moon’s current phase as an emoji in your The Password Game answers.

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Updated September 27, 2023, by Michael Dawson: Changed current moon cycles and dates

The Password Game Rule 13 Guide – Current Phase of the Moon Emoji

Moon phases change every few days, cycling between eight different ones:

  • New Moon – 🌑
  • Waxing Crescent 🌒
  • First Quarter 🌓
  • Waxing Gibbous 🌔
  • Full Moon 🌕
  • Waning Gibbous 🌖
  • Third Quarter 🌗
  • Waning Crescent 🌘

Copy and Paste All Moon Emojis for The Password Game

Depending on the current cycle, you’ll have to copy-paste the appropriate emoji into the password text box to solve the rule and move on to the next. For example, as of updating this article on September 27, the current moon phase is Waxing Gibbous, with dates like September 22 and September 29 changing to First Quarter and Full Moon, respectively. You can find the current moon phase through sites like Time and Date.

Here are all of the moons in a single row: 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘

If you cannot copy-paste the emojis from the list above, you can use sites like FSymbols to access the moons easily.

The Password Game Moon Emoji
Copy-paste the emoji to move on to rule 14! | Screenshot by Prima Games

Alternatively, if you don’t want to check Time and Date for the exact moon phase, copy+paste all eight emojis into the password box until one works. Admittedly, this is the strategy we used at first, and it worked surprisingly well. Following various failed attempts, we repeatedly pasted the same moon emoji, as we remembered the correct answer after a few tries.

Once you complete this Password Game rule, you’ll move on to the next one, arguably more challenging than this one, depending on your luck. Good luck!

Need some help with other Password Game rules? Check out how to beat Rule 18 in The Password Game, or click the tag below to explore our entire article collection!

About the Author

Madison Benson

Madison was a staff writer at Prima Games who has played video games for over twenty years and written about them for over two years. Her love for video games started with turn-based strategy games like Heroes of Might and Magic and has since extended to casual farming sims, MMORPGs, and action-adventure RPGs.