V Rising: Secrets of Gloomrot – All Spells Listed

Destroy humans with vampiric fun!

The first major content update for V Rising since its 2022 early access debut, Secrets of Gloomrot, has finally released. Among a myriad of changes including new lands, enemies, bosses, and weapons to discover, hungry vampires now have an entire new spell system to enjoy. Here’s all the spells available in V Rising: Secrets of Gloomrot.

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All New Spells and Magic in V Rising: Secrets of Gloomrot

Secrets of Gloomrot brings newly reworked spell system with the five original magic types; Blood, Chaos, Unholy, Illusion, and Frost, while also adding a brand new magic type – Storm.

Here are all six spell trees in V Rising: Secrets of Gloomrot:

Blood Magic

Blood Magic excels at dealing damage to others while replenishing the life of your own. Spells of this type inflict Leech.

  • Leech – Leech the lifeforce from your enemies for 5 seconds. Physical attacks restore 7% of damage dealt against Leeched enemies.
Spell NameSpell Effect
Shadowbolt Launch a projectile that deals 180% magic damage and inflicts Leech.
Blood RiteBlock melee and projectile attacks for 1.5 seconds. Blocking an attack triggers a wave of energy that pushes enemies away, dealing 100% magic damage and inflicting Leech. Turn immaterial for 1.2 seconds when triggering this effect.
Blood RageHeal nearby allies for 40% of your spell power, increase attack speed for 25% and movement speed by 15% for 4 seconds. Inflicts Leech on nearby enemies.
Blood FountainSummon a pillar of blood, healing allies for 40% of your spell power. The pillar explodes after 1.2 seconds, inflicting Leech and dealing 75% magic damage to enemies while healing allies for 60% of your spell power.
Sanguine CoilLaunch a projectile that deals 75% magic damage, drains 25% health and inflicts Leech. Heals ally hit for 100% and self for 25% of your spell power. Hitting an enemy affected by Leech consumes the effect and heals you for 5% of your maximum health.
Veil of Blood (Movement)Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage, heals you for 5% of your maximum health and inflicts Leech.
Crimson Beam (Ultimate)Channel a beam of energy that deals 200% magic damage and inflicts Leech to enemies hit while healing allies for 150% of your spell power per second for up to 3 seconds. Each target hit heals self for 25% of your spell power.
Heart Strike (Ultimate)Dash forward and strike enemies in a line. Deals 150% magic damage and heals self for 150% of your spell power over 3.5 seconds. A nova of blood erupts when the effect ends, dealing 150% magic damage and inflicting Leech to the victim and nearby enemies.

Chaos Magic

Chaos Magic delivers hard-hitting spells that Ignite enemies, dealing damage over time.

  • Ignite – Ignite your enemies with chaos flames, dealing 50% magic damage over 5 seconds.
Spell NameSpell Effect
Chaos VolleyLaunch 2 Chaos Bolts in a sequence that deal 110% magic damage and inflict Ignite.
Aftershock Smash the ground, causing a shockwave that erupts and deals 125% magic damage in a line while inflicting Ignite.
Chaos BarrierBlock melee and projectile attacks in front of you for 2 seconds. Blocking an attack launches a projectile towards the attacker, dealing 50% damage, pulling the target towards you and inflicting Ignite. Recasting Chaos Barrier during its effect will launch a chaos projectile.
Void Summon an orb that explodes at the target location, dealing 90% magic damage, inflicting Ignite, and pulling enemies towards the center.
Power SurgeBoost a target ally or self, increasing movement speed by 25%, attack speed by 25%, and causing physical attacks to inflict Ignite for 4 seconds.
Veil of Chaos (Movement)Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. Your next primary attack inflicts Ignite and your illusion explodes, dealing 50% magic damage to nearby enemies and inflicting Ignite. Can be recasted a second time to dash once more.
Merciless Charge (Ultimate)Charge forward and grab an enemy, dealing 125% magic damage and pushing them in front of you. Deals 125% magic area damage, inflicts Ignite, and inflicts a Stun lasting 1.5 seconds when reaching maximum range or when colliding with another enemy or object.
Chaos Barrage (Ultimate)Launch 4 Chaos Orbs that deal 75% magic damage on direct hit, 75% magic damage to enemies in an area, and inflicts Ignite.

Unholy Magic

Unholy Magic specializes in summoning minions from the dead while inflicting debuffs onto your enemies with Condemn.

  • Condemn – Condemn your enemies, increasing all damage dealt to them by 15% for 5 seconds. Summon an unholy warrior to fight by your side whenever a condemned target perishes.
Spell NameSpell Effect
Corrupted SkullLaunch a projectile that deals 80% magic damage. Summons a skeleton and inflicts Condemn. The attack deals 40% bonus damage to enemies below 30% health.
Bone ExplosionRaise a bone pile from below that explodes at the target location, dealing 140% magic damage in an area and inflicts Condemn.
Ward of the DamnedBlock melee and projectile attacks in front of you for 2 seconds. Absorbing an attack summons a skeleton, and each consecutive attack absorbed has a 50% chance to summon an additional skeleton up to a maximum of 5. Enemy melee attackers are knocked back. Recasting during the effect launches a wave of energy dealing 25% magical damage and inflicting Condemn.
Death KnightSummon a Death Knight at target location that performs a heavy melee attack dealing 130% magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back, and inflicting Condemn. The strike deals 70% bonus damage to enemies below 30% health.
Soulburn Drain the life from up to 3 nearby enemies dealing 70% magic damage, inflicting Condemn and leeching 40% health. Cancels any attack the enemy performs, silencing them for 2.5 seconds.
Veil of Bones (Movement)Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and inflicts Condemn. Deals 50% additional damage to enemies below 30% health.
Volatile Arachnid (Ultimate)Summon spiderlings that chase down your enemy and explode when nearby, dealing 130% magic damage and inflicting Condemn. Deals 40% damage and inflicts a 1.5 seconds fading snare at the summoning location. Can be recast up to 3 times.
Summon Fallen Angel (Ultimate)Summons a fallen angel to fight for you for 15 seconds. Attacks performed by the fallen angel inflict Condemn.

Illusion Magic

Illusion Magic specializes in confusing enemies with specters and apparitions, while inflicting Weaken on them and reducing your own cooldowns through Phantasms.

  • Weaken – Weaken your enemy to reduce their damage output by 15% for 5 seconds. 25% chance to gain Phantasm whenever a weakened target perishes.
  • Phantasm – Reduces your spell cooldowns by 1% and grants 2% chance to reset cooldown on cast. This effect stacks up to 10 times and is removed once you successfully reset cooldown on cast.
Spell NameSpell Effect
Spectral WolfSend out a Spectral Wolf that bounces to a nearby enemy after each hit, up to 2 additional hits. Deals 125% magic damage on the first hit, subsequent hits deal 85% damage of the previous hit. Each hit inflicts Weaken and grants a stack of Phantasm.
Phantom AegisApply a shield to target ally or self that shields the target for 200% of your spell power, inflicts Weaken on nearby enemies and grants Phantasm for each enemy hit.
Mist TranceBlock melee and projectile attacks for up to 1.5 seconds. Turn immaterial and teleport to cursor location when an attack is blocked. Inflicts Weaken on nearby enemies when reappearing and grants Phantasm for each enemy hit.
Wraith SpearDash backward and launch a piercing projectile dealing 160% magic damage and inflicting Weaken. Each subsequent hit deals 75% damage of the previous hit and grants Phantasm.
MosquitoSummon a spectral mosquito at the target location that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing 70% magic damage in an area, inflicting Weaken and fearing enemies for up to 1.5 seconds. Grants Phantasm for each enemy hit.
Veil of Illusion (Movement)Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and inflicts Weaken. Spawns an illusion that launches projectiles inflicting Weaken and granting Phantasm. Recast to return to your start position and spawn a new illusion at your current location.
Spectral Guardian (Ultimate)Summon a Spectral Guardian that shields allies in an area for 125% of your spell power and inflicts Weaken on nearby enemies. The guardian attacks enemies with a mighty swing, dealing 80% magic damage. The shield is reapplied every 1.5 seconds and the guardian lasts for 7 seconds.
Wisp Dance (Ultimate)Summon 3 wisps that circle around you, dealing 60% magic damage and inflicting Weaken to enemies while granting Phantasm. Recast to launch all 3 wisps as piercing projectiles dealing 100% magic damage, inflicting Weaken and granting Phantasm.

Frost Magic

Frost Magic uses the power of ice attacks to Chill and Freeze your enemies for unparalleled crowd-control effects.

  • Chill – Chill your enemies to their core, slowing their movement speed by 15% for 5 seconds.
  • Freeze – Freeze your enemies solid, making them unable to move or act for 4 seconds. Deals 25% spell damage and inflicts Chill if enemy is immune to Freeze.
Spell NameSpell Effect
Frost BatLaunch a projectile that deals 100% magic damage. The projectile explodes upon impact, inflicting Chill on nearby enemies. Hitting a Chilled enemy inflicts Freeze for 4 seconds.
Ice NovaConjure a nova of ice at the target location, dealing 140% magic damage. The nova radiates outward, inflicting Chill.
Frost BarrierBlock melee and projectile attacks in front of you for 2 seconds. Conjures up to 8 frost spikes dealing 50% magic damage and inflicting Chill when the barrier is struck. Recast during the effect to conjure a cone of cold, dealing 25% magical damage and inflicting Chill.
Crystal LanceLaunch a projectile dealing 160% magic damage and inflicting Freeze lasting 4 seconds.
Ice BlockTurn target ally or self into solid ice, rendering them unable to move or act for up to 2.2 seconds. The ice shields 280% of your spell power, grants immunity to crowd control effects, and heals up to 8% of your maximum health while active. The effect can be cancelled by interrupting it.
Veil of Frost (Movement)Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. Your next primary attack conjures a nova of frost that deals 50% magic damage and inflicts Chill on nearby enemies.
Arctic Leap (Ultimate)Leap into the air and strike down at target location, dealing 200% magic damage. A nova of frost erupts from the impact location, Freezing any enemy hit for up to 6 seconds. Enemy vampires are frozen for 2 seconds.
Frost Vortex (Ultimate)Conjure a frost storm that deals 100% magic damage and pulls enemies towards the center. The storm rages on for 6 seconds, dealing 480% magic damage and inflicting Chill on all enemies.

Storm Magic

Storm Magic harnesses lightning and thunder to electrify your enemies while inflicting them with Static.

  • Static – Electrify your enemy for 5 seconds, causing physical damage dealt to them to trigger a shock dealing 10% magic damage.
Spell NameSpell Effect
Cyclone Conjure a cyclone that pierces enemies, dealing 90% magic damage and inflicting Static. The cyclone returns once it reaches max distance, circling back towards you and lingering for up to 10 seconds, hitting any enemy it passes through.
Polarity ShiftLaunch a projectile that deals 90% magic damage and inflicts Static. You and the other target swap locations on impact. If the target is immune to the effect, you instead teleport to the location of the target.
Discharge Block melee and projectile attacks for up to 1.5 seconds. Turn immaterial and travel to cursor location when an attack is blocked. Passing through an enemy deals 50% magic damage, inflicts Static and launches the target into the air for 3 seconds.
Ball LightningLaunch a Ball Lightning that lingers in place, periodically shocking a nearby enemy and inflicting Static. Deals up to 180% magic damage per target over 3 seconds. Ball Lightning’s total damage cannot exceed 450% magic damage. Explodes after the duration dealing 50% magic damage in the area.
Lightning CurtainSummon a curtain of lightning that blocks projectiles for up to 2.5 seconds. Inflicts Static and periodically deals 25% magic damage to enemies that pass through its effect. Applies a fading haste, increasing movement speed by 40% for 3 seconds to allies that pass through.
Veil of Storm (Movement)Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. Gain 20% increased attack speed for 4 seconds. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and inflicts Static. Dashing through an enemy also inflicts Static
Raging Tempest (Ultimate)Dash forward and bounce between nearby enemies, striking them for a total of 525% magic damage split across target within the area over 3 seconds. Additionally strikes all enemies in the area up to 4 times dealing 40% magic damage and inflicting Static. Afterward, dash towards your aim direction. Attack to end this effect early.
Eye of the Storm (Ultimate)Knockback nearby enemies and conjure a thunderstorm around you. Lightning bolts strike down in the surrounding area dealing 100% magic damage and inflicting Static. The storm rages on for 5 seconds and lightning strikes the area 37 times over the duration.

Related: How to Get Blood Essence in V Rising

Those are all magical spells available in V Rising: Secrets of Gloomrot. Personally, I love using a mixture of Blood and Chaos for all my PvP needs. For more information on V Rising, check out our other guides and tips here at Prima Games.

About the Author

Matt Vatankhah

Matt's writing career began when he joined Prima Games in 2022. As Managing Editor, he tries to make sure everything you read looks as pretty as possible. He's had a passion for video games all of his life and really loves Final Fantasy, retro FPS, roguelikes, and metroidvanias. He will absolutely stomp you in Tetris.