Pokemon GO Kleavor Raid Guide – Best Counters, Strengths & Weaknesses

Prepare your best for this monster

With a new Raid Monster on the horizon, being prepared is one of the most important things a player can do. In the world of Pokemon GO, you’ll have the opportunity to take on massively powerful monsters via Raids, which can be taken on alone or with the help of friends. While Kleavor may only be a 3-Star Raid monster, if you don’t have the proper Pokemon prepared, you’ll find that they can quickly sweep the floor with you before you know what hit you. Let’s find out what makes this creature tick, and how we can exploit their most significant weaknesses in this battle.

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Pokemon GO Kleavor Raid Day Schedule

If you’re hoping for a chance to capture this particular Pokemon, you’ll want to clear some time from your schedule starting on May 6 at 11:00 AM Local Time until 2:00 PM Local Time. Since they are making their debut directly on their first Raid Day, you’ll only have a few hours to get out into the world and challenge them.

Related: How to Transfer Pokemon from Pokemon GO to HOME

Kleavor Raid Guide – Strengths, Weaknesses & Best Counters

While they may not be the most powerful monster, players less prepared will find out exactly how much power this 3-Star Enemy has in store. Putting together a team of Pokemon that can exploit its weaknesses will ensure that you emerge victorious with a chance to catch an extraordinary creature. Let’s find out what to bring to the fight, and what hurts Kleavor the most.

Kleavor Resistances – 63% Damage Taken

  • Normal
  • Poison

Kleavor Vulnerabilities – 160% Damage Taken

  • Rock
  • Steel
  • Water

Best Kleavor Counters In Pokemon GO

Pokemon NameFast AttackCharged Attack
Mega SwampertWater GunHydro Cannon
Mega BlastoiseWater GunHydro Cannon
DialgaMetal ClawIron Head
MetagrossBullet PunchMeteor Mash
RhyperiorSmack DownRock Wrecker
ExcadrillMetal ClawIron Head

Related: How to Get the Sun Stone in Pokemon Go

Stocking your team with plenty of powerful Water, Rock & Steel moves will help you see this battle through without breaking a sweat. Just make sure that you’ve got these Pokemon powered up, or utilize the monsters that you have already captured, and you’ll be ready to take on this beast by yourself.

Before you embark on this battle of epic proportions, make sure that you check out our Pokemon GO section below. You’ll be able to find out if your favorite Pokemon is Shiny, alongside some other excellent Raid Guides to get you ready for the next adventure you partake on.

About the Author

Shaun Cichacki

As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.