Comic-Con 2012: Games That Made An Impact

We run down a list of our favorite games that made an appearance at the recent Comic-Con 2012 in San Diego!

Another year, another Comic-Con International at San Diego wrapped up.  We spent four days in San Diego frolicking with fans and enjoying ourselves at parties and get-togethers, with normal folk and celebrities alike.  And it was awesome all the way around, as you can tell from our recaps.

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That said, what were some of the best games showcased at the event?  We know a lot of major titles were highlighted, but there were certainly those that stood out over the others.

With that, we tasked it upon ourselves to come up with the best picks from the show floor, as well as from events that were held close by.  It certainly wasn’t easy to pare down the elite picks, but we managed to get it done, by cracky!  Without further ado, our favorite video games from San Diego Comic-Con!

Deadpool (Activision, High Moon Studios)

Okay, so technically the new Deadpool game wasn’t on the show floor in terms of being playable or anything.  (High Moon Studios was focusing on its upcoming Transformers: Fall of Cybertron instead.)  But it still made an impact, with the wise-cracking assassin making an appearance during the Marvel Games panel, insulting everyone and debuting a teaser trailer for the game.  The t-shirts and posters that were being given away were popular items at the event, and the trailer promises a great game for 2013, with Nolan North at the mike and plenty of blood to be spilled.  “Suck it, Wolverine!”

Halo 4 (Microsoft, 343 Industries)

With Halo 4 just a few months from release, Microsoft really wanted to ramp up coverage for the game, and it showed.  Along with an awesome party featuring cake pops and cook figurines, the company also hosted multiplayer sessions both on the show floor and in its Xbox Live lounge in the Hard Rock Hotel across the street.  And there was no shortage of cosplayers doing their thing with Master Chief outfits, proving that the series still has mileage to burn when it comes to popularity.  Send us a copy already, guys!

PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale (SCEA, SuperBot Entertainment)

Sony’s Super Smash Bros. wannabe is growing into a fan favorite with each new show it’s featured at, and Comic-Con was no exception.  The company’s panel was packed with fans galore, who made guesses who the new fighters were (they ended up being Cole McGrath from Infamous and Jak and Daxter) and had a lively Q & A, as well as a Vita giveaway.  And on the show floor, fans chose their allegiances as they battled each other for superiority – and free T-shirts.  If this excitement is any indication, Sony has a huge hit on their hands for both PS3 and Vita when PlayStation All Stars arrives on October 23rd.

The Last of Us (SCEA, Naughty Dog)

Though the game was not present on the show floor in playable fashion, Naughty Dog’s upcoming survival action project certainly left its mark with the Comic-Con attendees.  The special panel filled up quickly, with producers and voice actors talking about the spooky new project and the amount of development going into it to make sure it shines.  The hour long presentation certainly didn’t disappoint, and gamers got a glimpse at some new stuff as well.  Now we just hope that the team somehow makes it to Comic-Con.

Darksiders II (THQ, Vigil Studios)

We could easily say that this game made our list because it was featured at the official Prima Games booth over the course of all four days.  But honestly, Death would’ve made a huge impact regardless, with a booth set up with four playable stations, Darksiders girls and the chance to score pre-order t-shirts.  Not to mention the fact that Joe Madureira and his team hosted a special art-related panel that showcased what went into the game’s design, including Death and his faithful steed Despair.  Death’s sure to make a killing when the game hits stores on August 14th.

Fortnite (Epic Games)

Comic-Con 2012 turned into the place where Epic Games would debut new footage and details about its upcoming PC game Fortnite.  In a panel hosted by the lovely Jessica Chobot, Cliff Bleszinksi and his team discussed gameplay aspects, as well as design choices and looting capabilities through footage and CG-rendered sequences, most of them hilarious.  To keep fans smiling, everyone was given free T-shirts and fast food style server hats, perfect for wearing throughout the weekend if you weren’t already in costume.

Spartacus Legends (Ubisoft)

This downloadable fighting game is looking to recapture all the grit and bloodiness of the TV show, but in a format that anyone can jump into and play.  Judging by what we’ve checked out so far, they’re certainly up to ask, with numerous gameplay elements and great presentation touches that make you feel as if you’re really reliving the show.  What’s more, we even got a chance to go up against Spartacus himself, Liam McIntyre, to see how he’d fare against, well, himself.  Look for a more updated preview soon!

The Expendables 2 (Ubisoft)

Another franchise hit that made its way around Comic-Con was The Expendables 2, based on the upcoming film sequel of the same name.  In this four-player action romp, you play as soldiers of fortune wiping out enemies using guns and grenades, while also utilizing melee skills to take them out in a rather vicious manner.  This one’s looking like a hit for fans of games like Contra and Mercs, so check it out when it hits PSN on July 31st.

South Park: The Stick of Truth (THQ, Obsidian Entertainment)

Finally, what would a Comic-Con showcase be without foul-mouthed Cartman and the South Park game in a new adventure?  Though The Stick of Truth demo was the same one we previewed back at E3, it was housed in an awesome recreation of a South Park building, and provided the opportunity for players to build custom characters from the show right into the game.  We’ll see how the final game fares this February.

So, until next Comic-Con…


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.