Comic-Con 2012 Day Three Recap

Comic-Con has been a blast so far, and here we have a report on what we've been up to in day three of the big show!

Comic-Con 2012 is just about wrapped up for the year, with the final events and panels taking place today before nerds all over the world go flying back to their home domains.  Like the good little participants we are, we checked out a bunch of different panels and other activities yesterday on the show floor, as well as a few after-activities that took place.

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First up for us – standing in line at the Transformers panel, and talking with folks while some kid watched Transformers: Dark of the Moon on his iPad.  We were seated rather quickly – a plus for a panel – and had a chance to talk with the director of the upcoming Transformers: Fall of Cybertron game, Matt Tieger, about the project, how it evolved so much more from War For Cybertron, and more.

The panel featured voice talent like Gregg Berger (Grimlock), Nolan North (Cliffjumper) and Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime).  They had some great stories to share both in character voice and as their normal selves, and it was a lively panel highlighted by in-game footage featuring each of the respected characters in action.  You’ll be able to check the game out for yourself on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on August 21.

After talking with the folks behind the upcoming Video Games the Movie, we hit the show floor, taking in some stuff at Sony’s booth (check them out if you get a chance) and hobnobbing with folks over at the Prima Games booth (#1514, you should stop by).  We then hit Capcom to go hands-on with a number of their upcoming games, including Marvel vs. Capcom Origins, Okami HD, Lost Planet 3 and Resident Evil 6.  If you get a chance, don’t forget to stop by and tape a Street Fighter confessional.  It could end up on the company’s website!

We then headed over to the Marvel Video Games panel, where a variety of producers from Ubisoft and Activision were on hand, talking about their new projects.  Marvel vs. Capcom Origins made an appearance, along with the upcoming additions to Avengers Alliance, the Facebook phenomenon.  But the real fun occurred when a guy dressed as Deadpool crashed the panel, making fun of its folks (he even broke out into an anti-Kanye West moment) and showing off the new “censored” trailer for his upcoming game from Activision and High Moon Studios.  (You can scope out the uncensored trailer over at, by the way.)  Look for that game in 2013.

After being shut out of the Halo 4 panel (it was just way too busy to get in, but at least we played multiplayer from the night before), we opted to roam the floor some more, catching an impromptu dance party with the Mega 64 guys.  We also stopped by The Behemoth, taking in more Battleblock Theater and, again, being told nothing about the game’s release date.  C’mon, guys, it has to happen sometime, right?

Not being able to spot Lego The Lord of the Rings as promised on the show floor (where are you guys?!), we opted for the real thing, stopping by the awesome Hobbit theater to see what was shaking there.  After viewing its showcase, the show was about ready to close up, but we did say hi to some Frag Dolls over by Ubisoft’s booth, and also took in a quick round of Mario Kart 7 with Nintendo.

As we were escorted out with the crowd, it was party time, so we headed over to the Bioware Base for a special get-together with fans.  This was a great event, as droves of them (including our buddy Erin Fan) came out dressed in their finest cosplay, coming as folks like Miranda and Shepard.  Several development team members were on hand, as well as some of the voice talent, including the voices of Jack and Ashley.  We even scored a collector’s edition of the strategy guide, which everyone happily autographed.  It was a fun evening of drinks and dressing up, and there were playable kiosks on the show floor as well.

We then hit the Thrifty Look Arcade, located right next to the CNET Game Station, for some quick gaming.  This is a nice collection of free play arcade games, featuring the likes of Soul Calibur III, Time Crisis 3, Tank Tank Tank and a Pac-Man Battle Royale set-up, and it’s still open today if you want to stop by and check it out.  Following that, we hit the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 party, where various Namco talent, including Filthierich and producer Katsuhiro Harada, made merry with the guests, who were treated to an open bar and a whole lot of fighting.

Following that, we made a quick stop at the YouTube Lounge party, where a DJ was rocking the show floor while some delicious pizza was being served, and attendees were posing with cardboard cutouts of Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton, the producers behind the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel.  Sadly, we didn’t see them on the floor anywhere.  After that, we called it a night over some chocolate chip pancakes.  Yum!

Yep, day three may not have had many celebrities, but there were a lot of fun times with games.  And we’re wrapping it up today with a half day of sorts before flying home and getting back down to business giving you the best in times.  If you’re still on the show floor today, go and enjoy it.  As for us, we’re winding down with one of the better Comic-Con shows to date.

Now where’d I leave that travel pillow…?



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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.